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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. Would be a good suggestion, to have a better (financial) control over the Olive Belt. For decades they spend too much public money despite warning after warning. Taxing: every suggestion was striked away. With the merge of all into the Euro (1999) , agreed was: max 3% state deficit, and a 60% total state debt. But the Olive Belt even widened the gap. Financial ( banking ) crises 2008: warnings again, but.. got the thick middle finger as reply. Even big row end of 2018 about the AGAIN big deficit of Italy, but reply from the Clown Grillo and Mr Selfini: "burst". This time, it really hurts, and after 30-40 years earning, the misery comes to the surface. Never even a glimpse of solidarity from Italy especially, but NOW the Germanians have to show solidity and.. give HUGE amounts of money to the Olive Belt.

    Forget it. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    wrong on all counts.  German terror bombing of Warsaw  on WW2 day one, actually before the start of WW2, they were at it in Spain during the Civil War in that Country. The US knew exactly what they were doing, they missed their 'precision targets' more often than hitting them, but as the B17 was not equipped for night time operations, they were stuck with it. By 1944/45 they had given up any thought of precision targeting.  The aim of the 8th Air Force was to force fighters to engage and therefore rid the sky of the German Air Force in advance and post  of D Day.   The bombing of Japan by the US just highlighted  a policy that was paying lip service to precision. The US participated fully in the Dresden raid the day after Bomber Command targeted the place. Selective opinion is not history.   

    "Churchill and Air Marshall Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harris had long pressed for making eastern German cities high-priority targets, and now USAAF General Carl “Tooey” Spaatz waswilling to oblige and ordered the Eighth to strike Berlin on February 3rd. But this time the target was not the railroad marshalling yards, but the city center, the heart of the Reich and an area of high civilian population.

    8th Air Force Commander General Jimmie Doolittle protested. American officials had long been sensitive about bombing civilian targets. In a long-running debate among AAF commanders Doolittle remained opposed to terror bombing on both military and moral grounds. He felt that bombing a population into submission had little chance of success and that it violated “the basic American principle of precision bombing of targets of strictly military significance for which our tactics were designed and our crews trained and indoctrinated.” [Donald Miller: Masters Of the Air, p. 419]"


    The firestorms in Japan were planned and orchestred by gen. Curtis LeMay, later an advocate to use nuclear bombs in Korea and Vietnam.

  3. 5 hours ago, joebrown said:

    You forgot to mention that the German army fought like gentlemen on their rampage to Stalingrad. The Russian army only meted out justified retribution for the atrocities suffered by their countrymen.  For example the Germans had a system for saving valuable bullets by rounding up whole villages , then locking them in churches and barns before setting fire to them.

    THE difference between your opposer and YOU.

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  4. 44 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Hitler was democratically elected by the German people, before he later took dictatorial powers. They may have suffered, they redoubtably did, but they brought it on themselves by colluding in two devastating World Wars.   

    Again British coloured history see "nazi party 1932 elections" NSDAP reached 33 % and declining  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_1932_German_federal_election 

    Thanks to a coalition, Hitler was appointed to Reichskanzler. With Hermann Goering as speaker of the House, many opponents were put aside till the coup d’etat end of Jan 1033, with many opposition persons killed, forced in exile or locked into the concentration camps. The Germans NEVER elected the Nazi’s nor Hitler to (absolute) power. The rest... was done by SA, SD, SS and Gestapo ( Secret State Police). 


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  5. 16 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Sometimes overlooked in the narrative of the final mths of WW2 is the savagery meted out by some Russian troops on the civilian population of East Prussia and Germany and why many of them tried to flee West .. Stalin's reaction to the murder , rape , thieving and mayhem being carried out by Russian troops was to brush it off with comments like " understand if the Russian soldier crosses thousands of km's of fire , fighting and death he can enjoy German women and a little trifle " and " we lecture our soldiers too much .. we should allow them the initiative " .. Some of the Allies seen these comments as condoning what was happening and said as much in private but as the days of bon homme between Allied and Russian troops after finally defeating the Nazi's began to evaporate the suspicions about each other were solidifying so statements made by the Allies about the brutality being shown to the German civilian population wouldn't go down well in Moscow polarising the standing of both further .. Eventually order began to be restored when the standing Russian forces were confined to camp and it was made a military offence to perpetrate crimes against the German population .. The ongoing consequences of some of the Soviets behaviour left lasting scars on German society such as " Russenbabies " resulting from rapes many of whom were abandoned straight after birth with some women preferring to seek backstreet terminations as the hospitals were controlled by the Russians , and many were infected with serious STD's .. And many woman fearing what would happen prevented it by taking their own lives .. For long after WW2 the Russians refused to acknowledge the extent of what their troops had done in seizing that side of Germany even after Stalin died .. though in the yrs after the Soviet Union collapsed and more records and information began to appear that they began to accept to a degree what happened but even so in the early 2000's a book " Berlin the Downfall " ( compelling but also uncomfortable to read ) which benefitted from information previously unavailable that detailed Russian troops behavior brought scathing criticism from them for trying to drag the reputation of the Red Army down and failing to consider the price the Russians paid in seizing Berlin .. 

    Rape and plunder not only by the Russians https://theconversation.com/as-we-remember-ve-day-remember-too-the-german-women-who-were-raped-96196 

    https://www.jstor.org/stable/26098365?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Allies looting

    https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/may/01/news.features11  They raped every German female from eight to 80'

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_war_crimes_during_World_War_II  Allied war crimes during World War II

    But also: looting by allied ( British, Canadian, American) forces in Netherlands. Translate with deepl.com  https://nos.nl/75jaarbevrijding/bericht/2324202-aanhoudende-plunderingen-door-geallieerden-bron-van-ergernis.html

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  6. 6 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    True, but Scotland is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, a bit like New Zealand. London alone has almost double the population of Scotland. That I think is a kicker.

    Scotland's population density 67 people per km sq
    England's population density 671 people per km sq

    Scotland = Glasgow, Edingburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and some "villages" see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_and_cities_in_Scotland_by_population

    The virus has big problems to spread there, same in Sweden.

  7. 9 hours ago, Yinn said:

    Some westerners refuse the mask, protest social distance, want to shake everyone hand. 

    Fight for “ human rights”.

    Think a virus care about “human right”? Gee. Stupid.

    Protest the virus??? Virus not speak English sure.

    By far the mayority of the available face masks might stop bacteria, but NOT small aerosols with viruses in it. Even some Chinese publish it in their quotiation:  "NOT to stop virusses..."

    Those textiel masks... might prevent a musquito to fly in, but that's about it.

    THE RISK is, that people might go to believe, they are 100% protected when wearing a mask, so will forget "social distancing". Even the standard "civil" type of surgical masks - if properly used - will stop a 20-40% of the virusses. So, when used as extra safety ... it might work out.


    I am in the international food trade, but.. get a 3-10 intro's from China a day. When I try to verify the CE of even FDA-certification they hold up, ... the real truth shows up.

    I also ask my Chinese friends ( like freight forwarder) to check:

    "And I checked this  company (XYZ Travel Products Co., Limited). I didn't find it.

    So you know this one might be lying to you, please note it ". 


    Recently discovered, a Dutch Co sold over 1.5 MILLION quick corona blood tests to over 20 countries. Sold as: Made in Netherlands, inclusive all documentation. Proved to be Chinese origin and... over 50% of the results proved to be wrong... 



  8. 2 hours ago, Enoon said:


    No such article could be published, in Thailand, concerning the true state of COVID in Thailand, the Thai governments behaviour, and the real outcomes in Thailand.


    That's the "story" I get from this extraordinarily lengthy allocation, for these pages, of text outlining the failures in another country.

    Already some time the idea exists, high air humidity and high temperature reduces the activities of the corona virus.

    See Singapore with only 18 corona-casualties on a population of 5,85 mln

    Same Myanmar (6) Maleisie (105), Indonesië (864), Filippijnen (623), Sri Lanka (7), Thailand (55) Vietnam (0)

  9. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    UK is not alone in this in the Netherlands it was also a problem to get protective gear for workers in care homes. Still it seems that the Netherlands (after correction for population) is still doing a better job then the UK (1/3 less deaths after adjustment for population). 

    Medical care products: about every Chinese with an export licence is offering these. Of course, wise to know WHAT you want: "civil" or "medical" grade. From my Chinese partners for over a decade I got mid March already offers to supply, CE + FDA certified, and.. inspeced by them personally. Whoever I tried to contact in NL... mostly zero answer. And if... "contact Middelen Corona", the semi-state organisation , from whom all medical instances MUST buy.

    There is no shortage in face masks, only caused by a criminal neglectance and total incompetance. In Netherlands, in UK, and in other nations.  Time for a "Neurenberg tribunal". 

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  10. 6 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    BELGIUM I think is a good example of the different counting systems. I'm tired of reading "We are not as bad as Belgium". It turns out that they were counting all the deaths in care homes as due to covid. These care home deaths made up near 50% of their overall figure.


    It also strikes me that the government is going to save in the region of one billion pounds in the next 3 years in state pensions alone. Add in occupational pensions in the state sector and you could probably triple that. Every cloud has a silver lining (No pun intended) eh? That would be great for the NHS, though it appears that HMGOV is dead set on privatisation by stealth. 



    Belgium - as far as I know - is the only nation, where the government does not swindle with the death cases.

    6 May: 8339 deaths, of which 3967 confirmed, in hospitals, and 4302 in care homes. For a lot of graphs: https://www.demorgen.be/voor-u-uitgelegd/coronavirus-in-cijfers-en-kaarten-het-aantal-besmettingen-doden-en-genezen-patienten~b5875c3f/


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  11. 11 hours ago, ukrules said:

    It doesn't need to be 'man made' or 'genetically modified' to escape a research lab.


    Research labs do research on dangerous things all the time, if the lab is not properly secure and some one screws up then things could leak.


    So the suggestion that it leaked from the lab which to me looks more likely by the day has nothing to do with what they were doing with the virus in the lab and certainly doesn't contradict intel suggestions that it's not man made or modified in the lab.


    The last pandamic, the later called Spanish Flue", was released from Haskell County, Kansas, USA.

  12. 7 hours ago, sprq said:

    Idiotic American presidential election system. Electing a national leader state by state is totally illogical, especially given the electoral college aspect. Name me another major nation that elects its leader this way instead of simply counting the total nationwide votes, which is the ONLY fair way to do it. Look to France for how to do it: a first round with multiple candidates, then a second round two weeks later with a run-off between the top two, both rounds counted nationally.

    It's a system from around 1780... never learnt something new...

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  13. 8 minutes ago, sungod said:

    Ridiculous argument, there is a shortage world wide.

    Shortage worldwide: maybe, especially for those, who cannot pay. The Chinese produce 200 MILLION face masks a DAY. Only.. know what you want to have ( "civil" or "medic", which standard, CE and /of FDA certified) , and bing money with you ( as waiting for 2 months for payment means the manufacturer has unsufficient finances to continue production ) . This aside of Indian, Vietnamese and Thai production.

    https://twitter.com/i/status/1244333647458643970 Indian and Chinese mask production ( OK, a "some" propaganda) 

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