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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 1 hour ago, gamini said:

    Singapore is the worst affected country in the world on a per capita basis. It doesn't surprise me having lived there for 15 years. It success relies on vast army of migrant workers. Poorly paid living in cramped quarters. 

    Again a Brit, who cannot read nor calculate: Singapore: 23 deaths tested + confirmed with 32.343 confirmed infected and 16.444 recovered of the virus with over million inhabitants... https://www.bing.com/search?q=corona+deaths+Singapore&cvid=09d5c338aecd4d73b0381896e46696a5&FORM=ANSPA1&PC=U531

    UK: 37.048 tested + confirmed deaths and 265.227 confirmed infected and ZERO recovered with 67,85 mln inh. 

    Atleast something you British are the best of the world...

    • Like 2
  2. 20 hours ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

    ...until they do i see no evidence that Cummings did anything that any other parent wouldn't have done

    THE question is: did Cummings something other British citizens were NOT allowed to or not ? If No =what the fuzz. If YES, face the consequences. Reminding in the UK, the Elite still have more freedom as the normal British citizen, do not be surprised...

    You british voted overwhelmingly ( thanks to the"winner takes it all-system) for Boris Dominic Johnson-Cummings, so.. this is where you voted for. 


    The difference between the Dutch p.m. and the British leaders.


  3. 5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Why is Islam so cosey with dictatorial political doctrines such as communism and in the past National Socialism and Fascism?


    The Middle East has been carved up by Empires and Great Powers for centuries. But some want to pretend history is different. 

    The Middle East is carved up only since 1918, end of WO1 by the British and the French, not by any other. Before.. it were all dictatorial Muslim states

    Why Nazi-supporters: becasue.. they would exterminate the Jews. Ask why the Great Mufti of Jerusalem was supported so much by Hitler c.s. 'Kill the Jews... "

    • Like 2
  4. The Afro-Americans are so hyper-hyper sensitive when the word "black" falls. And when the word "Negro", used since Roman times, even the name giver of the Niger river, and the two countries: Niger and Nigeria they run angry.

    The Anglo-Americans call the inhabitants of the Netherlands "Dutch", despite we have for many centuries nothing to do with the "Deutsch", were even occupied 1940-45 

    I must say: I can follow the words of Mr Biden very well: How many Afro-Americans support Trump /Republicans and how many support the Democrats, already for decades ? 

    Get awake, arrive finally in the 3rd decade of the 21st century, and leave the 17th, 18th and 19th century behind you.

    • Confused 1
  5. 9 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

    Thank goodness that some large food chains and pension funds put ethics and future of the planet before profit! Unless we stop deforestation around the world and allow habitats to regenerate now, hundreds of species of flora and fauna will be lost for ever and mankind's future will be very bleak. 

    Till of course the Britis coffee and orange juice consumers discover their drinks increase a LOT in price...

    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Paul DS said:

    Do you REALLY believe the infection / death rate in Thailand? If you looked you will see that virtually all the countries that have a low rate are poor destitute countries, ie Sudan, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, Haiti, Mozambique, Venezuala, Congo, Morocco, etc etc  and of course Thailand!

    Corona deaths in Singapore ( 5.85 mln inh): 18

  7. 11 hours ago, meechai said:

    Yinn I think this has been pointed out to you before but here it is again


    These numbers were updated TODAY


    You cannot just look at a number & claim the biggest number is the worst hit place.

    You need to compare per million of population.

    Otherwise your just another sensationalist


    And of course it goes without saying that if a country is barely testing they cannot be tallied at all

    (nor should they throw stones as they live in glass houses)




    Do not forget to mention, what the definition of a "confirmed death" is.

    In Belgium for instance, they mention three figures: those, who passed away in a hospital AFTER an official corona lab test ( 4149) + all those who passed away at other places ( care homes + elsewhere) with a close to sure reality caused by corona ( = 4465 = 51,28 % of the total) see https://www.demorgen.be/voor-u-uitgelegd/coronavirus-in-cijfers-en-kaarten-het-aantal-besmettingen-doden-en-genezen-patienten~b5875c3f/ . In Netherlands only the first. Demographic figures in Netherlands give an overmortality of 80+ of 5887 in wk 12-17, while of 65-80:  2450 . see https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/cijfers/detail/70895ned.


    Looking to the USA, with quite some people without any access to medical care, so forget any hospital, too poor to be able even to skip one day of paid work, the figure is even worse. 

    Second: In Italy and Spain the covid-19 explosion was a lot earlier as in New York, even several other parts of the USA are more behind. Curious how the developments under unnamed Nobelprice virologist and bleach injection specialist The Donald will be in a couple of weeks.

    You are comparing longans with coconuts and jackfruits.

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:


    Actually no surprise here, with their glorious Fuehrer being just another clueless populist failing biggly in this crisis ... as been said before, you can't bullschit a virus ... 


    Boris learnt it the hard way, the Nobelprice -in-spé winner viriology, with a side job being president of the USA, also called the Belach injection specialist, will learn after 200.000 casualties in his country...

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/11/2020 at 3:34 PM, nauseus said:

    I was not talking about the EU. I was talking about Europe. The eastern European countries just wanted freedom from the Soviet Bloc. It's not so long ago.  

    That's why all applied officially to be EU member already in 1994-1995. Freedom is nice, but on an empty stomach ?

    Remind the socialist/communitst German novelist Bertold Brecht: "zuerst kommt das Fressen, dann die Moral". First comes the eating, then the moral...

  10. On 5/11/2020 at 5:48 AM, jaf3 said:

    the frustration with germany is all about economic policy - exchange and interest rates in particular - I would suggest that there be Southern and Northern Euro with different exchange rates and interest rates and policy. Athens and Valletta will never thrive if they have to operate like Germany economic policy. 

    One little tiny problem: in which currency the South (Olive Belt) will pay the loans to the North (Germanians) back: in the strongly devaluated S-Euro or the highly appreciated N-Euro ? Or maybe in Ounces ( = the English currency after the Hard Brexit, >31 Dec 2020) 

    Another: will the Olive Belt still be able to buy the Germanian industrial products ? Or the opposite: thanks to devaluation of the Seuro, the Olive Belt is so competative, they can beat the Germanians from many markets.

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