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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Yes, the watch is linked to an app on the phone (Samsung health monitor), which records and generates the print out, as well as storing the data.
  2. These smart watch ECG's are not meant to be a replacement for a proper cardiologist administered one, but do provide a good check if you feel you have a problem, or just do one regularly for monitoring over time. I have a Samsung Galaxy Watch 6, which does a good job of recording these, as well as tracking my pulse rate, and a few other parameters, continually. For example, I awoke one night last September with a pounding heart beat, which seemed to be irregular, and did a quick ECG, as below. I had been under some stress around then, and through slow breathing I was able to calm down and get rid of the extra beat, but, due to the watch ECG, the following day I was able to show my cardiologist (who is treating me for hypertension) exactly what I experienced. She gave me a full ECG, but my heart was beating normally, and has continued to do so since then. This was no doubt caused by the stress I was under at the time, and I am controlling it (as best I can) however, if it had have been a symptom of a more serious issue, being able to get a recording of my heart beat at that time could have been invaluable. All others I have done on my watch appear to be normal:
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