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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. The man's suffered enough. He was made to ride in a Fortuner from the airport to the court house.
  2. Two scenarios: Thaksin was allowed back, and somehow gets out of jail free. "Elites" (who encouraged him to come back, and then let him go free) stir up the masses to protest against him, as they've done before, and before, and, again, before that. Protest turns violent. Thaksin was allowed back, and is really locked up. Red shirts protest, which turns violent. Result of either case: Army steps in to "cool things down" (again). Take control of the country (again). The next few months will really show who played who. I think the power hungry PTP and its true leader, walked right into the trap.
  3. I don't know what you're bragging about. It's not rocket science.
  4. Whatever you do, don't get held hostage in Cambodia!
  5. I've finally found out what it is I did at work all my life:
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