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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. "A gentleman never motors about after dark." Joseph Lucas.
  2. From the BOI site, it does appear that you are only required to show an income of at least USD80k for two years prior to applying, if taking the "passive income" route. Then, I assume, you'd need to do the same for your 5 year extension. So two years prior, and years three and four would need this income if that is the case. Required-Documents-for-Qualification-Endorsement-for-Wealthy-pensioner-16-03-66.pdf (boi.go.th)
  3. People who like rock music are rockers. People who like pop music are popsters. There's an awful lot of country music fans about.
  4. I bought a used Jack in the box at a charity shop, but it doesn't work. I'm not surprised.
  5. We've got really good pet insurance... While our dog was at the vet, they gave us a courtesy cat.
  6. A lady was arrested at the airport today after officers found a stash of cocaine hidden in a 42GG bra. They confirmed it was a big bust.
  7. I went to report my cat missing. They asked if it was chipped? I said, well it does have the corner of an ear missing.
  8. I posted a review about the damaged paving outside my local shop and it got deleted. That's the last time I'm using TripAdvisor.
  9. I had 17 weeds in my garden, so I used some of that roundup. Now I have 20.
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