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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Following Russia's declaration that any ships carrying grain from Ukraine will be legitimate targets, Ukraine has countered by saying that they'll consider any Russian bound ships to be the same: "The (Ukrainian) Defense Ministry said on July 20 that from midnight of July 21, all vessels on the Black Sea heading toward Russian or Russia-occupied ports will be treated as carrying military cargo "with all associated risks." "The Russian Federation has once again brutally violated the universal right to free navigation for the whole world and is deliberately undermining food security, condemning millions of people to starvation," the statement said. The ministry noted that the Kremlin has turned the Black Sea into a danger zone by threatening civilian vessels and trade routes and attacking civilian infrastructure in cities." Defense Ministry: Vessels heading to Russia-controlled Black Sea ports to be considered military targets (kyivindependent.com) Russia's threat to civilian shipping could well backfire on them, according to one commentator: "The threat to sink commercial shipping marks an escalation that can only be carried out under a state of declared war, said Tanya Grodzinski, a naval historian at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. That's something Russian President Vladimir Putin has been anxious to avoid, opting instead to present his war on Ukraine as a "special military operation."" In addition, no Russian naval vessels have been able to enter the Black Sea since Turkey shut off the Bosporus, and its Baltic fleet is entirely surrounded by NATO countries. By officially jacking up the status of its "special military operation" to a war, it could be making a target of its sitting ducks in the Black and Baltic Seas. And good luck with getting the Pacific fleet all the way there from Vladivostok. (As a figure of speech. No good luck is wished on any of the Russian military arms). NATO's latest moves could bottle up much of Russia's naval power | CBC News
  2. How dangerous is this? Wearing sandals on a motorcycle!
  3. Aligning with the current (caretaker) government wouldn't be a question of PT or the army, it would be PT and the army.
  4. Thanks for telling us what you want, what you really, really want.
  5. M&M's are a copy of the British made Smarties
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