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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Yet the Russians are saying if sanctions are lifted they will return to the grain deal with Ukraine. No major effect? Ha! Russia is hurting bigly from the sanctions. Even when they can export goods, they are having problems getting paid for them, hence the price cutting, and payments in either roubles or the importer's currency - which they are still having problems repatriating to Russia. "In a letter to U.N. officials in March, Russia spelled out the demands it wants met in exchange for its continued cooperation in the grain deal: - Moscow wants the Russian Agricultural Bank (Rosselkhozbank) reconnected to the SWIFT payments system. The bank was cut off from SWIFT by the European Union in June last year over Russia's invasion. An EU spokesperson has said the bloc is not considering the reinstatement of Russian banks... ...Russia also wants a resumption of supplies to Russia of agricultural machinery and spare parts; lifting restrictions on insurance and access to ports for Russian ships and cargo; and unblocking accounts and financial activities of Russian fertilizer companies." Explainer: What is Russia's problem with the Black Sea grain deal? | Reuters
  2. Alright, this is three years too late, but I'd never seen it before and like it.
  3. (Optical illusion caused by the wet spot in front of it).
  4. Most of my jokes are in a blue vein, but if you go grating on me then you'll suffer a feta worst than death, and end up buried in de brie.
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