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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. They're now reporting the true activity of the source is indeed 19 gigabecquerel. "Chief Health Officer Andrew Robertson said the small silver cylinder was a 19-gigabecquerel caesium 137 ceramic source commonly used in radiation gauges. “That may not mean a lot to people but probably more concerning is that it does emit a reasonable amount of radiation,” he said. Dr Robertson said the unit emits about two millisieverts of radiation per hour, which is the equivalent of having 10 x-rays in an hour". To compare, the maximum dose rate permitted for radiation classified workers in Australia is 20 millisieverts per year. Outback hunt for lost radioactive capsule - Australian Associated Press (aap.com.au)
  2. Lat week I said to my wife that my New Years resolution is not to say anything that will upset people, and I bet yours is to lose a lot of weight”.
  3. I paused a film last night while I made a cup of tea. I've now lost my job at the cinema.
  4. Greenland have launched their first ever national lottery . You have to be Inuit to win it!
  5. Today I made my first bit of money as a photographer. I sold my camera.
  6. Leather is “rated” based on its texture. Cows with abundant water sources typically have softer hides, rated “A”, but hides from cows living in hot, dry climates are typically "D" Hide-Rated.
  7. I saw a weasel in the pub last night. You'll never guess what he asked to drink.
  8. Just had a go on a OUIJA board. I asked it. "will I get sex this years"? The arrow moved to H then A then H then A, and this has been going on for 2 hours now.
  9. It's not just on the front lines where convicts are being used. Russia's armaments factories are struggling so much to keep up production that Putin has announced anyone volunteering to work in them will be exempt from military service, as well as using convicts to build his weapons, also in return for exemption from service. One wonders just how effective they will be. Russia Turning to Prison Labor as It Struggles to Make Enough Weapons: U.K. (newsweek.com)
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