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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Very insightful analysis from a former intelligence officer who also served with the International Legion in Ukraine last year, seeing action, and witnessing the near instant effect of Poland's donation of T2 tanks to Ukraine. The superior Western ones hold much more promise, even in limited numbers.
  2. Speaking of that history, there have been a number of posts on this, and other threads, along the lines of "stop fighting Russia, or WWIII will start". Very sensible advice. Let Putin take over Ukraine, so he can "rescue" the Russian speakers living there, in order to avoid a world war. If only the Allies had thought of that back in 1938, and allowed Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia unopposed so he could "free" the German speakers of the Sudetenland. Why, then there would have been peace in their time, and no WWII. I'm sure Putin, just like Hitler was with the Sudetenland, would be perfectly happy with Ukraine as a new toy to play with, and wouldn't immediately start casting eyes on the Baltic states, egged on by the West's laying down and rolling over. And how dare Ukraine provoke such an invasion by giving these Russian speakers a place to live following the break up of the USSR. Not only that, it then gave up its nuclear weapons, a sure sign of weakness in Russian eyes, and remained alongside it, sharing a border like a couple of estranged neighbours. Of course Putin had to invade. What else could he do? He's a manly, bare chested, staged judo fighting, horse loving man. He must have been seething at the thought of those Ukrainians doing their own thing, perhaps talking about him in a funny way. People would have laughed at him if he hadn't invaded. Well, no one's laughing at the clown now. (Note, because I know someone will rush to correct/argue with what I wrote: Sarcasm.)
  3. It's perfectly OK to talk to yourself and it's perfectly OK to answer yourself. But it's totally sad that you have to repeat what you said because you weren't listening.
  4. Of all my possessions, I love my sat-nav the most. I just don't know where I'd be without it.
  5. After almost 3 years of putting it off, I have just been fitted with orthodontic insoles. I didn't think they would make much difference, but now I stand corrected.
  6. A friend of mine is going to a transvestite themed party on Saturday. He's going to eat, drink & be Mary.
  7. I'm wondering about my wife. I just told her I wanted to be cremated. She made me an appointment for Monday.
  8. My wife told me to be more in touch with my feminine side. So I crashed the car... and then ignored her all day for no reason.
  9. Went to the gym this morning for the first time. The trainer asked me if I had ever tried squats. I said I had, he asked what type? Diddly I replied.
  10. Two kids are arguing over whose father is the biggest coward. The first one says, "My dad is so scared of lightning that when it strikes, he slides underneath our bed." The second kid says, "That's nothing. My dad is so scared of the dark, that when my mother works night shift, he sleeps with the woman next door."
  11. These tank announcements have certainly stirred up the Russian apologists. And all of their posts are either full of mock concern for how the tanks will be maintained and operated; bigoted attacks on Germany for its past; or trying to claim that they will be so effective (reading between the lines) that they will infuriate Putin, leading to WWIII. They must be really afraid of them. Bring them on.
  12. But, at least he uses a non-biased, factual source in his following post... Law Enforcement Today - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)
  13. Maybe okay for a mullet removal, but they'll really need to redesign that blade, or move the stocks higher, for the full head chop...
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