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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Keith Richards and Cher backstage at the Grammys, circa 1890. Photo by Willie Nelson.
  2. This video appeared in my recommended YouTube feed. It's not from a large news corporation, but they do provide proven geolocations for all clips shown, and their locations on a map, so appears to be a reputable source. It contains a number of clips and photos from different locations. The first one, which comes from Russian television, claims to show an SU-25 recently attacking Ukrainians in a forest in the Kursk region, "putting down" the incursion. The voice over states that multiple vehicles and soldiers were lost by Ukraine during this attack. Unfortunately for them, it has been proved that the clip is earlier footage, shot in Donetsk. Russian TV lying to its people? Who would have thought it! There's also one where a Ukrainian soldier states they're in control of the Russian town of Sudzha, including the Gazprom site, with "all houses intact". See what you can do using professional soldiers with a clear objective, and not stopping to rape and kill women and children before taking their washing machines and toilets back home? It doesn't look like this is a hit and run raid, but they're in it for the longer term. And footage from the captured village of Dmitriukov, to the southeast of Sudzha, clearly confirms Ukraine is extending its push into Russia. And an interesting photo of an incursion into a new area, opening a second border crossing into Belgorod, on the border south of Sudzha, where, along with the Ukrainian flag, the Georgian one is also clearly displayed. The final clip is again from Russian TV, showing the Russian response, as truck loads of artillery are headed for the area, and discusses where they might be deployed. All in very interesting viewing. (And I haven't even mentioned the clip of a Ukrainian drone targeting the tail rotor of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter).
  3. I like their spirit, but they're still determined to tread on ice: "Though the court in January ordered Move Forward to drop its campaign to amend article 112, as the lese-majeste law is known, Natthaphong said the new party would revive it but tread carefully. "We propose to amend article 112 to ensure that this law is not a political tool used to abuse others, but we won't be careless," Natthaphong said. "We will continue to push for the improvement and fixing of this law, which is still problematic."" Thailand's disbanded opposition regroups in new party | Reuters
  4. That's when the next election is due to be held. If this government lasts that long. (Failure to do so would likely delay the date of the next election, rather than bring it forward, as it would in a true democracy).
  5. Staff gathered in the car park for a fire drill at the sperm bank before the alarm had gone off, it was a premature evacuation.
  6. A Muslim dies and finds himself before the Pearly Gates... He is very excited, as all his life he has longed to meet the Prophet Mohammed. Having arrived at the Gates of heaven, he meets a man with a beard. "Are you Mohammed?" he asks. "No, my son. I am Peter. Mohammed is higher up." And he points to a ladder that rises into the clouds. Delighted that Mohammed should be higher than Peter, he climbs the ladder in great strides, climbs through the clouds, coming to a room where he meets another bearded man. He asks again, "Are you Mohammed?" "No, I am Moses. Mohammed is higher still." Exhausted, but with a heart full of joy he continues to climb the ladder and, yet again, he discovers an even larger room where he meets another man with a beard. Full of hope, he asks again, "Are you Mohammed?" "No, I am Jesus... You will find Mohammed higher up." Mohammed higher than Jesus! The poor man can hardly contain his delight and climbs and climbs, ever higher. Once again he reaches a larger room where he meets a man with a beard and repeats his question: "Are you Mohammed?" he gasps as he is, by now, totally out of breath from all his climbing. "No my son.....I am God. But you look exhausted. Would you like a coffee?" "Yes, please!" said the man. God looks behind him, claps his hands and calls out: "Hey Mohammed, two coffees!"
  7. My girlfriend asked "Have you ever had sex behind my back ?" I said "Yes, who did you think it was"!
  8. Arriving home, a husband was met by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained, "The Chemist. He insulted me this morning on the phone. I had to call multiple times before he would even answer the phone." The husband drove down to confront the Chemist to demand an apology. Before he could say more than a word or two, the Chemist said "Now, just a minute... hear my side of it. This morning the alarm failed to go off, so I was late. Without breakfast I hurried out to the car, to realise I'd locked the house with house and car keys inside. I had to break a window to get my keys.." "Driving a little too fast, I got a speeding ticket. About three streets from the store, I had a flat tyre." "When I finally got to the store a bunch of people were waiting for me to open up. I started waiting on these people, All the time the damn phone never stopped ringing." "Then I had to break open a bag of pound coins against the cash register drawer to give change, and they spilled all over the floor. I had to get down on my hands and knees to pick up the pound coins and the phone was still ringing. When I came up I cracked my head on the open cash drawer, which made me stagger back against a showcase with bottles of expensive perfumes on it. Half of them hit the floor and broke." "Meanwhile, the phone is still ringing with no let up, and I finally got to answer it. It was your wife. She wanted to know how to use a rectal thermometer. And believe me, mate, as God is my witness, all I did was tell her!!
  9. I started my new job at the Samaritans last week. Tried to ring in sick today and the bastards talked me out of it!
  10. I can only sleep on a pile of old magazines. I've got back issues.
  11. Multiple applicants required for job vacancy.
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