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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. To be fair, given those are the hours many spend on this forum, the confusion is understandable.
  2. Given the adverse response the Trump effect had on the midterms for the Republican Party, it's now quite simple to tell who's a Republican supporter and who's a Trump supporter. And it would seem we have a number of the latter on this forum. For a while it could have been argued that they were one and the same, but definitely not now.
  3. The New York Post is having a field day, or rather, field week. Murdoch is sending a pretty clear message to the loser. A few days ago, they had a full "Trumpty Dumpty" front page, which was posted on here, and then, two days ago, before Trump came out with this, they ran a piece speculating on just what his "big announcement" would be: Trump begging Jared, Ivanka to join him for campaign launch: sources (nypost.com)
  4. At least they had nothing against his right leg. And neither does he now. (Thanks Peter Cook).
  5. She tried hitting me with it, but it wasn't Stroganov.
  6. The Republican Party faces a huge dilemma. Trump and his MAGA brigade will turn the primaries into a hate fest, dishing out dirt on anyone who dares to run against him - which some of the right wing "news" sites are already doing to DeSantis. I doubt if he will eventually get the nomination, but believe that he will take his toys, and hard core followers, and run as an independent, leading to the splitting of the party. Ironically, conviction for any one of the many crimes he is being investigated for would seem to be the Republican's best chance of ridding themselves of him and his influence. Having said that, Lyndon B. Johnson's famous quote regarding J. Edgar Hoover comes to mind, and there will no doubt be countless behind the scene efforts by the Republicans to placate him in an attempt to keep him, and his following, inside the tent, without giving him the party nomination. They have shown they care nothing for his excesses, as long as it gets their party in the White House, and would welcome him on their side as long as it benefitted them. I just don't think his ego would allow him to go along with that though. Hopefully this will be the one time where his narcissism and childish need to be in the lime light works to the benefit of the US, and the World.
  7. I phoned my Scottish boss this morning and said: "Sorry boss, I won't be able to come in today, I've got a tiny cough". He said: "You have a wee cough laddie?" I said: "Ok cheers boss - see you next week!"
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