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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Is anyone else thinking this could spectacularly blow up in Trump's face? Given the credentials of the appointed Special Master, Raymond Dearie, the chance exists that, upon reviewing a few of the top secret documents, he realises just how vital it is to continue investigations into Trump's theft of them, and roundly turns on Trump, his lawyers and the judge who appointed him. That said, regardless of how Dearie works, and how brilliantly he may go about it, it doesn't really matter how brilliant the surgeon who amputated your leg was if you didn't actually need your leg amputated. In one of the best summations of what is currently happening, Lawrence O'Donnell also points out that the judges order (which is based on her doubting that the documents - retrieved from Mar-a-Lago under a search warrant, and identified by the FBI and DOJ as being classified - are really classified), specifically allows Trump's lawyers to examine them along with the Special Master. Needless to say, they have no security clearance what so ever. This whole situation - the retrieval of top secret documents from a privately owned residence, which also happens to be open to the public, and the investigation into who had access to them - is moving further and further towards the farcical, while exposing just how idiotic it is to appoint federal judges based on their politics. While it is unlikely that anyone considered the scenario where a judge must make a ruling on a defendant who appointed her to her position, one would hope that a review of the procedure for appointing judges is conducted following this investigation and, at the very least, that judge is automatically recused from such a case.
  2. It happened at night. Just like some one was performing orchestral maneuvers in the dark.
  3. No matter what goes wrong, there is always someone who knew it would.
  4. The queen and Diana finally cross paths in heaven. Queen : When do I get a halo like yours? Diana: Actually, its a steering wheel!
  5. Since the Queen died, there will be no more telegrams sent out when you turn 100. Instead, Prince Andrew will send you a text when you reach 14.
  6. I tried to look up our local orphanage online, but it doesn't have a home page.
  7. I went to a postman's birthday party yesterday. We played pass the "Sorry You Were Out" card.
  8. I was walking down the road and first got hit by a violin, then a clarinet and then a piano. It was an orchestrated attack
  9. Terrible night. Dreamt something bit me on the neck. Got up to check, but the mirror wasn't working.
  10. I need some advice. My therapist told me to write letters to all the people I hate and then burn them. Does anyone know what I should do with the letters?
  11. I didn't even know there was an old iPhone 14
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