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Posts posted by ballpoint

  1. Part of Trump's appeal, we were told, was his refusal to pander to political correctness.  To tell it like it is.  Yet should anyone dare to tell Trump how he is, his supporters begin to wilt.  "How dare you speak of Trump in that way", they whine. "Show some respect for him and his position", they screech. "Respect my authoritah", says the orange one himself.  What a bunch of hypocrites.  Harden up orange blossoms.  Your man is a sexist, racist, incompetent, bigotted, clueless, warmongering buffoon.  Get over it.



  2. On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 2:47 PM, webfact said:

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, visiting the European Union, praised U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as his country's capital on Monday and said he expected Europeans to follow suit.


    42 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Dream on you deluded fool...

    Yes, the European's suit is no trumps.  It makes the jokers wild.

  3. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    OK, we know he's a nut case - nearly as screwed as the people who gather around him to put him on a pedestal, and always laugh at any utterance of his they're supposed to laugh at.  Actually, I notice similar, but not as extreme, around Thailand Prayut.  In public, he always has an entourage close by, and whenever Prayut makes a comment about something which he thinks should be witty, all the sheeple around him grin and chuckle, as they're required.   Is it just an Asian thing?


    Definitely not just an Asian thing:


    "Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile".




  4. 19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    The drumbeats are getting louder from Fox News commentators - to fire Mueller. The same hysteria wants Mueller's entire team to be trashed.  Naturally, Republican congresspeople are echoing Fox News.   Like Trump, they get their direction from Fox.


    Republicans are running scared, as they should be.  Their deep bag of dirty tricks has no bottom.  

    And, if it did have a bottom, Trump would have grabbed it by now.

  5. 19 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Well? Go on! What's the deal?

    The UK will leave the EU, however:


    Will still pay an annual seven figure sum for being able to bask in the radiance of Europe

    Must still allow free movement of anyone who happens to be inside the EU at the time, however UK citizens will require a passport and visa to travel to the EU

    Will still be subject to EU laws and rulings

    Must not impose any import duties on goods from the EU, but goods going the other way will be heavily taxed

    Must not make separate trade deals with non EU countries

    Must pay the costs of all banks and other companies that wish to relocate from London

    Will have no voting rights

    Must begin the compulsory teaching of German for all school children, as all lessons will be conducted in German by 2025

    Will gradually phase out the Pound and introduce the Euro by the same date

    Must hand over all assets and ownership of the country to the EU should they break any of these rules, or even think about holding another referendum to leave

    Must not believe everything they read on TV, especially posts that are not intended to be taken seriously, even if they could have a hint of truth about them.


  6. Reading about all the dirt that is being brought to surface, the complicated impeachment process, who can be pardoned and who else can't be prosecuted, how's this for a scenario?  Pre-politician Trump's lawyers are concerned about the clear money laundering, corruption, sexual misconduct (and that rock covers a whole range of spiders and snakes), and shear douchebaggery trails that lead to their client, and surmise that sooner or later someone will trip over one and start pulling on it to see where it leads.  Not wanting to lose such a high paying sucker client they put their heads together.  "How can we make him untouchable?" they ask.  "Who's the one man in America who can't readily be prosecuted?"  "How can we stay on the gravy train and ride it till the wheels fall off?"  And a president is born.


    Note.  This is not intended to be taken seriously... Or is it?

  7. 28 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    Oooj! Slightly over 3 lines of text and you managed to include 5 countries, the change of the world, the people running casinos are not spiritual people and that a peace pipe ain´t the solution for the crisis with North Korea. I guess you are a big fan of simplistic declarations. :clap2:

    To go back to the subject at hand. Has the five countries you took as an example created reservation camps for their native population, and at the same time for everyday that goes try as hard as they can to push them into even smaller areas of the country? That´s an All American invention. Really something to be proud about, ain´t it? Guess it deserves another clap with the hand guy. :clap2:

    Not that I think it will happen, but given the dire warnings some give about Muslim immigration to the UK, it would be interesting to read the posts of their decendents in a thread titled "Last remaining non-sharia enclave in England to be abolished by President Mohammed Abdul bin Ibrahim" on some future forum.  I'm sure they will be full of such comments as "Yes, we were here first, but that was then and this is now, and we should all get over it".

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