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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Yes, I was always worried about this sort of thing as a two year old learning to talk.
  2. "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed that a parasite had eaten part of his brain". That's what qanon and other conspiracy groups will do to you.
  3. At my little two woman run district office, it has sufficed to print statements for the previous year (covering Jan 1st to the end of the month of the last remittance that year) from the overseas account I remit from and cross link all those withdrawals to deposits in the Thai account I remit to. My overseas bank doesn't issue paper statements, but I can download them as pdf's online. I have done this for the six years I've been retired here (after working here many years) - including this year, and have never had to file a return, as I always topped up the overseas account at the end of the year, well after my final remittance for that period, thus no assessable income was remitted each year. Whether they continue to accept non-certified printed statements under the new regime remains to be seen, as does whether other offices do the same, either currently or in future. However, I imagine using this method going forward will involve presenting statements all the way back to Jan 1st this year showing that the funds were in an otherwise undisturbed account since then. As there seems to be more at stake now, and it wouldn't be that hard to edit a pdf statement to show more funds available on Jan 1st 2024 than you actually had, they may very well demand certified ones in future.
  4. It's not a massage. It's a special hand operation.
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