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Everything posted by brommers

  1. It took 13 weeks for my renewal in February. Now is the high season for UK tourists travel so there should be a commensurate increase in time taken for renewals. The actual quality of the passport is poor, the front cover immediately warped in the humidity here. But that's what you get when producing the new Brexit freedom passport and using a French production company with a Polish factory. Nice one Boris.
  2. Seems a perfectly suitable person for political high office.
  3. Anyone operating in tourism should be busy planning for the collapse of the inbound market. The political situation will deteriorate in a few days and weeks time and civil disobedience will take over. Thailand can easily be replaced as a destination. Countries like Portugal already have more tourists than pre Covid and are easier & less expensive to travel to and those needing long haul destinations have Vietnam, Indonesia and other options. My partner has already put expansion plans on hold because loading up with more debt in these times is too risky.
  4. We will soon see the return of censored news, journalists and others sent to hidden places for attitude adjustment, selective curfews, military on the streets and all the joys that Prayuth brought. Thailand is on the edge of standing alongside Myanmar & Cambodia as a repressed state. But the rest of the world will simply shrug and move on because to them this country is an irrelevance.
  5. Every single forecast of rain has proved to be wrong for Chiang Mai. In the last 3 months not one cumulative centimetre of rain has fallen in my suburb. Where do these so called meteorological wizards get their data from, or are they being directed by Prayuth & Prawit.
  6. This is a naive and stupid reaction taken in anger. It will certainly not proceed to enactment but will harden the already strong case against MFP in the minds of the military back elements that control matters. MFP will not exist in a very short time because the Con Court will ensure it is dissolved, just like Future Forward.
  7. There's no doubt he will try to return and join an alliance with Prawit. He is totally opportunistic and has no concern about what voters want but is still thirsty for power at any price. And when this happens Thailand will enter a dark period of civil disobedience, arrests, disappearances and sporadic violence. A great recipe for a country to prosper and for it's people to be happy. Prayuth was an utter failure but his stench will linger on for a long time.
  8. This whole thing will not end well. The old order have more physical and political power than the new order and the stench of Prayuth hangs heavily over the ludicrous processes of the election. If the Senate abstains from voting it has proved it's illegitimacy and should be disbanded instantly by whatever means necessary. There is no doubt that Pita will be found guilty by the partisan court and the MFP will be disbanded. Following this the "prostitutes" in Pheu Thai and other parties will form a coalition with Prawit as PM under the guise of national security. And Thailand will be left under old order control. Without doubt democracy will not be attained unless there is a political revolution but most Thai do not have the cojones to prevail.
  9. He might have retired but his stench lingers on. The EC has referred Pita to the CC in an attempt to deny the will of millions of voters in a Constitutional construct created by Prayuth. Should Pita be banned and the MFP disbanded there is little doubt that Thailand will be in a major crisis. And all of this was deliberately designed by Prayuth. History will see him defined as the man who singlehandedly destroyed Thailand as a modern state.
  10. And so the charade begins. Thailand is going to be plunged into chaos and there will be no winners in this round. The millions who voted for MFP will not accept being disenfranchised this time around like FF was at the last election. What is being constructed is a perfect excuse for Prawit to seize power and if this does occur the next few months and more will see violence and disruption to life in general, to the economy and to the social structure of this country. Get ready for widespread public displays of anger.
  11. These articles seem to be guaranteed to prove to be wrong. Chiang Mai has been listed as likely to get rain so many times and yet it is ninety percent likely to be wrong. I have simply given up on giving any credence to TMD or indeed any weather app.
  12. Got my annual one done in March, using the high potency vaccine used in the UK. I paid for it and the procedure was done very efficiently and painlessy at CM Mediclinic near to Maya & Wat Jed Yod. They notify me every year when I am due for vaccination. Check their website if you are interested.
  13. This is peanuts compared to the cumulative daily rake off taken by the RTP from businesses that they extort.
  14. There is a supreme ironly in the fact the the very governments who enact employment laws are the most exploitative employers of all. It is true all over the world and is an indicator the hypocrisy of those we elect.
  15. Had mine repaired at the LG repair centre on the mpat 3months ago. Cost a lot less than buying new but was a long process as they had to bring the part from Bangkok but there is was not in stock. Also their opening hours are not very convenient, closed weekends. Next time will buy Samsung.
  16. Not only does he want to prevent Pita from being rightfully appointed he wants to deny the electoral will of tens of millions. The charades that he is allowed to play have to be prevented. Unless this is done this country will descend into chaos and the anti democratic forces we know only too well will once again grab power.
  17. Very helpful Reggie considering the OP posted in the Chiang Mai forum. I use Sumalee Jennapa, a very experienced English speaking Advocate/Solicitor in Chiang Mai. Here website is www.29tanin.com. She has done numerous things for me including a will and a living will.
  18. brommers


    Ram Show Bar, cnr of Charoenprathet and soi 6 near the night bazar has a cabaret every night at 9 pm. Seems to attract a wide range of customers, mostly tourists.
  19. We have a water tank which gives at least a 24 hr supply in the case of a mains break and it is connected directly to the supply from the meter. From this we feed a point of entry filter that clears out coarse materials and automatically backwashes itself, as well as a water softener that reduces limescale and again automatically self cleans. From this the bathrooms are supplied. The kitchen supply goes through another filter to remove fine materials and it is backwashed monthly by me and supplies the washing machine and the main kitchen supply. Finally we have a UV and 3 stage filter for drinking water in the kitchen. All of this was installed and is maintained by Water Shop who are located in the rear undercover parking level of Big C Extra on the Superhighway. They are very obliging but speak limited English and can be called out should the need arise. It sounds a complex system but it means we have peace of mind in an area where construction has caused numerous supply problems over the years.
  20. Darn it, the third dry day this month. What's a drunk supposed to do!
  21. True are toadies of the junta and are leading members of the elite. They should be high on Pita's list for breaking up if he is ever allowed into power.
  22. At last a party and a leader who listen to people and respond accordingly. It is amazing to think that this is a first in the history of Thai politics, but a very refreshing and welcome change. They are bound to make mistakes occasionally, they are only human. But at least they have the intelligence and humility to accept and rectify when they are wrong. Bodes well for the future.
  23. When we bought a newly built house we decided not to bother having bottled water delivered. Also there was a lot of sediment in the mains supply due to major construction in the area requiring a lot of supply cut offs and renewing of main pipes. So our system now consists of a 3000 litre holding tank, a point of entry particulate filter, a water softener, a fine sediment filter all located outside the house, and in the kitchen a 3 stage filter with a UV lamp for our drinking water. Overkill in the minds of some but we never have problems of any kind because it was installed by Water Shop and they maintain the system. They are located in the car park area of the Big C near Index. We went for automatic self cleaning on the main filter and the water softener so all I have to do is twice a month add salt to the softener system and monthly backwash the fine sediment filter.
  24. It is far too early to celebrate. There are so many malign forces already at work that the next few days and weeks will be fraught with danger for democracy. The public support for MF while strong is not enough. PT will do everything it can to subvert this support because despite being populist it is actually driven by the same ego as all the conservatives and coup leaders. It is part of the old order and cannot accept MF policies so will not enter or sustain a working coalition. The will of the people is irrelevant to only one party and every trick in the book will be used to keep it and its leader from forming a government. Thailand will see more demonstrations and violence in coming weeks as the old guard reassert their self interest.
  25. Don't get too excited. After the election and the months of chaos and violence that will accompany the inevitable military intervention there will be zero tourists coming to the People's Republic of Thailand.
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