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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. Proper consumer protection is what Thailand needs the most. Way too many online sellers are selling products without any kind of warranty.
  2. If they just killed the tigers to protect their cattle, why had the hides been meticulously skinned like prepared for sale?
  3. How does an International Tourist Tax make any sense, when the governmant at the same time is trying to help tourism survive by paying half of the bill for Thai nationals? Do they really think, that foreign tourists are all rich and not equally affectey by Covid 19?
  4. The article is not about prices in Australia but in Thailand! Back in early 2020 there were few masks for sale online, and the cheapest were sold for 800 Baht for 50 pcs. The greed had no limits and the government did nothing than proclaiming, that they would punish all overcharging sellers, which obviously never happened.
  5. I hope that they will have more success, than back in 2020, when they miserably failed to control the mask price.
  6. "The review, in which the customer complained that the stay was overpriced for the experience, has already been removed from the website." Can anyone mention a hotel in Thailand that is not overpriced? Since the government began offering to pay half of the price, the prices were immediately increased. If Thailand is expecting 1 million foreign tourists to visit in 2022, they will not be filling more than a few percent of the hotel rooms available, which should rather result in record-low hotel prices.
  7. Thais are allowed to isolate at home or in a hotel but foreigners are not trusted and therefore need to be hospitalized. It's all about making money.
  8. What urgency?? Do you think, that it should just be forgotten, that foreign people have gone missing in Thailand?
  9. The countdown will continue as planned, as the brown envelopes have probably already been distributed.
  10. Obviously that's because the fine for not wearing a mask is significantly higher, than for not wearing a helmet.
  11. The tourist attractions are already full of people travelling with government subsidy, while the hotels and restaurants are begging for more guests. Over-development of hotels near tourist attractions have caused an over-supply of hotel rooms. I had a trip to Similan Islands last month and with deserted hotels, I was hoping to find deserted beaches, but the place was full of young thais travelling with government subsidy. I definitely won't do that again, when the foreign tourists including the Chinese starts to visit Thailand again.
  12. The many cars, busses and trucks spewing black diesel smoke in Bangkok and other cities in Thailand, is not only bad for your respiratory system. According to international researchers, increased levels of PM2.5 particles can cause a range of health problems, from heart disease to cancer. The PM2.5 have also been shown to carry virusses including (SARS-CoV-2) Covid 19 virus particles and fuel a further spread of Covid 19 virus. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cutting-diesel-exhaust-could-lessen-covid-spread-in-cities/
  13. How about starting on your own side of the border?
  14. Read: Covid tests and Quarantine for the unlucky who tested positive or had been in contact with these.
  15. Thailand had all chances to make a new beginning, and make tourist feel welcome and not just wanted for their money. But the rotten eggs in the basket seems to still exist and is ruining it for all the good people, that was hoping for a new beginning.
  16. So why didn't he make that demand, before they just ordered it from the usual supplier of official websites??
  17. Didn't you know, that Thailand has two different economies? (1) The official economy where profits are taxed and (2) the unofficial economy where untaxed profits goes directly into the owners pockets. I guess that tourism must belong to the unofficial economy.
  18. Ask the previous investors how the return of investment has been. Toke Terkelsen is playing Monopoly with other peoples money.
  19. The one thing we don't need, at least here in Bangkok, is another food delivery service. It surely is a lucrative business to deliver food, but the more competitors, the harder it will be to make money, as they only can compete on the price. Foodpanda recently increased their delivery prices and at the same time now combine deliveries, so that the last food order on the bike will be cold at the time of delivery. The last two McDonalds deliveries from Foodpanda I have received was cold and as cold french fries and burgers are not delicious, I filed a complaint. All they could offer me was a 20 Baht voucher, that can not be used in combination with any promotions.
  20. If only porn and prostitution were freely allowed and taxed in Thailand, they would not have to worry so much about the missing foreign tourists.
  21. 25% of Thailands GDP is 136.5 Billion US Dollars equal to almost 5 Trillion Baht (5,000,000,000,000). I wonder how big a part of this amount has been directed directly into the pockets of Thailands already filthy rich elite, while a large part of the population is starving? https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/gdp
  22. People who can not or will not get the vaccines, must prepare to stay at home in the future. The unvaccinated not only have a higher risk to become seriously sick, but are also super-spreaders compared to the vaccinated.
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