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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. Expat pensioners, who are not working in Thailand, are allowed to be charged much higher rates on health care, than Thais and Expats working in Thailand.
  2. So why are the Airlines not requiring all passengers to wear masks?? Almost no passengers were wearing masks on both Bangkok Airways or Thai Smile in September and in October.
  3. The few times I have tried to register for e-payment platforms like Rabbit / LINE, sadly I found that foreigners are not allowed to use these.
  4. What is the police doing, since these robberies takes place on a daily basis for years and years.
  5. Not good driving, but pure luck. The pick-up should have reduced the speed already, when the motorcycle came near the middle of the road.
  6. The Boots stores I frequently visit here in Bangkok, have always had closed for medicine sale, when no pharmacist in the shop.
  7. How about establishing toilets in BTS and MRT stations first??
  8. People with existing conditions not covered by the insurance companies, should receive a mandatory discount, as they are not fully covered, which means lower risk for the insurance companies.
  9. Tourism tax and othe price increases is a proven way to decrease the number of tourists. Is that really what Thailand wants at the moment?? Furthermore tourist and expats are already being overcharged at Thailands hospitals. Wouldn't that cover the few tourists, who select to be self-insured, but cannot afford to pay the bills?
  10. Definitely not a Meteorite, but could be a Tektite.
  11. Have you ever heard about dogs in Thailand being trained properly? In my neighborhood dogs are left around in the owners gardens, barking for freedom around the clock.
  12. Is it the heavy rain, or the noise from your neighbours (or maybe even your own) tin-/plastic-roofing to protect your car from the falling rain? We bought at house in a nice mid-scale gated community with conrete roofing. During the first months, we enjoyed to listen to the gentle sound of rain falling on the ground or the concrete roof, but soon all thai-neighbours installed that damn tin-/plastic-roofing, so now we are being woken up, every time heavy rain falls and have to keep doors/windows closed to minimize the noise.
  13. I guess that there would be many more electrocutions, if all hanging wires were burried under ground.
  14. Where is that damn Laughing Emoji??
  15. Why would that be worse, than if she had hooked up with a thai man? Don't he like us at all?
  16. Soon there will be a new law, requiring passengers in the back of pick up trucks and song taew's to be wearing helmets.
  17. Bangkok taxi drivers are all dreaming wild dreams of getting Phuket Fares.
  18. How difficult would it be to install emergency buttons in all school-vans, connected to a horn that will make a noise, if anyone press the button?
  19. There are many examples of people from 3rd world countries, who arrive on a plane without any money, as they are planning to work illegally in the destination country, for as long as the visa allows them to. After that they may continue to work illegally on overstay. Look no further than Chantaburi, where hundreds of africans are working in the gemstone business. A business which happens to be exempted from personal income tax and VAT payment in Thailand, in case you have ever wondered, why there are so many foreigners working in this business. Some of them most likely have staffs working here illegally on tourist visa's. You will probably be able to find other seasonal business here, that need workers for a shorter period of time, and happily employ people on tourist visas.
  20. Some major cities in China are currently on Covid19 lockdown. I gues that the chinese vaccines were no good and they should not be allowed to travel abroad, before getting vaccinated with a better vaccine!
  21. Where are the millions of motorcyclists supposed to park their vehicles? There are certainly not enough space on the roads!
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