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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. "4 operations later the the insurance money has run out and there are a further 2 options required, one of which will be tomorrow" To be able to pay such unexpected costs, is exactly why expats are required to show 400,000 or 800,000 Baht in the bank, when extending their visa's.
  2. I large problem here in Thailand is, that a colossal and powerful pick-up truck is often cheaper than a small sedan, why many entry level drivers opt to start out large, when a smaller sedan would fully have covered their basic needs. Put an extra tax on all those pick-up trucks, which are only used for daily driving, and not for everyday work purposes, which they are created for. Or the authorities could require a few years experience in a smaller sedan, before they are allowed to drive a larger and potentially more deadly vehicle.
  3. "The Loi Kroh neighbourhood, where Boyle was last seen, is a well-known red-light area in Chiang Mai. " I would be concerned too, if I was his friend. Maybe he raked up a bill, that was suddenly larger than he was able to pay, or a prostitute had an alternative way to get money from the customer??
  4. The Motorbike rental shops should held responsible and punished, every time they rent out a motorbike without checking, that the renter has the correct permit to drive the vehicle in Thailand.
  5. This Law is insane, but any Thai citizen knows, that alcohol advertising is currently illegal. A review for beer should be considered advertisement, or else we would be drowning in advertisements for alcoholic drinks camoflaged as reviews. Law is Law and is supposed to be followed in any country in the world. If only all other laws in Thailand was enforced just as strictly, there would be far less deadly traffic accidents and far less violent attacks and shootings.
  6. Only the locals. Unfortunately NOT most of the tourists!
  7. Where can an elderly retiree find a premium health insurance for only 30-60,000 Baht per year. This is definitely not possible and will also not cover existing conditioner, for which treatments will have to be paid seperately.
  8. Everyone who lived in Thailand during the great flood in 2011 in some way will have to be a prepper today. Almost from one day to another bottled water and many other daily necessities were unavailable and the few stores that managed to find some, rationed the sale to only one bottle per customer. Sweet drinks seemed to have an endless supply, but for someone who only drink bottled water, life suddenly became difficult. That is why that ever since drinking water became widely available again, I have always kept one months supply in my storage room. Unfortunately I don't like the bitter taste of filtered water, which is why I dont use a water filter in my home.
  9. Wouldn't it be the taxi riders responsibility, that the customers understand the quoted price?
  10. No, that is not how modern pricing works. But it may affect the profits at Apple Company.
  11. So how about removing that luxury tax on imported Grapes and Persimmons? I would never pay 600 baht (two daily minimum wages) for one kilo grapes and the local grapes are sour and filled with pits.
  12. This outdoor party has been going on until way beyond midnight for 5 nights now, with music and microphone shouting that is so loud, that we can hear it inside our bedroom with closed windows 5 kms away. I feel pity for all the residents living nearby.
  13. People should be more afraid of everything that are not visible in the water! When will Thailand start to measure and announce the level of e-coli bacterias in the beach water?
  14. I used to drink this <deleted>, until it gave me Diabetes and bad Kidneys. Both improved rapidly after I stopped drinking it.
  15. This populistic policy of giving free money clearly violates the election rules, so I expect that the Pheu Thai party will be banned before the election! According to the EC, candidates must: -Not offer, promise to offer or give away valuables or other benefits to voters
  16. I hope that there will also be a proper check, if he or his family have gained any unusual wealth in the past years.
  17. The date is March 31. What's special about this date??
  18. There is a huge difference between retiring in Thailand and needing to have a job and children here.
  19. The bungee cord should be tested every day, by letting the owners of the attraction jump first.
  20. To much spray tan combined with steroids can cause temporary brain damage.
  21. Toyota Yaris is a great car and very easy to drive. Car manufacturers in Thailand, for some reason, tend to shut down production lines for several months at a time, making showrooms empty for some of the most popular models. I have been in the market for a Honda H-RV the last couple of years, but keep finding empty showrooms and no brochures available, every time I have visited a Honda dealer showroom.
  22. It really hate being forced to play Whack-a-mole on the phone, when you only have a few minutes to search for important news. The video pop-up is the most annoying add, since it takes a little while, before you are allowed to whack it and very difficult to whack it at very the edge of the screen. I have made it my specialty, to whack the pop-ups without noticing what the ad is about, since I am not interested in any kind of ads, unless they are guaranteed to make me rich.
  23. Why invest in fancy toilets/handwashing facilities, when sewage water is freely available in every street? The photo and article is NOT from Thailand but from Malaysia, but who hasn't seen something similar in Thailand. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/malaysian-restaurant-caught-out-washing-plates-in-a-puddle-on-the-street/332PFP25C3AEQEJSBIQXBO4TBE/
  24. And most likely way more than 10% of these will eventually die from pollution-related diseases! But who counts?
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