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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 13 hours ago, swissie said:

    The 80K Bht, I gathered from active "Farang-Real-Estate" agents. They must have been lying to me or there are different Work-Permits for Farangs.

    What would be the cost of a WP for an "Elvis" impersonator?:smile:


    PS: If I should have spread "Fake-News", my sincere apologies.

    The figures quoted are correct. 80k is a RIP off.

  2. On 9/9/2019 at 7:07 AM, Stese said:

    I received a lump sum when my daughter was born but was unable to claim for the monthly sum. This was explained to me for the following reason:


    My Thai GF couldn't claim under her social security status and I was unable to claim it due to not being Thai and we are not married.


    I got the lump sum - 15k or something due to having been paying tax on my earnings here for over 12 months.


    Also regarding tax - i get taxed 1500 a month on 30,000. Does that sound right? It is 5% but a post above mentions that they cap it at 750. Am i paying for my schools share of the tax too? 

    The capping refers to Social Securiry. Not tax. That said, 1500 a month is a high amount of tax to be paying.

  3. 4 hours ago, kamalabob2 said:

    If the Op has dinner at Oli wine bar he will become aware of how much fun you can have in Buriram.  Klim has a nice lunch, but would not be my first choice of hotel location.  Closer to the bus station hotels such as Tulip Hotel, Buritel Hotel, Sita Princess might be a better quiet location for lodging. The night club and restaurant area called Lively Market, next door to the Hop Inn Hotel is quite "lively". The pubs around Speed can be quite fun. There is nothing boring about Paddy's Irish Pub on a Friday evening. London Steak does some very nice beef dishes at a very fair price. Harley Route 288 is on a ring road, yet the new owner has improved the food and he has excellent serving staff. None of these places are tawdry. 

    Oli's bar is Ok if you don't mind paying Bangkok prices.

  4. There are a fair few hotels within walking distance of the bus station. Sita Princess, Ray, Jintana Resort and Buritel, to name a few.


    London Steak is a good place for a beer and a good meal. Nice food at good prices. Only about 15 minutes walk from any of the hotels I have listed. The place stays open until midnight. If you want something a bit livelier later on then Speed and Tawangdeang is a further 15 mins walk from there.


    Easy to get a tuk tuk or taxi if you don't want to walk. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, Andy25 said:

    Case three answered: If you’d gone to England, lived and worked there for thirty years, paid all taxes, married an English girl and had children, and spent a million pounds my country could give you free citizenship, free national health, and a pension.

    Not automatically. I know of some one just like this. Thai lady married to a Brit. Lived and worked in UK for over 20 years. Has kids and grand kids there. Came to retire to Thailand 8 years ago. Now decided that the exchange rate is hurting too much and they wish to move back to UK to be with family.


    Thought it was a simple process of buying tickets and returning. They have now found out that the wife left UK with only ILR and no citizenship. She now has to get a visitor visa to go to UK.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    Care to explain?

    There is no requirement to pay 750 a month. The rule is 5% of salary with a maximum of 750. That amount will be matched by your employer.

    If you decide to stop working you have 6 months to register and start to pay 432 a month.

    432 a month gives the same entitlements as if you were working.

    The agency is likely not breaking the law. 99% of the time a teacher is not employed by an agency. They are employed by a school. Unless an agency is a registered Education facility they cannot employ you as a teacher. Look inside the work permit. The name of the school will be under employer.

    You can continue to pay and receive entitlements after 60 years old or retirement.


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    So you are paying for the health insurance, nothing else.

    You should  be paying 750 a month, I think  to qualify for the pension. 

    You pay, the employer  pays and the govt  pays, is what I was told.

    I would go to the office to ask, and also report the agency to the dept of employment for breaking the law.

    I think you will find when you retire, you will  not be allowed to continue with the health insurance  nor be entitled to monthly payments.

    Wrong on all counts.

  8. I have just been informed that the existing condition was gastric ulcers.


    Having researched further is appears that this is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). 


    Many causes of this infection, an infection that Doctors believe affects half of the world's population. Interestingly, one of the causes is living with someone who has the infection.


    As I posted in my previous post, the girl's father died of the same/similar ailment 6 months ago.


    So it seems that eating Somtam, spicy food has been proved not to be a cause of ulcers, was not the cause of death but may have aggravated and existing condition.

    • Like 1
  9. Not freak weather exactly. I was predicted a few days ago. Big storm across the SE Asia region. Tropical Storm Podul. It's been raining here in Buriram for about 8 hours.


    Good for the garden, as they say. Also good for the near empty reservoir.


    No great winds or power cuts here.

    • Like 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

    Forgive my ignorance but I presume that the further education is at University ?... and the visit will be during term breaks ?

    I am not sure of the type of establishment but do not believe it to be a university.


    8 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

    The applicant must be quite young, unless she is a mature student - and the UK based sponsor, what sort of age. How long married ?

    She is under 21 sure. Married about a year. He is late 20s maybe 30.


    5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

    Is there a danger that an ECO might see this as the equivalent of financial padding.......ie it looks like she has enrolled as a student in the (mistaken?) belief that it will improve her chances of a visa being approved.

    That is my fear.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

    What evidence is there to prove she is a student ?


    What is she studying and what does the course involve - has she paid fees ?


    How long is the UK visit ?

    As I understand it, there will be a copy of the acceptance document from the education establishment.


    Not sure of the course type. Fees have been paid.


    The application is for a 4 week visit.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, theoldgit said:

    There's always the danger that when a spouse who is also the sponsor lives in the UK and the applicant lives in Thailand that the ECO, the decision maker, will assume, rightly or wrongly, that the applicant might attempt to circumnavigate the settlement visa requiremets and simply visit and stay there under the radar.


    She really needs to leave the ECO in no doubt whatsoever that she's a genuine visitor who intends to visit the UK for a short holiday, after which she will retuen to her home and studies in Thailand.  


    She should provide details of her education commitments, her living arrangements here, the reasons for the holiday and maybe their plans for the future.


    Applications like this are difficult, but not impossible.

    Thanks. That is the way I was thinking. Reasons to return to Thailand I think are the tricky bit. I think I should add, this is her first application. I guess if she had been before or even had travel history from other visa required countries, and subsequently returned to Thailand, it would be a lot easier.

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