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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. Thai wife has stopped working to further her education and is therefore a student. This obviously means she has no monthly income. Not much in the way of reasons to return. Finances covered by a sponsor. Accommodation covered by sponsor.


    What would the chances of having a visa issued be?




  2. 1 hour ago, lensta said:

    This may seem like a stupid question but how the hell does the owner of the house that I rent know if I have gone away for the weekend? It is none of his business and I have no intention telling him every time I take a holiday.

    You obviously have not been keeping up with this.


    There is a facility where by you can self file. You will need a rental agreement with your name on it.

  3. 44 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    You dont travel around Thailand frequently.  If a biker takes a trip for a day or two every week he will have to make frequent illogical trips to the IO. The requirement has not been necessary in the last 30 years and its not necessary now. I travel frequently around Thailand from my base in Pattaya.  Many small guesthouses,  resorts,  AirBnB, do not bother with TM30 leaving me with a gap to explain which might get people intk trouble. The TM30 comes from an era of fighting armed communist insurgency and was introduced by a government that burned demonstrators alive. The TM30 is totalitarian and authoritarian.

    No. If you stay at places that don't register you then no need to register when you return. No one knows you have been gone. No evidence no gaps.

    • Like 2
  4. 37 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    16 weeks for a settlement visa for a Thai person to UK and when they arrive they dont have to report to anyone for 2 years and 6 months. Then they report once to confirm they are still married and stay for another 2 years and 6 months and then they get residency and a UK passport. In those years they will get medical and emergency accident treatment for free.

    Can you explain what I would have to go through to get the same?

    You can apply for residency here in Thailand after 3 years. 


    Medical treatment is not free in UK. There is a payment at time of application. About the same as the health insurance that I pay and get free treatment in Thailand.


    After FLR has been obtained and a further 2.5 years of stay residency needs to be applied for. It is not just "given"


    I wonder how many expats would like to have to take a Thai language test and a knowledge test of Thailand and how many would actually pass?


    I would quite happily exchange a TM30 filing every now and then for the simple visa and extension rules here in Thailand to be applied in the same way in the application process for a visa and subsequent stay for UK.

    • Sad 3
  5. 12 minutes ago, zydeco said:

    Again, I supplied the exact same information and paperwork today in person as when I applied online almost three months ago. The online was "not approved" and the in person registration taken without any problem whatsoever, other than the 950 baht spent on getting to hellish CW in the morning and waiting around for a couple of hours. There is no consistency to this process. This is a characteristic of Tryrano-anarchy, where the law is utterly lax for some and rigidly enforced for others.

    There is a lot of information that needs to be input on the first online application.


    When filing at immigration all the info is there to be read by the IO and they input onto the system.


    As an example, there was a guy that did not know what "serial number of house" meant. Got it wrong and got refused.


    It is possible that you made a mistake on your application. Just saying.

    • Sad 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, TooSweaty said:

    30+ years of kowtowing and obedience. Congratulations, that’s quite an accomplishment. Maybe you’ll be given some sort of a Good Farang award.


    ”She” should also get something for doing everything for you and making your life so easy that in comparison it makes everyone else look like they are hiding something.

    “She” sounds like a keeper.

    Why is obeying immigration rules, in order to live here in Thailand, "Kowtowing"? It is simply going along with what needs to be done in order to stay here. If you don't follow the rules you can't stay, legally anyway.


    As for "she". I would imagine that "She" refers to the guy's girlfriend/wife and therefore the owner of the property. If I am correct, it is in fact her responsibility to file the TM30. Nothing to do with making his life easy.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, zydeco said:

    What do you not understand about the TM 30 online process NOT allowing people to register. I waited 11 weeks before I received a notice that my application for a username and password was not approved. So, today, I went to Chaengwattana and filed a TM 30. They accepted the very same documents to approve it in person that they rejected for the online application. You know nothing.


    I don;t understand as I have had no problems. The immigration office where I live does not require a TM30 unless you change address. Coming and going is not a problem. I decide to register online just for the hell of it. 7 days and all sorted.


    I read a report that about 80% of refused online applications are down to applicants errors. This was a report from an expats survey. Not Thai Immigration.

    • Confused 1
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  8. 5 minutes ago, jonclark said:

    Yes...Longer waiting times as they are vetting you...Duh!


    By the way PR (The Thai equivalent of a settlement visa) approx 100'000 baht (if married to a Thai) and 197'000 if single = $3'000 - $6'000 and do not even get me started on the waiting times for PR - Try years!

     Still, 16 weeks wait for vetting and people on here are complaining about having to spend 5 minutes on the internet to file a TM30. ???? 


    You can apply for PR in Thailand after 3 years. UK is 5 years.

    • Confused 2
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  9. 14 minutes ago, jonclark said:



    The same applies for residents getting extensions in Thailand - The amount of paper work required is huge, and we pay money that is not refunded if refused. The only difference is no vetting or interviews. Because immigration is happy to give everyone a visa if they have the money...and then immigration complain when criminals come to Thailand. Maybe if Thailand Immigration check people they give visa's too better,  then criminals would not come to Thailand. Criminals come to Thailand...Thailand's fault. 


    BTW if I apply for a visa to visit Thailand in UK....guess what I must go to Thai embassy in London. No have Thai embassy in every UK province as well. Same Same As UK embassy in Thailand, No? . 

    1900 for an extension if refused. $100 dollars for a visitor visa to UK. No refund if refused. Over $2000 for a settlement visa. No refund if refused.


    Longer waiting times too. 2-3 weeks for a UK visitor visa. 16 weeks for UK settlement visa.

    • Confused 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, moe666 said:

    As many have said it is hard to find good Thai food, there are many places with good food but they are usually away from the tourist areas, located closers to the Thai housing estates.

    That's a given in any country.


    If you want to eat authentic, traditional food try to avoid catering geared towards tourists. It is often cooked to what the chef feels the tourist palate may be. Similar to eating Indian, Chinese or Thai food in UK or wherever. Just not the same.

    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, Lupusthai said:

    The "owner" is one class of the people who can do the TM30. The other 2 are:
    The "housemaster" e.g. the Manager of a Condo, and
    The "possessor" e.g. the occupant i.e. the tenant of the property.

    They only need a valid passport and

    - a copy of the blue housebook or
    - a copy of the renting/leasing contract or
    - a copy of the chanote, indicating that the applicant leased the property


    to register online (on pc or mobile).

    My deepest sympathy  to all the people who don't own a computer or mobile and have to ask a friend to express their discontent with the TM30-stuff here on ThaiVisa and other places????

    Yes, I concur.


    The point of my post was to explain that teachers and others that  work here do not need to take a day off work to report.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

    How about teachers and other employed people, are they meant to take a day off work to go there every time they return from a weekend away?

    No. The owner of the property reports. Not the teacher.


    If in any doubt, get the owner,or assist the owner to set up an account online. Get him/her to give you the account username and password and report yourself. Easy.

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  13. I'm returning to the Uk after 21 years here in Thailand.


    Nothing to do with the so called changes for the worse in Thailand, I don't subscribe to he idea that "they don't want us here", just a change of scenery. My 18 year old daughter is keen to see how things are done in UK and she is also keen to be nearer to her grandparents, I too am keen to be nearer to them as they get older and may need some assistance in everyday life. My wife will follow when we have her settlement visa sorted. Time frame??? Don't know but would be keen to retire back here in Thailand. I have a private pension at 60 (11 more years) so that is a target to head for.

    • Like 2
  14. If you are married to a Thai then I don't see any advantage of having a yellow book.


    Proof of residency : For what reason do you need this? Driving licence every 5 years???

    To get an Id Card : Don't need one.

    Register a vehicle : All vehicles registered in wife' name. Easier when selling too.

    Open a bank account : I have 2 bank accounts. Just needed passport.

    Register for paying Elec on line : Registered via wife's ID.

    Register for TM30 online : Wife does it.


    When or if I ever visit national parks I speak to the people on the gate in Thai. Explain how long I have been here, my family etc. It usually works and I get local entry price.



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  15. 5 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    If there has been a change in recent weeks then I am more than happy to stand corrected. It is only about a year since the change to India so a bit surprised it has changed so quickly. Are you saying that scanning has stopped altogether or has it become an option?

    Certainly sounds like a move in the right direction and one less VFS scam. When I went, there were more queuing up at the VFS desk than there was for document checking.

    You wrote "it was only a few weeks ago" that you went. If it was that recently you would have had the option to upload your own documents. It has been an option for some time. It is just that, an option, and the scanning at VFS is also still an option.

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    I think you are confused with something else, it is only a few weeks since I went. You must separate your documents into different categories and have them approved before the applicant can go through and have them scanned to India. There must be a barcode separator between each category and VFS have a desk to one side where you can have it done if you have not downloaded the separators and done it yourself.


    Instructions to applicants :
    It is your responsibility to separate out your documents and place the relevant barcode separator on top of each pile of documents.
    ✓ This has to be done before you reach the application submission counter.
    ✓ Photocopies can be submitted, but they must be clear and legible.
    ✓ All documents must be A4 size.
    ✓ Any documents which are smaller or larger than A4 must be photocopied onto A4 sized paper. This includes previous passports and photographs.
    ✓ All documents must be free from any clips, pins or staples before they are submitted.
    ✓ Torn, crumpled or heavily creased documents cannot be accepted. Therefore they must be photocopied onto A4 sized paper before they are submitted.
    ✓ Documents should not be laminated.

    I think it is you that is confused. There is now a process, as explained by St George, whereby you can upload the documents at the same time as completing the online application. That negates the need for scanning at VFS and thus no need for barcode separators.

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