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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 11 minutes ago, superal said:

    Is having your own business , property , long standing bank account and taking care of your parents a reason to come back to Thailand . Not according to my ladies application that was denied and the reason being ,

    Not convinced she will return to Thailand after her 1 month UK holiday . They  also picked us up on a date remark when initially she said 1 month but later mentioned possibly 2 months if not enough time to see all the places of interest . Hope it goes well for you . 

    I would suggest it was more the vagueness of the dates that caused the refusal.


    My wife used having a business and home, with a bank account showing regular income, as a reason to return. She used fixed dates for her visit and was accepted with no problems.

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  2. 22 hours ago, kevinmartyn said:

    Sorry to be a breaker of bad news but you are stuffed! Bottom line is it aint so easy to find a job in the UK. To put it in a nutshell my own son living in Scotland is (39) with a 1st Class Hons, two masters degrees is now approaching 10 months unemployed!


    To that end getting a UK Visa aint easy for an Asian female. If you have property in UK then OK maybe but you need to CLEARLY show you can take care of yourselfes!


    Good luck with the massiv task

    I would have to disagree. 


    I returned to UK, after 21 years in Thailand, on 9th September.


    I have now been in full time employment, which has a salary that meets the financial requirements for my wife to get a visa, for 4 weeks.



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  3. 7 hours ago, mlkik said:

    55555 so how come you have neither 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555t5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555


    Do you even live in Issan ? 55555

    Yes. I have lived in Issan for 21 years. I have lived amongst people who speak Issan Laos, Northern Khmer, Thai Korat and Gui ( often referred to as Suay). I speak some of all those languages. That is how I know there is more than one language in Issan and why one should reference Issan Laos and not Issan as a specific language.


    Hence I do not need to refer to an unreliable source such as Wikipedia.

  4. Finally got it done.


    I found something in the internet referring to "short term" stay and right to rent.


    Our rental agreement only lasts for 4 days longer than my wife's visa so the agent said OK. 


    My wife has now passed all the required checks and we can move in on the specified date.


    On 10/23/2019 at 2:02 PM, Isaanbiker said:

    What do you mean by "it's filed by the wife"?

    Meaning, he lets his wife handle taking care of documents. 

  5. On 10/27/2019 at 11:17 AM, rumak said:

    trying to prove something on TV  is like trying to convince a gecko to let go......

    Proving something on TV is actually quite easy.


    You basically need 2 criteria : 1. You need to be correct. 2. You need a credible source to back your statement, not a website that can be written and edited by anyone and everyone, such as first hand knowledge.



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  6. 12 minutes ago, mlkik said:

    Isan language


    Isan or Northeastern Thai (Thai: ภาษาอีสาน, ภาษาไทยถิ่นตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ, ภาษาไทยถิ่นอีสาน, ภาษาไทยอีสาน, ภาษาลาวอีสาน) is a group of Lao varieties spoken in the northern two-thirds of Isan in northeastern Thailand, as well as in adjacent portions of northern and eastern Thailand. It is the native language of the Isan people, spoken by 20 million or so people in Thailand,[1] a third of the population of Thailand and 80 percent of all Lao speakers. The language remains the primary language in 88 percent of households in Isan.[1] It is commonly used as a second, third, or fourth language by the region's other linguistic minorities, such as Northern Khmer, Khorat Thai, Kuy, Nyah Kur, and other Tai or Austronesian-speaking peoples. The Isan language has unofficial status in Thailand and can be differentiated as a whole from the Lao language of Laos by the increasing use of Thai grammar, vocabulary, and neologisms.[4] Code-switching is common, depending on the context or situation. Adoption of Thai neologisms has also further differentiated Isan from standard Lao.[5]

    55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.. Quoting Wikipedia in an attempt to prove correctness. So funny.

  7. 31 minutes ago, mlkik said:

    Paksida or Baksida is the Issan word for the fruit named farang or in English the fruit named guava 555 


    However the word to describe the white foreigner most often used in Issan is still the word farang.


    She was joking !

    Those in Issan who speak Issan Lao will often use Baksida as a word for white foreigner. You only have to go to Roiet, Kalasin, Yasothon or some where similar and you will hear it.



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  8. 3 hours ago, carlyai said:

    Well, I hear 'farang' not 'baksida' except for my wife who plainly says 's**t head.'

    You must have lived in downtown Isaan.

    I live in the posh area of Isaan.emoji38.png

    What is your definition of 'baksida'? emoji848.png

    Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

    Nothing to do with "downtown" or "posh". Simply part of the culture.


    Baksida is simply the Issan Laos word for "Farang".


    Brang is the Issan Khmer word.

  9. 18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Why cant your rent it out yourself ?

    Still need to list "permitted occupants". Seems there is a sticking point there too. Don;t want to do anything that could cause problems for a settlement visa application in the future.


    I have found a couple of things of interest on the internet. I will pop and see the agent this afternoon.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Things must have changed, my mate married an illegal immigrant who had managed to get a nice housing assoc flat in London. After she wangled not being deported she collected 16k for moving out and bought somewhere for 43k, now worth 300k. I guess too many doing similar ended up in a crackdown?

    I would think it more likely that there is more to your mates story than you are telling or than he told you. Illegal immigrants get nothing. The clue is in the word "illegal".

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