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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 4 minutes ago, lkv said:

    What's still unclear for some here?


    If someone wants to stay 12 months continuously, there is a solution!


    It's called: (drumroll).......Extension of stay, available at local Immigration.


    If Immigration wanted you to stay 12 months on a non O multi or several O singles, they would not limit the permission of stay at 90 days per entry, would they? Or you guys think they did that because they wanted you to do visa runs?


    Someone living in a country does not have to do visa runs!

    There are many different types of visa with different lengths of stay. The O-A, for example, does give a 1 year stay.


    Some people like to go on trips. Travel around the region or further afield. The Non O ME works perfectly with this.


    No need to get a re entry permit just to leave and come back.

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/29/2019 at 7:21 PM, DaRoadrunner said:

    My information came from the farang managing director of one of the milk distributors here. It's powder reconstituted. There is comparatively little fresh real milk here. Take a look around.... how often do you see a cow in Thailand? There do appear to be Oxx though!

    And did the Farang's story end up with "the cow jumped over the moon"? Lol. You've been had.

  3. The best place in town for food, sports on TV and a lively atmosphere is London Steak. From the Best Western it is about a 15 minute walk. You would need to go the route past the bus station, turn right at the traffic lights and then go straight on for a further 1km. London Steak is on the left opposite the Isuzu Showroom.


    On route here are also quite a few good hotels with favourable prices. Sita Princess, Ray and the Qoo, to name a few.


    If it was me looking for places I would decide on the Ray Hotel. Good rooms, good prices, a decent breakfast, nice swimming pool and a quiet location.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    100 km round trip 4-5 times a week just for dinner? Rather defeats the concept of retiring comfortably doesn’t it? I live about 15 km from Central CM and hardly bother to drive into CM for my dinners, having plenty of the options I mentioned above within 10km of where I live.
    It was mainly for this reason (and the weather) that I decided on CM vs Isaan when I relocated from BKK 2 years ago.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Actually I re thought my post and that brings things down to similar distance to yourself. Your post is now a mis quote. Never mind. Anyway, I would not want to nor do I need to travel far at all 4 to 5 times a week for good food. As an example, Indian food here in Thailand, or anywhere else outside of the Sub Continent, is not going to be a patch on true Indian food. I would much rather create the more authentic taste that I prefer at home.

    • Like 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    I am making the assumption based on my personal observation and experience. I would love to stand corrected though, if you would be kind enough to direct me to the following:
    - 2 french restaurants
    - 2 Italian restaurants
    - 1 German restaurant
    - 1 Mediterranean restaurant
    - 2 Japanese restaurants
    - 2 Indian restaurants
    - 1 Korean restaurant
    - 2 international buffet (with oysters, Alaskan king crab etc)
    ideally within 20 kms of a major Isaan town such as Yasothon or Sisaket

    Much obliged.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Not forgetting, of course, Thai and Laos. Anyway, referring to your list. French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Indian, German and British fare all available. Also Mexican and Scandinavian. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:


     Is it a good idea not to question a native speaker's knowledge?

     You can't be serious. 


    I'm not in the mood to waste my time; otherwise, I'd explain that to you.

    No need to explain. Your clear misunderstanding, as highlighted in your replies, speak volumes.

  7. 1 hour ago, Huckenfell said:

    As i said from the very beginning, but no one seems to remember, at 84 years of age all i am wanting is a quiet life with some care and attention. Too many here think that it is all about women and having an exciting time regardless of what it costs them, so i am not in the least interested in listening to or conversing with them, they are a world away from me so i cannot imagine why they want to convince me otherwise, they are just wasting their time. They are all thinking that they are doing or living something new, something which i experienced when most of them were still in 'nappies'  just too many 14 day millionaires with brains in their balls, i see them all the time here on Samui.


    I think you need to work out who to quote when you defend yourself. My comment was in relation to a comment made by another member, not you. Please try to follow who is saying what so that your posts make sense in relation to the one you are quoting.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    Pretty much everything that I could possibly find in Sisaket Khukan, I will be able to have in Pattaya. The converse is not so. Do you occasionally enjoy a good variety of western food or Asian food? You would be hard pressed to have a lot of choices in Isaan. It is definitely a big compromise to live in Isaan compared to other more developed areas such as Pattaya.
    For your information, I don’t and have never lived in Pattaya though I do visit often. I live in CM, previously in BKK.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Western Food is in abundance in Issan. You appear to be making an assumption based on little, or no, knowledge.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    Please do not waste your time. 

    It is my understanding you are not a native English speaker.


    This comment is not racist and should not be deemed as such.


    It is a good idea not to question a native English speaker's knowledge when you, yourself, are not a native speaker. You may end up looking foolish.

  10. 54 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    "Count yourself lucky not to have to put up wit a lot of english speaking expats."

    What does this comment sound like in your ears? You're the one who should read better.


    It sounds like someone who is happy with their environment.


    I have read the post once more and cannot see anywhere any comments about being racist, not liking everyone, not speaking to everyone, not accepting others and all that. Please point me in the right direction of something that I have missed.


    To quote only half of what someone says, when the other half goes on to explain in a little more detail, is nothing less than selective reading to try to change the slant of the content.

  11. 21 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    Here's what you wrote:


        "Count yourself lucky not to have to put up wit a lot of english speaking expats. where we are there are only a few and we don't see /talk to them  , except one .Peace and quiet."



     You seem to be a racist who doesn't like people from English speaking countries?


    "We don't see/ talk to them?" That might be your own opinion, but you can't speak for others.


      I am considering that most expats in the area are from English speaking countries, but you decided that these people aren't worth talking to them? 


      Everybody who's from an English speaking country is regarding your post a bad person, not worth to talk to or even look at them?


      You don't have to be friends with everybody, but you have to accept other nationalities.


    If you don't understand that, then it's your problem. 


     I'm glad that I don't have to "put up with people like you." ( using your words).


      Thank you very much for your kind consideration. Good day.






    Just to point somethings out....


    1. You can't be racist by way of language. That is a nonsense comment you made..


    2. The post you quoted did not mention anything about other people speaking or not speaking to every one. It even said that there is one guy that he talks too. That is a nonsense comment you made.


    3. The post you quoted said there are only a few expats there and that they don't see them. Not that they don't want to see them. Another nonsense comment you made.


    4. The post you quoted said nothing about not accepting others. In fact, if you read it correctly and read between the lines  the post shows he does accept them but maybe does not get on with them so chooses to stay away. Good idea. Saves the prospect of conflict. So another nonsense comment you made.


    All in all you have totally misread the post. What is wrong with someone wanting to be in a quiet place away from things? Why not ask those that need English speakers near them ,why?

  12. 1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

    Thanks for the heads-up.


     Most people I know who have recently married have had problems with the MFA. The English to Thai translations need to be stamped by them. They are very picky with the translations and the English original. Add to that the fact that the British Embassy are the most unhelpful place on earth................Good Luck. When I got married, 13 years ago, I used a translation company to do all of the donkey work for me. At the time it was 8000 baht so quite a bargain as they arranged everything and even took us in a taxi to an amphur office in Bangkok to sign the register. I hear now, probably because they are aware of the difficulties now arising with documents and the MFA, their prices have rocketed to 20000.

    • Sad 1
  13. On 10/1/2019 at 11:06 AM, ronaldo0 said:

    Pity all the grandstand seats were sold en mass to ticket touts , local businesses and given to anyone slightly rich or special !!

    Incorrect. Local businesses, especially bars and restaurants that advertise Chang, are GIVEN a large number of tickets to distribute to customers. I was given 2 free tickets by a local restaurant I frequent last year.


    As it happened I could not go. I could not give the tickets away. In the end I took them back and returned them to the restaurant owner.


    I am aware of one place that tries to sell these tickets. That is a con.

  14. 15 hours ago, Kjellis Eriksson said:

    I have been in Alaska for a month and on the way to LA and Acapulco making some cash, later New York for some more cash. Nice to hear that so many people are talking about my wife’s resort. I will make sure to tell her that plastic stickers is a big NO, NO. I’m happy and think she have done a great job with Hideaway Resort. Good luck to her and looking forward to be back home soon.

    Congratulations to your wife. The resort does look good. Just remember to let her know that "main ven rai" and "coming soon" won't wash with foreign guests as it does with Thais. When people ask for something they want it then.


    Do you know what your wife's business plan is for the rest of the time? After having taken out costs of staff and general running costs during MotoGP weekend the profits won't last long. With a resort quite a distance from town, where are the guests going to come from the rest of the year? Can't run a resort on 5 days fully booked a year.

    • Sad 1
  15. 2 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    You are welcome

    i get your point about the fact you already have a work permit

    i just try to get your attention about the fact your work permit occupation

    is ''director of a company'' which have nothing to do with the work of an employee at

    a stall in a market, and be sure the immigration office is well aware about it.

    (For example a ''chief'' with a WP for that can work in a restaurant, in the kitchen, but can not takes the orders of serving in the dining room)

    I guess you don't know about new rules that were passed early last year.


    Also...I would doubt very much that the average market stall holder would know where the immigration office is. Let alone be aware of the rules. Most Thais I know think I can stay here and work forever simply because I am married.

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