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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 11 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    The OP's info is wrong. From early 2019 it's not officially possible to open an account for a foreigner even with a wp or retirement visa. There are no special rules for people under 50 years old. 


    I'm sorry to say that you are incorrect. I am speaking from personal experience.


    Also, I would doubt that info from the bank itself is wrong.  BTW I can't see anywhere on your link where it confirms what you say.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    If you are under 50 and don't have a work permit, go in to your local branch and try to open an account. See what happens.

    Been there, done that. My local Kasikorn bank. Very welcoming.


    I walked in (alone), gave them my passport, explained (in Thai) that I needed a bank account to link to my Paypal account for business I do online. 


    20 minutes later bank account opened, ATM card issued and Kbank online banking set up.

    • Thanks 1
  3. The page shown on the OP refers to those of a retirement age, as in 50 years old to get an O-A visa.


    There will be other pages for those who are not 50. No way would any bank refuse to open a bank account to some one who was under 50 years old.


    The OP needs to go back and show them his age. Then get the rules to open a bank account for those under 50.

  4. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Yes you did, in post Number 34 above .

    I asked whether you took your kid out of Thailand without the mothers permission and  and you confirmed that you did and also stated where you exited 


    I did not. You assumed I did not have permission even though I had stated previously that I did have. I pointed out previously that I was simply not asked for it. 


    I merely answered your question about what port I left from.


  5. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Who is throwing their toys out the pram ?

    I did previously state that we were talking about a situation where the Mother didnt give official consent , but as you stated, written consent isnt required ,  just go to DM and get on a plane and just hope that no one asks to see any consent forms from the mother .

      Although that is against thai immigrations laws, nice to hear that it can be done . 

    Just wonder what would happen if they did ask for mothers consent forms and you didnt have them .

      The ere was a news story last year where a felang tried that and got arrested for Child trafficking, even though it was his own child , seem to recall he got jailed for doing that

    Nowhere have I ever stated I did not have written permission. I did have written permission. At the airport I went to the desk for foreigners. My daughter went in the Thai queue. She left on a passport scan. No stamp out. No questions. Nothing.


    As mentioned by another poster, it is not immigration law.


    The idea of someone being jailed for trying to take his kid out of Thailand is laughable. I would imagine there was a lot more to that story.

  6. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Thanks for the info .

    So, all you guys who cannot take your Children out of Thailand because the mother will not allow it , just go to either Swampy or DM and jump on a flight with no questions asked about why the kid has no entry stamp and why you havent been to court to gain official permission  from the mother .

      Its that simple and easy 

    Why throw your toys out of the pram?


    Who said anything about mother not allowing it? Who said anything about court? Mother NOT allowing it and not having written permission from her is a totally different kettle of fish. One would imagine that if mother was serious about the situation she would take steps to stop it. Take away the child's Thai passport for example.


    I merely stated that in many instances, that I am aware of, no proof has been required. I also stated that I did have a written permission but was not asked for it.



  7. 7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    You absolutely need a letter of consent when both parents are not present at the time of travel from the unavailable parent.

    As I pointed out, you do not "absolutely" need it. It is a good idea have a letter from Mum if Dad is going with child but not essential. 


    Your link even says "may".

  8. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Ws that the first time that you took her out of Thailand on a blank passport  with out an entry stamp 

    Yes, it was. Not sure why you are asking so many questions over and over. I think my posts have been clear and precise.


    Just a re cap.....1st, 2nd and more times I have never been asked for any proof of relationship or permissions to take my daughter out of Thailand. Neither have any friends or acquaintances of mine. This includes times within the past 2 years and less.

  9. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Completely empty passport for the kid , not having an  entry stamp would show its the kids first time out of Thailand .

    When I took my daughter to UK for the first time her passport was blank. No problems. Many friends have had the same situation. Totally same procedure second time, third and so on.


    One friend's son's passport had a stamp from a previous trip with his mother. Same procedures at immigration.

  10. 14 hours ago, sanemax said:

    How long ago was this ?

    Thailand tightened up the rules a few years ago , anti Child trafficking laws and now its quite regulated about taking Children out of Thailand without the mothers consent .

      Immigration will not let a Child out the country unless its legal , they check these days

    I have taken my daughter out twice in the last 18 months. I know others who have taken kids out in the last year too.


    None of us have ever been asked for a document from any district office. All have had a letter from the mother as a back up but never been asked to show it or have immigration been interested in it.

  11. On 12/6/2019 at 4:08 PM, GinBoy2 said:

    Uhmm, yes and no.


    Like many things in Thailand it's hit and miss how any official spins the regulations.


    We've had a few of these threads, and sometimes folks sail through with nothing, then there is a spectrum of the letter from the Amphur to Mom scribbling something on a cocktail napkin.


    I had the extreme case, where I didn't even know I needed anything, and it took Mom, son and me on a video call with immigration to get them to finally let us board our flight.


    Play safe, get the letter from the Amphur just in case.


    This is one of those rare cases where I'm actually on board with Thai authorities. Trans national child abduction by a parent, and worse still child trafficking are all too real, so the more safeguards the better in my book

    When I make a post on here I make sure I speak from experience. I myself, and a myriad of others I know, have never needed a letter from a local district office.


    In fact, talking to many people recently, this is the first we had ever heard of it.


    I had a letter from mother of child once and was not asked for it. I even offered it up and was told "no problem".


  12. On 12/3/2019 at 5:45 AM, Moonlover said:

    My wife's sister's family have a smallholding and raise a few pigs. When one is ready for slaughter along comes the butcher. He does the business, purchases the prime marketable meat and the family are left with the ears, trotters, skin and the less desirable fatty and bony parts of the pig.


    And that's what they eat and regard it as a special treat. Amongst the poorer of the Thai community it is an economic decision, not a cultural one to eat, what we in the west would regard as the 'leftovers'.

    If that is so, how can these parts be in the mince in the market or functions? Surely, if the butcher does not buy them, he cannot sell them either. All of the "leftovers" are being eaten at the homes of the farmers.


  13. 2 hours ago, Moonlover said:


    That is not the mince that @possum1931 was referring to in post #4. Go to any village function, where mass catering is involved. There you will be served up dishes that have minced meats, usually pork, that contain a lot of fat and grizzle. That's the mince that gets sold off cheap


    Bearing in mind that meat near to the bone or the skin and fat is the most popular in Thailand, just look at the difference in price of pork belly and pork fillet or 3 bone wing and breast of chicken, it's no wonder they like mince with fat


    The cheap mince would more likely be from fillet or loin. The parts that Thais generally leave until last.

  14. On 11/30/2019 at 1:23 PM, Moonlover said:

    Where there is poverty, nothing goes to waste and it would not surprise me at all if cheap off cuts and leftovers  are ground down into mince to enable the poor folk, to be able to buy at least some meat, no matter what the quality.



    Go to the market and look at the prices. Minced pork is much the same price as a fillet of pork.

    • Haha 1
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