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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 9 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Good luck with your application, I took my Mrs/GF back to the UK about 5 years back, we had a hard back file with the plastic inserts, we included photos of us with her family, invites from friends and family, boarding passes for flights to Singapore & Bali, we went to a friends wedding in Singapore and included pics from that and evidence of the Hotel we stayed in etc etc.


    Her name is the the documents for the car, a Fortuna, only a year old at the time and her Motorbike


    You will have to prove that you can support her financially and also cover any hospital costs, so insurance for her is a must.


    So basically my friend give them everything you possibly can, if you have travelled within Thailand together include all that, the more they have the better for you IMHO. Best of luck, let us know how you get on ????




    You are giving far too much information. No need for photos, insurance is not a must, no need to prove you can pay hospital bills (emergency hospital treatment is free anyway).


    You need to show relationship, the fact that your girlfirend/wife needs to return to Thailand, proof of where you will stay in Thailand and proof that you can support her if her own funds are not sufficient.


    What my wife gave with her application: marriage certificate, own letter showing employment that she must return too (my wife is self employed), bank statement from her bank showing earnings for last 6 months, my bank statement showing money in UK and letter from my parents inviting us to stay at their house.


    Seems the only difference between this and the OP is how he will prove relationship. Usually proof continual contact (phone calls, emails, etc)



    • Like 1
  2. On 5/24/2019 at 11:37 PM, Jingthing said:

    What do you think about Cochin?

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Cochin is nice. The city is a bit hectic but there are some nice boat trips. Regular ferries, about 10 minutes journey, out to Fort Cochin and Veepin Island, which has some great beaches, Very quiet and not built up at all.


    Direct flights too. Air Asia from Don Muang. Times are not great but not a deal breaker.

    • Like 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, remorhaz said:

    The situation as described is that his late wife had a will and possibly life insurance that names her family not her former husband and beneficiary.  So the parents will collect *ALL* the money and *ALL* of the jointly owned goods then demand he pay for everything.  Conspiracy?  Would the situation I described happen in England or the US and be not only socially acceptable but expected?  Falang must pay is the rule.

    That's a very broad assessment. There is no rule that "Farang must pay" and to say so is plain stupid. If there is a scenario where there has been an insurance taken out and left to the family and not the husband, whether Farang or Thai, he has been either stupid or set up.


    If you have a good relationship with your wife and her family then a death will likely bring everyone together and things will proceed in a nice manner.


    If things go the way that you suggest then I would imagine the guy has been getting screwed his whole married life and should have seen it coming.

    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, SteveB2 said:

    Nope - it still works very well indeed - It's just not open to the plebs any more ????

    Gonna cost you at least GBP40K per child to get them a decent education in the UK nowadays.


    Back closer to home, there's some great schools in Thailand - even some government schools occasional create outstanding students, in what are considered to be backwards, up country locations. I currently go to Thai government (free) school in the Chonbrui province. There were approx 80 in class at term start. 


    You have a lot of knowledge for a student who goes to government school. You must study very hard. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, Tanlic said:

    The bank manager is with BAAC who's headquarters are in Bangkok 


    Who said they MUST be built by a recognized developer?  I didn't don't you understand the word OR? 


    What amazes me is suddenly right out of the blue you know 3 people who got loans in the last 3 weeks.........and boing!! said Zebedee


    Personal insults?...never use them but I do believe I know who you might be.


    Do you write stories for the TV program Jackanory...Jackanory Jackanory?


    I wonder because your great at making up stories????







    Without wishing to sound pedantic, using the word "or" in the negative would suggest that both clauses would be linked. You would need to re structure your sentence to mean either/or.


    I said 6 weeks, not 3.


    Calling someone "not the brightest" would suggest some kind of insult or even a personal attack.


    You say you may know who I might be. Please feel free to pop round and I can introduce you to the people who got bank loans.


    See you soon.

  6. 15 hours ago, Tanlic said:

    He's not a fool he just didn't know anything about construction like 95% of the Thai population



    You really have no idea what you are talking about. He is the bank manager in a village sitting on Sor Por Kor land and there are thousands of villages like it in rural Thailand.


    You can not borrow on the land it is illegal and while the bank will give you a loan it is on a personal basis depending on status.


    The chances of him even seeing plans is next to zero because no one needs planning permission in that area which is the case in thousands of villages.


    Banks on the main won't lend money using a house if you don't have plans or it wasn't built by a recognized developer. In Pattaya and other non cities residents can't even remortgage their homes although that is changing


    So why for one minute would you think a bank manager from bumfukidaho would have ever seen house plans? For someone who uses big words I have to google your not the brightest LOL


    Anyway they don't even read the ones they see. They hand them to the appraisal officer mostly who sub contract and they go out and value the place.








    Personal attacks,eh???


    "the bank manager in a village"? So he is the custodian of the village funds and not a branch manager? 


    I know of at least 3 houses within 5kms of me that only this past 6 weeks have had bank loans issued against them that have not been built by recognised developers, so that's out.


    I know, form personal experience, that bank managers do see plans. It is in their best interest, with monthly and annual figures to meet, that they don't issue loans on rogue plans. It appears the gentleman whom you are speaking about is not a branch manager so that is understandable.


    If I have seriously used any words that you had to "google" then......well. ??

  7. 6 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Nah, I'm harping back to when we sold cold cuts in my parents confectioners, the smooth knifed beastie cut everything beautifully even bread (and fingers, this was before 'ealth and safety).


    I've looked at several units on-line and most do not indicate that there are two blades, they show a serrated unit and it's cutting meat (and not particularly well) ????


    Like this one:-




    From Verasu website:




  8. 7 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    No the pink salt is called Prague powder. 98% salt with a touch of Sodium Nitrite I think. The nitrite or nitrate or whatever it is kills off bacteria apparently. Can be toxic if too much used.


    I just checked my prague powder says use by date 2017. I would have thought it would keep forever. Looks ok?


    I always turn mine.

    Oh. OK. I mix my own. About 50g regular salt and 1 teaspoon pink salt per 2kgs of meat.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    I cure it with a mix of the pink salt, mustard, pepper etc. Rub it and in a ziplock back in the fridge a week. Wash it dry it then another night uncovered in the fridge. Comes out pretty stiff and dry. Does the job always happy with the result. I used to smoke it to in my copy Weber kettle bbq. Few lumps of charcoal and a 6" x 1" green branch of Mango or Tamarind wood great flavour.

    I guess you mean regular salt too??? If so, virtually the same as I do. I used to wet cure but it took too long to dry out. The websites I looked at about dry cure kept saying about turn it every day and get rid of the liquid. Seemed like too much hassle. I tried a small batch and just left it in the fridge without touching it. Came out great. Now I only dry cure. Sometimes cut a small piece off before curing to try different recipes. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    I'll be doing loins...I guess they're about no more than 3" (75mm) high. Not huge commercial quantities. Few kilos a month.


    Need it pretty thin tho. Do you reckon it will do the job?


    Is there any maintenance required apart from cleaning?

    Ie does the wheel need replacing or sharpening?


    Man its a good price. German brand too. Chinese ones around town about 12k thb...but fairly big wheel

    I take the blade off to clean. Sometimes clean it up with a scouring pad. I usually rub a thin layer of cooking oil on the blade after cleaning to keep corrosion away. I have never needed to sharpen the blade. At one point I was slicing more than 5kgs a month.


    It will cut thin if the bacon is slightly frozen.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Not the bank managers role to approve the plans of a loan application that is the role of qualified builders and others like engineers


    I did not say it was. The bank manager has to see the plans before he will issue the loan. I would imagine they have already been approved at this point.

  12. 5 minutes ago, DILLIGAD said:

    Whilst different companies/countries may have different processes, in the 26 years that I worked in a bank, I never saw managers study building plans. That was done by staff of a specialist department or insurance company.
    I was a Lending Assistant Manager in Brixton during the times of the riots.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    We are not talking about working in UK. In Thailand all loan applications have to go through the manager. There are meetings held between the loan staff memebr, assistant manager and manager. The manager always has to sign the agreement. I know this as my wife and daughter run a translation business and have  been asked to translate loan agreements from Thai to English for the benefit of expats involved.


    If I did not know this I would not have made my first post. I prefer to post from experience rather than speculation.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Tanlic said:

    Plethora geezus where do you get these words????


    Most of the land in the area is sor por gor no planning permission required no loans available


    I could design that house on napkin and he probably picked the style from a photo and a sketch






    Then more fool him. For someone who is educated to a level to be a bank manager, he really messed up.


    A friend of mine, or at least his wife, borrowed money and used the house as collateral. He showed me the plans of the house that they needed to borrow and the loan agreement, as it was in Thai and he wanted me to explain. It had all the details of the entire structure.


    When I said that the bank manager should have seen plans before that is what I meant. Whether it is a housing loan on existing property or a new build, regardless of area, most bank managers will have knowledge because of the myriad of times they have been involved in such transactions.

  14. 10 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

    Why, What should a bank manager know about construction? (Or a rice farmer).
    You pays your money, you take your chances. Mistakes are usually very expensive to remedy, if they are possible.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    A bank manager will likely have seen a plethora of house plans. He would need to see them prior to issuing any housing loans. He is not likely to lend any money to build a property unless he is happy with the way the structure will be built. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Tanlic said:

    You could try chaikorat see him advertising on bahtsold these days. He did most of the bars in Soi Cowboy including my friends. Has a team who will go anywhere, builds tin sheds for sleeping in or rents cheaply locally.


    If your wife is apprehensive about the locals you should be terrified.


    Your problem is that you want a good job but you want to buy everything yourself. The best builders simply wont work that way


    I guarantee you locals will walk halfway through the job and go pick rice or you'll have plumbers doing electrical work and you will be pulling your hair out in a month


    Budget for 15k per sqm and get yourself a proper builder.......most like Alan or PD house are 20 to 25,000 baht these days but they don't build cinder block huts with tin roofs and call them houses




    15k per square metre is easily enough that you won't end up with a "cinder block hut with a tin roof".


    Our build was slightly under that, built by my wife's uncle and was built to my spec and completed on time. Sure there were occasions when there was a death in the family or a wedding that needed attending but that is part of living in Thailand.


    Like anywhere in the world, you need to check out the builder first. Look at some of his own work, ask others if they know about him.


    Just take a look at all the very houses popping up around places like Roi Et. Usually belonging to teachers, doctors or government officers and being built by local builders.

    • Like 1
  16. 58 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

    You were under the impression that dual nationality was illegal so lots of contradictions, indeed.


    Only hand over the kids Thai passports at immigration.  Sir, you're hard work.  Even if you hand over both passports only the Thai ones will be exit stamped.



    Thai passports are not stamped. Thais leave electronically.

  17. I have just replaced the battery on my BT50. The original one lasted just over 4 years.


    You need to be aware that as soon as you hit the remote on the key, anything that was not manually switched off will be ready to start. If you continually start the engine with the stereo and air con already switched on, for example, the battery will not last as long.


    Also need to do a long journey out of town once in a while.



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