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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 4 hours ago, Kim J said:

    Try and find a Proton dealer, that is your best (not guaranteed) chance of getting a decent job done. You can never ever trust Khun Honest and Khun Reliable at the independent places.

    You have obviously never been to the place mentioned above.

  2. Do you know the lake in Prakhonchai? The post office?


    If you do........with the post office on your right and the lake on your lake on your left, go ahead about 500 metres. Just after the lake ends (about 100m) there is a place on the right.

  3. 13 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Concerning HD Prime, I watched all of the weekend games with no issues on Bein. Never buffered once and I watched it on the Europe server here in the U.K.  I only get buffering now and again in Thailand  but generally I find its a great service.  So I would put it down to your ISP.

    I started using HDPrime when they were still known as ILikeHD.


    The service used to be great. Good connections, good streaming and no buffering. Over the last 3 months it became gradually worse.


    I gave up last month.


    Nothing to do with ISP as all of the other websites I now use are perfect.

    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, 55Jay said:



    Dire warnings about the hazards of driving with the window down...... from a guy who rides a big bike motorcycle?  In Thailand?  Road Death Capital of the Universe?  You better loosen the helmet strap, mate, it's cutting off the circulation to your common sense carburetor.  ?


    I wouldn't ride a motorbike here on the main roads and highways if you paid me.


    Increased chance of death/serious injury.  Even with the best S&M leathers, whips and chains on, a minor accident can cripple you if you land wrong, or wind up through the windscreen of Somchai's 1972 Mitsu Space Cab pick up.


    Never mind me and my arm making me a target to a notional, rare accident scammer or Five O.   YOU are a constant target for the plethora of road pirates in government uniforms.  All day every day. 


    Last.... when it starts hammering down rain, because we're in Thailand you know, I just pull my arm inside and wind up the window. 


    Remember that next time you're being pelted by rain at 100kph.  Look on the bright side - that's when you are less likely to be stopped and shaken down by the BiB.  Even they have enough sense to get out of the rain.

    Almost as much paranoia as the OP.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/20/2016 at 12:14 PM, TerryLH said:

    "Chum Phae Provincial Court"

    That simply indicates it's a provincial court located in Chum Phae.

    Courts are only Provincial. There is only, supposed to be, one in each province.


    This is similar to Nang Rong in Buriram province.


    I have been told a couple of time that there is a list of prospective districts that will be made into provinces. Bueng Kan was at the top of the list (already split from Nong Khai). Number 2 was ChumPhae and number 3 Nang Rong.


    I expect that the OP is correct and ChumPhae will eventually become a province, maybe also swallowing up some other neighbouring districts currently under the jurisdiction of KhonKaen .

  6. On 8/23/2018 at 8:11 AM, Michael Hare said:

    This expert from Germany says coconut oil is poison.




    Also beware of all the MSG in Thai food.


     Monosodium Glutamate is one of the most common amino acids found in nature. In abundance in all food. New studies show that it is pretty harmless too.

  7. My wife recently applied for  a visitor's visa for UK. The application date was 11th July 2018. This was her first application. She provided; a letter from herself explaining she is self employed, this was backed up with copies of 3 months of her bank statements showing money going in on 1st of each month and a copy of the chanote to show the house is in her name. A letter from me explaining that I would sponsor her during her stay, backed by a copy of my UK bank statement and a copy of photo page of my passport. A letter from my parents saying she would be staying with them at no cost. She also attached a copy of our marriage certificate to prove our relation ship. Her passport was returned with visa attached in 13 working days.


    I hope this helps.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

    What does the "paper" say. If it's only a receipt you're toast. Even if it's a promise to repay, it needs a reputable witness, eg police, lawyer, army officer. Don't lend any more money. You don't know how. You're "giving."

    The witness can be anyone.


    I once went to a court about money matters. I was helping a friend with translation.


    The case got thrown out. The reason was that money ending was deemed as a job. The westerner could not claim as he did not have a work permit.

    • Haha 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Maradona 10 said:

    The point is I've been here nearly 20 years and I get out and about, yet in all that time I've never heard of a friends gf, gf's friend, their butlers, sex slave, etc etc...never once heard of a Thai woman who has overstayed in the UK.


    Do you know of any?

    Yes, but then I have been here over 20 years so I guess that gives me an edge. 555


    I also lived in the UK for over 20 years. Knew some there too and not just Thai people.

  10. 1 hour ago, Maradona 10 said:

    Yes, disagree. I'm sticking to my own beliefs and experiences that over a period of 20 years I've never come across a Thai woman who overstayed in the UK. I actually know 2 Thai woman who have recently spent six months in the UK, both on them come back after 6 months and they both said they won't go back, and yes they both DID say it was far too cold.

    Not sure Thai women who have overstayed in UK would speak about it to total strangers.


    As mentioned by one poster, these rules are not exclusive to Thai applications but rather all applications.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    It's not a case of how often I use it, it's a case of the convenience of having one.

    I've used the Thai ID card more often, and that only comes after getting the book.


    Obtaining a driving licence.

    Renewing driving licence.

    Purchase a car.

    Purchase a motorcycle.

    Renewing road tax.

    Renewing vehicle Insurances.

    Tax revenue registration and annual returns.

    Open new bank accounts.


    I have done all of those easily, with exception of annual returns, without a yellow book or Thai ID card.

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