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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 14 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I said family comes first for a Thai. You truly have a jewel if you are put before your wife's family. I would describe you as a statistical outlier, assuming your post is valid.

    All four of my posts on this thread are valid. Yes, you are correct. I have a jewel.


    I don't recall saying that my wife puts me first. Rather that she sees me as part of the family and therefore treats me as such.

    • Like 2
  2. 44 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I would like to know how you can divine the innermost thoughts of another person. You should be a multi-millionaire if you have that faculty.

    My GF and I treat one another with mutual respect. A good foundation for a relationship.

    I suppose your opinion will be put to the test when a serious family crisis occurs. Report back after that.


    I'm sorry but I don't understand. I quoted what you said. No need for me to try to ascertain someone's innermost thoughts when they write them on a forum.


    If you care to read my first post you will see that I have been with my wife for 19 years. Plenty of family crisis have occurred and we have survived.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Preacher said:

    A Satit school is partly under OBEC; some rules they have to follow. In other areas they have more latitude as they are not a government school. 


    If a teaching license is required is dictated by article 43 of the Teachers Act. http://thailaws.com/law/t_laws/tlaw0450.pdf

    Sub 6 gives the exemption for universities. It doesn't mention the institution itself, it talks about teaching at higher education level.


    Now, you could argue that Satit schools fall under the exemption of article 43, sub 5 (if you can regard it as a private organisation). But my labour office and immigration office will not be impressed by that argument.

    Sad for those teachers teaching in your area. I have first hand knowledge that Satit schools teachers are exempt from needing a teachers' licence.

  4. 3 hours ago, Preacher said:

    It is not the kind of employer that dictates if you need a teaching license but the kind of classes you teach. Teaching kindergarten, elementary school and secondary school normally requires a teaching license, university classes not.


    The only job title that does not need a teaching license is a teaching assistant. But there are restrictions on that, such as the ratio between teachers and support personnel.

    It certainly is the kind of employer. If the school is not governed by OBEC then a teaching licence or waiver is not required.


    Universities that house a Satit demonstration school are not under OBEC, hence there is no need for a licence or waiver as the demonstration school is operated by the university.

  5. 3 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    I remember a post saying they were going to move to the border at Ban Kruat

    Buriram Immigration is not moving to Ban Kruat.


    The Ban Kruat story is that they are going to have a border checkpoint there that can be used for exit and entry to and from Thailand.


    Two immigration offices will remain. One in City Hall and one near the stadium. It seems that the City Hall is the main one and fully staffed during office hours. I have never used the one at the stadium so am not sure about staffing levels there.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Visa at Phnom Penh is rather fast

    - desk 1 : give passport and form with photo

    - desk 2 : pay

    - desk 3 : get your passport

    Maybe 5 minutes only at each of my 2 trips in 2017.

    Luck of the draw maybe. When I was in Siem Reap airport we were on the 3rd aircraft to land in not more than 20 minutes. I was very glad I had an evisa.


    52 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Doesn't save any time at Poipet, and the E- VISA isn't extendable (as far as I know you need the $35 ordinary VISA)

    I did say airport. I didn't need to extend as I was only on a short trip. Evisa made much more sense.

  7. On 2/7/2019 at 8:32 PM, BritManToo said:

    At the border/airport, $30 tourist VISA (extendable 1 month), $35 Ordinary VISA (extendable 1 year).

    Why pay more for an online VISA, especially when it might be a con.

    You have obviously never been through and airport in Cambodia.


    Having an evisa ($36) online saves a load of time at the airport. Also saves a page in the passport.

  8. 3 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Are you OK?  Have you ever tried to make crumpets in Thailand? Do you know how much a cast iron skillet costs?  Do you know how difficult it is to get even heating with a gas hob?  Who is going to clean up all that batter mess? And getting the batter out of the egg rings?   Do you know where to get good flour in a small Thai town?  How do you get the gas on a low setting?  There are no low setting gas hobs in Thailand!  Have you ever been to Thailand?



    Crumpets are easy to make at home. Regular frying pan, silicone rings, regular gas hob, regular flour........... need I go on?

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