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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 21 hours ago, Charlie54 said:

    This always happens in Thailand and people never learn. Rules for living in Thailand are rent everything unless you are prepared to lose it. Rent the house, lease the car. Buy a motorbike if you wish but always give them a reason to keep you here and where it all goes pear shape, get out and go and find another to subsidize. Amazing how many foreigners think they are immune to all this. You never have 100% rights to live here. If they want you out they will get you out. Keep your money overseas. Take what you need here. Show what needs to be shown. Do you think some poor farmer in Issarn who has never had a pot to piss in missed the fact that you have a 2 million Mercedes, a 2 million house and money to boot. The temptation is too high. You never have 100% right to stay here no matter what you think. This is not Europe or the USA and time  for people to recognize that. Most Thai Lawyers are as useless as two left shoes. It goes nowhere. 

    Oh dear. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, JaiLai said:

    Well done, you save a whopping 100 baht - good job!

    I've been to Savannakhet a few times. I have to say that the worst part is the bus journey across the bridge.


    If there was an option to take a tuk tuk all the way from the Thai side to the Lao  side and on to the consulate, stopping when required to get a visa, and the cost was 4 times that of the bus I would take it. Sometimes the extra expence for the sake of an easier time is well worth it.

  3. I sent a package by Thai post yesterday. Due to it's weight, 2.7kgs I was told that it could not be sent registered and thus could not be tracked online. 


    It was sent "pasadu" which translates to "parcel". 

  4. Does the grandchild live with you? If so then no need for actual teaching. Just speak to him everyday. He will soon pick it up. Simple things first like "get up", "are you hungry?", "what would you like to eat?". This is the immersion method and the easiest way to learn to speak a language. That's the way everyone learns their native language after all.


    At 11 years old he is young enough to pick it up. Once he speaks well you can teach him to read.


    This is the way that I learnt to speak and read Thai.

  5. Get your internet sorted. I've had 3bb fir two years and no problem. I pay for 30mbs and it is always there or there abouts when I check. 


    Take a look at HDprime for tv. An amazing amount of channels for 380baht a month. 

  6. 51 minutes ago, pearciderman said:


    Nope, what they needed was a transliteration of their name into Thai.

    Nope. They needed a translation of passport. Date of issue, date of expiry and date of birth was required too.


    So how about the fact that you cannot get an extension of stay based on marriage with a marriage certificate in English?


    How about you cannot get an extension of stay based on employment or a work permit with a contract written in English?


    In both cases the English versions need to be translated into Thai.

  7. 14 hours ago, pearciderman said:


    That is not required at all, never, ever. Do not confuse some jumped up official in Nakon Nowhere with a requirement by law.

    I know of many instances where this has been a requirement. Everyone that I know who has a yellow house book has needed a Thai translation of their passport. Also those who have children have needed translations of passport for registration on birth certificates. 



  8. On 11/1/2017 at 9:23 AM, pearciderman said:


    Utter tosh, if documents are in English or Thai they do not require translating, only if they are in a third language.


    Ever seen anyone translate their home country driving licence!!

    Yes. I have seen people having to translate British drivers licence and passport to obtain a yellow house book.


  9. 5 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

    They have been there from decades ago & during the Vietnam War. Nothing to do with the 2008 Thai/Cambo dispute.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Not likely that particular dispute,  I agree,  but more likely the decades old disputes between Thailand and Cambodia and less likely the VietNam war.


    I have good friends who live in KapCheong. They have told me many stories of watching soldiers, both Thai and Cambodian, laying the mines in an attempt to mark territory. 


    Remember that historically much of southern Issan was Cambodia. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Alantct said:

    I use iptv but it's never gonna be 100% reliable and if I am showing a match in the bar I don't want to piss off a lot of people with buff buff buffffffff bufffff bufffffffff
    ering emoji23.pngemoji23.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    3bb 30mbs package and a monthly subscription to HDprime. Sorted. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, sinbin said:

    I'm somewhat puzzled. I drove past this accident scene at 9:00 am and there was no sign of there having been a fire in, or around, the tanker. There was 2 fire engines on site but no hoses deployed. The tanker hadn't flipped. Even the picture in the article shows it sitting upright. I think a little sensationalism in the story.

    Agreed.  I wnet past at 7:30 this morning. Smell of petrol and sand being laid on the road. 

    Looked like the tanker had swereved and gone in the ditch. No sign even of a burnt pick up. 



  12. On 10/13/2017 at 4:27 PM, golden farang said:

    Not easy to open bank account. They not want farangs to them banks. Kasikorn would open if have work visa but not with non o or retirement visa. Gone are the days of "Love farang" signs and opening bank account with tourist visa.

    I opened a bank account with Kasikorn. All they required was a copy of my passport. No questions what so ever about visa status. This was not, admittedly, in Bangkok though.



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