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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 2 hours ago, Poppadom said:

    That was on my radar too, but made me uncertain about two things:

    1.) single cylinder and can get a bit shaky in a certain RPM range

    2.) tends to stuck in neutral?


    This Canadian guy has a really nice no frills review:




    Also, how tall are you if I may ask and how's the riding position?



    Quite a good and fair review. I would have to say that he really didn't give it much of a hard drive. The bike will do 150kmh.


    The one in the video is exactly the same as mine. Good bike for a good price. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Loaded said:


    The laws that apply to all foreigners, don't apply to you because you say so!!!!!

    What kind of drugs are you people taking?

    I've actually heard through the grapevine that you crims have now been noticed.

    Sent from my CPH1701 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Nothing to do with me. The laws you talk about have no affect on my life. I would be grateful if you would hold back on the insults.


    I'm just trying to point out what had been said. You seem to have so much bias and hatred towards online workers that your judgement is being clouded.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Poppadom said:

    That was on my radar too, but made me uncertain about two things:

    1.) single cylinder and can get a bit shaky in a certain RPM range

    2.) tends to stuck in neutral?


    This Canadian guy has a really nice no frills review:




    Also, how tall are you if I may ask and how's the riding position?



    1 and 2 .... not in my experience.


    I am 176cms. Could do with being a little taller to be honest. I think 185 will be comfortable.

  4. 20 hours ago, Loaded said:

    But they do write the laws and policy on government websites. There's no evidence on any of these that foreigners teaching online in Thailand are not covered by education, immigration, labor and revenue law.

    Sent from my CPH1701 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    And...you are yet to show evidence that they are. Whereas, there has been more than one example of government officials saying that there is currently no law to cover such activity.

  5. 2 hours ago, ozmeldo said:

    If you are on a Thai visa, living in the country regardless of catagory it's my opinion that it would be folly to think you are not subject to income tax. You may skirt the law, but I think you are liable for it. You are generating income from goods or services inside the country. How can this not be so? You would have to believe not that there is void in law - but exemption.


    If you are a teaching here, and hold non residence visa I think it even more so than a digital gonad whose days are numbered anyway. These days it seems, everyone gets a year to screw around here, then the hammer comes down.


    Just because one official spouts off, this does not make law. Truth is we don't know but I find it impossible to think Thailand will exempt this revenue stream.

    Of course if you are teaching here and being paid here you will pay tax.


    Is there a revenue stream on digital nomad earnings? Who says they bring the money here? Of course there will be tax paid but in the country where the money is being earned.


    If you are here and running real estate in the US, for example, then you would pay tax in US. If you are teaching online and you are registered a resident of UK then you would pay tax there.


    Maybe, in the future, Thailand may do something about this. It would be good for them to allow this to happen, maybe govern it and make money out of it, rather that deem it illegal and see all of the digital nomads leave for somewhere else.

  6. 10 hours ago, Loaded said:

    Direct quotes from official sources? just one.


    Over to you.



    no blogs with 'quotes' from digital gonads thank you.



    Senior immigration officer Thawatchai Changoern was referenced as saying the following regarding digital nomads.

    He noted that online work for overseas companies that pay overseas is not prohibited but that the person will need to get a visa to stay longer, currently there is no new visa for these kinds of people.

  7. 58 minutes ago, Loaded said:

    Rubbish and what a boring 'argument'. Clowns who rape pixies is also not specified in Thai criminal law. According to you, this means they aren't breaking the law. Teaching online is breaking Immigration, Labor, Revenue, and Computer Crime laws.

    Not boring at all. Quite funny actually. You are trying to squirm out of this by posting nonsensical comments. At the sametime I am using whay I have read in published quotes from immigration officials to back up my comments. See...not boring at all. Funny. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Loaded said:

    You quoted from a Thai language gossip forum.


    I quoted from a Thai national newspaper.


    But anyway, here's another one from last year reporting on Chinese working on the internet and being charged with not having a work permit:


    "The Bangkok Post says the men were arrested on several charges including overstaying their visas, working without a permit, using unregistered SIM cards, and, according to a later report also from the Bangkok Post, smuggling. Working without a permit in Thailand can result in a five-year prison sentence, or a fine ranging from 2,000-100,000 baht (about $58-$2,936 USD), or both."




    Can't quote from BP here but this report is just as good.


    My pi$#ing against the wind seems to be going all over your face. :smile:



    Missed again.They were working in Thailand and getting paid in Thailand.

  9. 51 minutes ago, Loaded said:

    You missed the 'and deported' part then?

    You have not read the full story as usual. They are not being deported. The authorities are going to ensure they leave when their permisdion to stay is over. As they try to do with everyone who comes to Thailand. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, kane666 said:

    As a last resort (pardon the pun) there are of course quite a few "resorts" of the "short time" variety in and around Buriram, none of which would have a website or likely even a phone but they do have quite acceptable rooms with showers etc. So I have heard, from a friend of a friend. Their rates may well spike for that period but worth a try if one is desperate.

    I checked everwhere when looking for a place for a mate from Udorn. Even the "200 baht for 2 hours" resorts. All booked.

  11. 1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

    Did i say he could make it last longer by extending it each time? i just informed him that he could do that on every 90 day entry and reminded him that's any (ie including the last one) making the visa last a lot longer

    i think the OP understood exactly what i meant. in effect he would be making the visa last longer by extending it as you just said yourself he can get 17 month of stay from that same visa. 

    Ok. So I guess it is your terminology. You cannot make a visa last longer. You can stay longer if you play it right but a Non O Multi entry will only ever be valid for a year. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Happy enough said:

     The dude at the consulate on my last visit said I could extend it at immigration which I have not done. 

    you can extend it at immigration if you go with your mrs for 60 days before the visa expires for 1,900 baht to visit the wife, then go to savannaket after if you preferred.

    remember you can do that after any 90 day entry making the visa last a lot longer. 

    no problems to do as many back to back multi entries and all you'll need is the 'original' of marriage cert as you have learnt and copy of her thai ID or passport signed by her.

    **i think the consulate guy was saying you could do the year extension if meeting the requirements but this doesn't have to be done, you can just keep doing non imm visas if you prefer

    You cannot make the visa last longer by extending by 60 days each time. The visa is valid for 1 year regardless. You can get 17 months stay if, you leave and come back for a final entry on the "enter before" date. Then, when that 90 days has expired, go to immigration and get another 60 days for visiting wife. 

    • Like 1
  13. 52 minutes ago, Goanna said:

    Cooked is right. I would suggest going earlier for a drive, and have at look at these small Thai resorts, and even make a booking. Locate the track, and work outwards. Also would be good to know the lay of the land before GP.

    Maybe six months ago. Not now. 

  14. 12 hours ago, Loaded said:

    but you will be working illegally without the appropriate visa and work permit. It's unlikely you'll be caught though.



    Another big case recently would deem your comment inane. 166 Chinese arrested for online work. Sunsequently released when the authorities realised there was no law currently in place to cover such activity. 

    • Like 1
  15. 12 hours ago, cooked said:

    If you can recognise the Thai word for 'Resort' you'll find that there are many places around Buriram not to be found on the internet. I have never ever booked in Thailand even at holiday times and have always found something. 

    I have searched many places, some off the beaten track upto 20 kms from main roads, for friends in KhonKaen. All booked. Seems Korat is now the nearest place where rooms are available. 

  16. 7 hours ago, finnomick said:

    There are several resorts in and around Buriram but most don't advertise. There's the Best Western in the town centre but I reckon they'd be fully booked. Try them nonetheless. There is a hotel at the racetrack but this is where the teams stay. A Dutch guy and his Thai wife have a superb restaurant called Muang Pizza Buriram to which is attached a very good resort ( number on Google ) and that's in the town centre just round the corner from Best Western. About 55 kms due south is the small town of Prakhon Chai. Only one ( very expensive ) hotel but several resorts -- again most not on Google. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day and the advent of MotoGP in Thailand let alone Buriram has developers franticly building . Shame I'm not there right now or I could have driven around and got a few numbers.

    All fully booked. 

  17. 25 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Not true. As said before it is USED (and can't be re-USED) but is still VALID.

    By example you need to be on a VALID non-O to get a Retirement Extension,

    and most of time you will be on a USED one, but a VOID one wouldn't work.

    No. You have to have entered on  Non O. The minute you are stamped entry you visa has gone. You have permission to stay. Your visa status is Non Immigrant. 


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