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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. There is a big difference between rural England and rural Thailand.

    Well, knock me down with a feather, really ?

    I never knew that....

    You learn something new every day.

  2. If that's the case, it seems the marriage is the problem, not the relationship. Relationships take time to develop, and during this process you may realise that it's not right for the both of you, so you can both walk away on good terms.

    Unfortunatley alot of people tend to jump stright in the deep end, heart on their sleeve, and get married before they even know their partners surname, and that's when the problems start. Usually marriage does not end on good terms because of all of the money that went into it, and the hasstle of a divorse. You cant just up and leave, you have to piss about first. Then theres all the legalities, is there any wonder why people are bitter after a bad marriage?

    Why may I ask, is marriage so important? Me personally, I think it's a mugs game, more trouble than they are worth. Marriage should be specifically for Religious reasons, not for the sake of it.

  3. I was beaten as a child, and I turned out fine. I have a brilliant job at McDonnalds, I have only had 3 ASBO's in the last 16 months, and have just completed my 82 hours community service. I'm a real asset to my neighbours, I throw a party for them every Thursday night, with loud music and everything it lasts all night, but they never seem to show up, guess they are just shy.

    I had two children by the time I was 21, I used to beat them too when I had them, and they have turned out fine so far I think, well thats what their mother tells me, I only get to hear from them every 6 months because of the courts custody decision.

    Beating your children is fine folks, i'm a shining example of this.

  4. G54, you have done the right thing, no point in arguing with the people that like being one of many sponsors of a Thai lady.

    For those that don't know yet, being a tight arse and being money smart are two very different things.

  5. Me personally, I try to treat people the same way, i'm nice, reasonable and polite. But I noticed when I was out with my thai friend, she didn't really treat waitresses, cashiers, or really anyone that was providing her with a service with much respect. As if they were below her, this could just be this particular lady, so by no means am I saying everyone is like this. When I would say thank you after paying for goods etc. etc. it sort of bemused her as to why I was doing this.

    Anyone with similar experiences?

    edit: I realise this has nothing to do with hired help, as I am not so privileged to have had any haha, but they are workers nonetheless.

  6. Sabum, I can understand what you are saying, but I still think the situation these particular Thai women put men in is wrong. If you don't like the man for what he is instead of what he has got, why bother? Its just glorified prostitution. She should realise that if she does like him, and the feeling is mutual, then the quality of life will get better for her as the relationship progresses, but she is merely putting a stop to progress by these silly demands.

    If she is nice, but is being led on by her peers, then really she should know better.

  7. I think smacking kids is ok, but not hit them like you would an adult. Like one of the posters above said, a light smack on the arse and its more of the shock rather than the pain that gets the message across.

    jknbkk if my 6 foot 16 year old deserves a smack, he will get one, although it will be more of a hit than a smack. Laid out. Joking aside, I think you have completley missed the point jknbkk.

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  8. You were wasting your own time. Especially wasting more of it by replying.

    Apparently wasting yours as well.

    Not wasting my time, i'm having a good laugh here, unlike you who wasted more of your time again.

    I thought the OP's story was fuc_king class, not quite as funny as some of the gullible responses though!

  9. Don't know about you guys, but when dating, the girl is not entitled to half of my shit, and she definatley will not be getting a wage from me, and even more definatley will not be stopping work to sit on her arse just because I can "afford" to. No no no, children you have got it all wrong.

    This is a relationship, not sponsor a child.

    Yes when i'm dating, I LIKE to pay for things, like meals, cinema, pretty much if she is out with me, I LIKE to pay for her, but in no way am I OBLIGED to pay for her regardless of her financial situation. If she ever offers to pay, I let her because that shows the relationship is 2 ways, not 1.

  10. If I were to commit suicide i'd do it abroad, and in the most creative way possible to keep people thinking how I managed it, and why I did it. Somehow I would incorporate an asphyxi-wank with a high speed crash, with a large fall, with fireworks, with cheeseburgers, with a balloon, and somewhere there would be an animal involved, there will be more, but I haven't finished planning it yet.

    Watch this space.

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