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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. Doesn't bother me, but I think it would be a bit suspect if someone who knew my name was calling me farang.

    Tam: Hello this is my friend farang, farang meet my friend Noi.

    Noi: Hello farang.

    Me: Hello dark skinned asian.

    Doesn't really sound that nice does it?

  2. - You have got to be wearing lots and lots of gold, the heavier the better.

    - You have to be wearing the darkest sunglases possible, also have the most ridiculous trendy haircut you can get, to prove to people you don't care.

    - Wear 3/4 length pants and a white tank top to let your class shine out.

    - Also just be angry at everything, angry people are classy.

    - Never admit you are wrong, classy people aren't wrong.

    - Be loud and obnoxious, classy people can't be tamed.

    - Have an equally as classy chick hanging off each arm to prove how classy you are.

    - Never show anyone else respect, why show respect to people with no class?

    - When eating, chew with your mouth open, and talk while doing so, manners are for people who think they have class.

    - Classy people act immediatley on instinct, if you need to pick your nose or your arse, just do it, don't initiate a thought process.

    - Beer bellies are classy, they prove how hardcore and classy you are.

    - Last but not least, classy people wear sandals regardless, it shows how closley they resemble Jesus Christ, who is the son of class.

  3. everyone is just floating in hiso**** on these forums. i guess they just dont like coming out in public. you know, the papparatzi(sp) and everything!

    Ha, it does seem so. When I travel to Thailand this month i'm going to post up my story of all the lo-so (i'll tell you they are hi-so though) women I have dated, and all of the skanks I am sponsoring, then we can all trade names and see if any of us have the same one. Lets see if we can collect 'em all!

  4. Exactly, I find it comical how the goverment is going to all these measures with new drink for tourism, free visas etc. etc. to bring in more tourists, but they let ridiculous things like this happen without a thought. Are they just bringing in more tourists so they can lock them up? Maybe it's their plan to take over the world.

    Lure us in, Lock us up, take over, no hassle, mai bpen rai.

  5. It's completley different paying for sex, and sending money to a girl.

    Paying for sex, you are doing just that, the contract is you fuc_k, you pay, end of transaction.

    When you are sending money to a girl the contract, or what you think the contract is, is that you are doing so because the girl is your girlfriend, you are helping her out until you can sort things out. So when she turns out to be sleeping with every man and his dog, it is deceitful for her to do so.

    So on the contrary to Maigo6 saying it is different from being robbed, I believe it is not. You let someone into your home, a friend for example, only to return and all of your posessions have gone. You were under the impression they were your friend, but they robbed you. It is exactly the same as the ladies who take money from men or vice versa, posing as a girlfriend, and have no intentions of being their girlfriend, they just want to bleed you dry.

    I find it quite sickening hearing some of the many tales on this subject, but like many opinions are, I believe it is partly the fault of the person who sends the money, as they shouldn't be so fuc_king stupid.

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