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Posts posted by scottyd

  1. I have a good friend who has a Thai wife, nice woman, but started hanging aroud with Thai friends and suddenly she is gambling away all her wages. She has a degree and speaks good English, you would think she would know better, but I guess she is just easily led/weak willed. She was saving fora holiday back to Thailand, but it's gone up in smoke, gambled it all away. At least she was decent enough to only gamble her money and not my friends!

  2. Yes, all Brits hate immigrants, and especially people who aren't white, that's why we are glad this guy is locked up, hopefully for longer than 2 years because he is black.

    I really don't know what we were thinking when we allowed all immigrants equal opportunities, because that is just too generous of us, and so out of character for Brits. We should just have them locked in cages, only to be released for our entertainment. Because of this decision we are all bitter how the black and brown men are taking over the country and our jobs. OH NOES!

    People get a grip, and while you are at it get a clue.

  3. Bruce Lee is dead and Chuck Norris is selling gym equipment. Roundhouse is so 1980's. Even pop martial arts are mixed martial arts with emphasis on jujutsu. Street punks shoot and miss and hit innocent kids. Before I was a master of bushido, I was trained by airborne, that's special forces for those who don't know. I can group shots in 1 inch circle from 50 yards with 9mm Beretta 92F, headshots every time from 600 yards with sniper bolt action rifle 12X scope. And don't get me started on my assault rifle with bayonette and two magazines taped together. I'd bitch slap the punks around, but my religion, Buddhism, prohibits me from arbitrarily bitch slapping punks. I do make acceptions sometimes, though, and the I have to go to Wat and make amends, but hey, it works for Steven Seagal, and it works for me.

    Like I told you before, guns are for little bitches, ones who have to hide behind their boomsticks. You think that jibber jabber is impressive? I can kill a man with a chopstick up to 800 yards, and maim a man up to 1000 yards. Anything after 1000 yards I can't hit with a chopstick because there is not a chopstick in the world that can survive the immense forces inflicted on it for that long, it simply disintegrates. Some say it travels so fast it ends up in another dimension, but it has not been confirmed yet.

    Back in the day when I was adopted by Pandas I learned their secret ways. I learned how to look all friendly, but be very deadly, and I can fight with bamboo better than anyone alive today, and when i'm done fighting, I can survive on the bamboo.

  4. What are one's chances of walking out of Suvarnabumi without getting murdered?

    Nil. You cannot, as a foreigner, walk out of Suvarnabumi without being murdered. You just have to enjoy the beautiful airport, I heard it really comes alive at night.

  5. I am the love child of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee and I will roundhouse kick you and your half pint gang members back into your mothers wombs, only for you to be reborn, and slapped again by the midwife.

    Oh and for the record, only little bitches use guns and knives. I have been shot and stabbed in the past and guess what, it didn't even hurt. Infact, I didn't even realise until they started shouting nasty words at me. Thats when I slapped them, bent them over and introduced them to my Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  6. I'm from South Shields, a small town filled with charvas. We also have a really nice beach, but who the fuc_k wants to go there I don't know, it's fuc_king freezing. Catherine Cookson was also born here, whoop de do!

    Hmm me too... don't think I've been called a cun_t though!

    I don't care if someone calls me a farang as long as it's not as a direct insult, don't see any harm in it.

    Small world!

  7. Nice one, not too far away! So do you still live here or in Thailand?

    I think we'd better take this conversation away from this Thread, Don't want to hijack this important thread with our drivel :o

    Very true! haha

    Anyways, "farang", i've ben called worse.

  8. Newyorkman, are you well connected to the A Team? Are you Mr T?

    How did you get to Thailand anyway? I thought you "ain't gettin' on no plane"

    edit: newyorkman your history game is weak.

  9. Nah, thats not me in the pic, it's Dave Chappelle dressed as Rick James.

    I'm from South Shields, a small town filled with charvas. We also have a really nice beach, but who the fuc_k wants to go there I don't know, it's fuc_king freezing. Catherine Cookson was also born here, whoop de do!

    Jubby, where are you from? England too I presume?

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