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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 27 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    Two fairly highly-placed scholars whom I know - one (at Chula) a supporter of the junta, the other an opponent - are both CONFIDENT (have virtually no doubt) that Prayut will still be in power after the 'election'.


    I agree with them.


    bingo we all just have to see the recent fake polls on how they're going to 'rig' the election. 40-50% combined for the junta gangs and 30-40% for pro democracy parties with 10% going to the snake charmers in the middle. No doubt they will let pheu thai get the the largest share at around 30% to make it look a genuine election. But with the senators in the bag then they will hold power. If it was a free and fair election the pro democracy parties will gain at least 70% combined and win handsomely




    the next financial crisis is near, then passive giving up mode, will change into pure anger mode and escalate from there.


    viva the revolution



    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, adammike said:

    As a moderator should you really be talking about putting people in hospital,a bit of moderation on your part may be in order.

    gotta love the posters trying to control other posters thoughts on a wack job of a neighbour and family destroying the life of an old woman and her dog, and if you believe the, but governor the dog bit me olde line you believe anything on this land.

    • Confused 3
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  3. On 28 ธันวาคม 2561 at 12:51 PM, lust said:

    Because I could see them counting stacks of 1000baht bills at the “fines counter”. We were the last ones to leave and I could see at least 2 stacks. Also, my wife commented that we never had to pay this before and they showed us all the fines from that day.

    yes but dont you think it could also be fines for being late reporting the 90 day stamp with a tm47 form, which is up to 2000 baht fine as well. I see that happen many a time in that section. 

  4. why the crocodile tears and dramatic phrases, proceed with caution and heads up nonsense??


    My original 5 year visa took 4 weeks to wait for immigration to send confirmation of date and time and officers name for the visa at cw io office. Any 5 year visas since they (elite) always advised up to 2 weeks wait, Cant people wait geez i am mean elite doesnt grant the visa in the passport the immigration office does, after my experience i know they place a lot of importance in the first visa on this  programme and once on they relax with their waiting times for new visas

    • Like 2
  5. what happened! did this thread   become merged with the washington square sub forum, with lets give this joker home boy a chance, jeez maybe 2018 was just a racist dream where families were locked in buildings for 24 hrs until they could prove they entered the country legally etc etc all under this nationalist treasonous gang. Something is going on in their twisted little minds with all these recent pr bluff performances on immigration

    • Like 1
  6. i would say everyone inside and outside of this land can now see clearly and i am going to have a good guess and say this land is already in recession. I am sure the english thai media will have a different story, property market booming buy buy buy, economy on the up invest invest invest.

    • Like 1
  7. geez corruption yeah green shirt style 100 billion dollars for one year, elected gov. 60 billion dollars in one year not including 4g, rail, eec corridor etc. wow these green shirts over decades sure know how to reap and sow cutting the loot in billions of dollars. 


    For all those junta fanboys wasting years of their lives posting about yellow shirt propaganda what a waste of your lives. Please enlighten everyone on who corrupted taksins 59 billion baht in a scb account? Did taksin corrupt himself lol

  8. nothing compares to the corruption of 80 years of juntas earning billions of dollars for themselves being laterly protected through the international chinese state apparatus(just look up what the present malaysian gov uncovered eg. forest city,train lines etc). Even Eliott Ness and his crew wouldnt be able to untangle this organised crimes web of deceit over decades of fleecing this land. Hell, Al capone is a mom n pop shop in comparison.


    Just keep in mind 5 years ago the elected government budget was 1.9 trillion baht. Now under junta rule the budget is 3 trillion baht. Not to mention all the loot whoops contracts from 4g to rail to eastern corridor and it really tallys up. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Personally, I don,t think he has done so bad a job, though I do think he should have been more thoughtful regarding the problems encountered and endured by legal expats who wish to stay here.

    Nothing could be worse than a return to the thaksin regime, and hopefully this will never be the case.

    haha you said that with a straight face, you must be living in some twilight zone where washington square still exists. Best comedy post of the day thanks for the giggle

    • Thanks 1
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  10. 4 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    1) what is a wum ?? 


    2) no the issue is not clear cut.. Thailand has long made it clear that stock purchasing and selling doesnt require a work permit. The issue of being a trader, and when someone might need one, is far wider than simply elite card issues. Repeatedly it has been stated that it isnt illegal to do this, you are free to disagree as I feel it is a grey area, but labour department and a recent 'bust' of a professional day trading operation, seem to indicate otherwise. 

    many visas are gray area visas as they allow you stay for certain periods of time, marriage, education, retirement, elite but thats the point if you going to trash a visa and abuse its gray area on an open visa web board read by thousands, looked over by authorities is it really a smart thing to do????


    Hell neon bright lights look at this thread tax issues with a gray area visa whoo hoo look at this mr immigration. 


    This is my point its daft and on any other gray visa this thread would be a public threat, so why isnt the elite visa treated in the same way on this forum board?


    The title should never have been allowed on this forum


    the elite is not a visa that you pay taxes on income from working. So why have an op blatantly trashing the visa through mud by thinking you can get around the headache of opening a company name paying taxes through it and having a work permit. and instead live of a gray area visa in thailand and openly throw the visa under the bus with this type of thread

  11. 6 hours ago, Firefan said:

    There are a couple of issues here; first of all, the original intention of the (lifetime) Thai Elite visa, was for rich tourists (golfers Etc.) to easy come and go in and out of Thailand - it was NOT (originally at least) intended for long stays - and I believe that one even had to leave the country (not just do 90 day reports) every 3 months. Therefore a work permit can not be connected still today - as many of the legalities behind establishing the visa have NOT been changed. 


    A tax ID is possible on other long term/non work related visas(extensions). I know several retirees getting tax refunds on their Thai dividend and interest income using that, only reason I see for it NOT being possible on the Thai Elite is what I mentioned above; the Thai Elite is STILL(the laws behind it) considered a (fancy) "tourist visa" - and I do not think one can get a tax ID on a tourist visa.


    Also; if day trading ones own account/money is considered work, when is my (own) money management NOT considered work? When I check my pension account quarterly?, when I sell some stocks monthly/annually to rebalance my portfolio? When my Thai or foreign time deposit expire and I research and buy into a new time deposit? When I sell a stock, I no longer like? None of those are work. I simply manage my private money (even if trade more often).


    Finally; it is true that foreign banks/institutions are now asking for for foreign tax ID numbers. FACTA and other new rules require them to ask for it, and yes; they can decide to close or limit functionalities until it is supplied.





    i have the original one like most visas, marriage,retirement and elite that allow to stay as stated as virtual long term tourists. The original never changed ftom extending every 90 days but the newer ones have up to 12 month extensions. If you wish to work etc or set up a company you have to cancel the elite visa and obtain the work permit visa process but keep in the programme in case you want to quit work/company and go back to being a long term tourist.


    This is the point the op is blatantly misquoting the elite visa to be some work permit/permanent residence visa and pay taxes etc. If i did this on a retirement/marriage thread the whole thread would vanish as i am proposing something highly illegal. Why the hell this visa is allowed to be trashed in this way is disgusting when we know full well authorities check this site. 



  12. this thread is misnamed and should not have a visa which is not a permanent resident or work permit attached. Many times we see threads vanish when fools say how do i work on visa on arrival without anyone knowing blah blah This is another blatant attempt to wum. The op seems to want to trash this visa when all he had to do is set up a company in thailand then gain a work permit and pay his taxes. He knows this its just a complete wum. 

  13. 24 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    Your post doesn't make any sense.


    Many people on elite visa don't need to work in thailand but still pay taxes on remitted income into thailand, dividend payouts in thai companies they have invested in, real estate investments etc.



    Ops question is totally valid, his only problem is that whoever he talked to was incompetent.


    Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk





    no its not the point. The op really is a wum, what he is highlighting is to work full time on his income whatever that is and use thailand as a base and use the thai tax structure to satisfy his passport countrys tax man.

    That means he requires a work permit not a living visa such elite/retirement/marriage. That is why if you have an elite and wish to work they can help you change the visa to a work permit. I am sure people have changed to a work permit after starting a business or other work etc.


    The op is fully aware of the need of a work permit.

  14. the OP is a wum and elite visa gets these every month these wum threads. The OP knows full well that if you want to work in Thailand then you have to change from an elite visa to a work permit. This thread is another way to attack living visas like marriage/retirement/elite hoping the authorities will see and intervene in the future on such issues. Its pretty obvious the OP is from the chinese state probably hoping the authorities will take notice and charge tax statements to these kind of visas. Especially now with so many more chinese living and buying property

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  15. this is another wum elite thread. If you want to be registered to pay taxes a work permit pays taxes on income. Marriage visas, retirement visas and elite visas are for living. If you are scared if a tax man stay in your home country and keep paying your taxes. To come on here wuming about this visa is just daft. This visa can help you obtain a work permit for which you already know.

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