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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 31 minutes ago, Crash999 said:

    Wait, they actually said that? I was in Thailand during that time and don’t remember the reds or yellows suggesting that foreigners should be kicked out. And none of their disagreements were around foreigners. 


    A Google search for this only shows your post. 

    Are you kidding me? You dont remember this. It was all over the Thai press. They nicknamed then the dinosaur generals. Parading and speaking at their protest at the stadium next to MBK. People laughed at them, then they morphed into the street protest show ponied by suthep, still the dinosaur generals pulling the strings.


    the reason why they were laughed at, was saying such things as,

    "closing down Thailand for 5 years," 

    "rid Thailand of foreigners"


    They had thousands of protesters cheering them. 


    You can see from their rhetoric what they meant, control thailand for 5 years and put in place mechanisms to stay in power longer, and make life a whole lot more uncomfortable for foreigners.....



  2. people just going to laugh at these fools over not feeding pidgeons directives. 


    You would think all this man-power and media time better put to use on directives on :

    less plastice use, no fly tipping, food waste down drains, pavements bring used as toilets, waterways full of toxins-pollutants, pavements used as garbage tips nit using bins, flooding from clogged up drains causing diseases,parking in wrong places clogging up whole roads, mis-management in the local environment with new buildings where local infrastructure is that crisis points.....



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  3. thank you thai propaganda media for bending over backwards for the junta/democrat treasonous cowards


    Anti-rice pledging crusader???its just not how most people remember it. Thugs, shoot-outs, children of politicians being bullied at school, voting stations being stopped from allowing people to vote, main roads being blocked off 24hrs a day.People being beaten up, courts protecting the protesters, yeah right o mr crusader

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  4. i agree with the earlier poster who mentioned that police involvement is a theeat to win the cash and puts a seed of doubt in your mind. Thats all it is but that doubt wins most times as we read and know about horror stories


    Itemised bill is good and your friend can do the same and seek costs of replacement items to dispute over pricing. 


    There is also the involvement of the ombudsman that a thai used recently in her dispute with a landlord that was in the last week on thai visa news feed.The ombudsman office is at Charng Wattana building same as immigration


    Ask your friend to document everything from rent pay to photographs of damage the landlord is disputing. That way they cant be any grey areas. Also put the landlord on the back foot with tax id etc as another poster mentioned.


    This happened to me 12 years ago.The Landlord through the manager wanted 100,000 baht in damage when i left, in fact the damage was around 12,000 as i documented same products to be replaced in the shops. They still tried to negotiate 28,000 but in the end they conceded and i had a repair guy fix with replaced items for 12,000.


    A US embassy family in the next room were asked for 1 million baht as the land lord knew the Embassy would be paying so just ranked up the price when they left. I never found out how much the Embassy paid in the end but i doubt it was what the landlord wanted




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  5. On 25 กันยายน 2561 at 12:43 PM, cmsally said:

    When it comes to feral (townie ) pigeons, I don't think so. They are an absolute pest and unlike any other bird I can think of. I live fairly close to Tapae Gate and have to make just about every roof space etc pigeon proof. It has even got to the stage where you can't leave food out as well as the kitchen windows open, otherwise you have pigeons in the kitchen. It is beyond a joke.

    The other day I caught one in the kitchen trying to break its way into a packet of porridge oats!

    they are far smarter than some people give them credit for. They have every right to look for food their ancestors were dinosaurs unlike ourselves who have become 7 billion pests. Birds should not be picked on when all they are doing is surviving. I have birds all the time landing on my balcony, sometimes stepping into the place, for me its a joy for others they will disagree. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 21 กันยายน 2561 at 9:23 AM, kannot said:

    Thais are the  biggest culprits BY FAR, they "lovingly" feed the mangy soi  dogs, that same  food  also gets  eaten by the rats and flying rats ( pigeons)

    They are becoming a serious  issue  now throughout the whole of Thailand  even in the countryside by me, I only wish my Air ARms TX200 air  rifle  was legal here, pigeons shit  like crazy and it aint small, take the paint off your car and  will happily  roost in your aircon area, filthy things should be wiped out along with the morons who feed them.

    you do realize that people killing/abusing/hunting animals have many forms of mental illness's. You need help quickly 

    • Sad 1
  7. 3 hours ago, lincolnshire poacher said:

    I reckon that he will need to watch his step. He may well escape with a few million in fines and damages and no time in the slammer, but many people put animal welfare before human life and can be quite fanatical.

    surely you mean the Elon Musk brigade letting out their small lives on EVERY voiceless animal thread. Now thats FANATICAL


    it takes many varying mental illness's to be a hunter/trophy hunter/animal abuser. Just have to look at the guy

  8. There are less birds flying in the sky, birds need to be left alone to survive with less forests to live.


    Bangkok is a sesspit of disease of humans, garbage everywhere, polluted waterways, people using pavements as toilets but small man syndrome has made Bangkok Governor Aswipe lose his mind, and think not feeding pigeons is the answer to Bangkok becoming Shanghai

  9. Birds should be free to fly


    but unelected Bangkok Governor Aswipe hiding behind Mr P and Suthep is turning Bangkok into a concrete mess,of chinese immigrants devoid of trees, birds and anyone who wants to buy whitening cream. What a waste of tax payers resources to deny birds freedom. This lot make the neo-conservatives/mormons in the US look like Mother Theresa

    • Confused 2
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  10. i look up in the skies of Bangkok and there are less and less birds NOT more


    human greed destroying the birds habitat as left the birds living on tops of buildings scavenging for food on pavements and roads


    but to Unelected Bangkok Governor Aswipe there be no trees, no birds just chinese immigrants living in Bangkok

  11. On 7 กันยายน 2561 at 1:40 PM, tropo said:

     Nonsense! Anyone is at risk of being bitten or crashing to avoid them. My young Thai neighbour of about 20 had a nasty fall trying to avoid an attacking soi dog a block away from her house. I suspect you're being ignorant on purpose.

    27,000 thais die in road accidents every year, to blame animals for thais driving skills, drinking habits etc is just being hyper ignorant


    but its no surprise on the voiceless threads. Should be a new term for some bar hoppers, the Elon Musk brigade


    its the same type of posters everytime on these threads


    most of you wouldnt be seen dead using the same language on homeless animals outside of the bar areas

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