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Posts posted by humbug

  1. On 19 เมษายน 2562 at 9:26 AM, Ratt Thai said:

    I am not trying to be pedantic but:
    The welcome letter clearly states as follows:

    "Term of visa shall be granted in accordance with the validity of membership"


    2 hours ago, justin case said:

    read the small letters on thai elite, I am sure you did not ...


    if the government would cancel the whole ELITE, you are F*cked


    maybe you would get a fee returned, MAYBE


    if you are in hospital and get millions of baht of bill, whatever your insurance does not cover and are virtually BANKRUPT .... VISA ELITE might , even you paid 1 million, CANCEL YOUR VISA !


    that is the kind of crap you only read after you did the immigration background check and get the papers to actually apply & PAY


    and, let's not forget, if you decide not to do elite visa after you get the small letters, they only allow you 1 more time in your lifetime to apply


    because they 1 month immigration background check was so tiring for those people


    real info from one of those resellers


    or is it just to scare you with a BUY NOW button as he might not get his commission ?

    what a nonsense post justincase,was reading the pr thread about the new pr line at airports, what a lovely thread, just normal posters with pr trying to answer in a respectable way the op's question or query, then i read your post on the elite thread, btw it was 4 weeks for my original visa many, many years ago and the rest well, good luck with your health, you'll need it after that post


    to ratt thai, its something of interest to see how they do that as mentioned on the previous page

  2. just read the himalayan times from the 17th which 'has chinese tourists benefited nepal economically' , its centered all around the tax-avoiding scam of we-chat pay and alli-pay, this means that all transactions through these mediums are based in china not nepal or thailand, so all those chinese origin billionaire thai business owners are having  funds, paying for goods in thailand,being deposited in china, all under the control of the ccp(chinese state). and how much of that comes back into the thai economy?


    a lovely article that would never be allowed here

  3. 4 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I think I get what you're trying to say... 

    1. Visa 1 from 2020-2025
    2. 2025 - Border bounce just before Visa 1 expires & get another year
    3. 2026 - Get Visa 2 that you would have got in 2025...
    4. Repeat for Visa 2, 3 & 4

    ... but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way, when you go to get Visa 2 they will start it from the expiry of your 1st Visa (not the date your extended permission to stay ends) & it will expire in 2030 not 2031...


    Interesting idea though ???? 


    it is interesting how they interpret the 20 year programme, do they say you have a maximum of 4* 5 year visas, so if you are in your 17th year, you get the 4th 5 year visa, even if it takes you over 20 years, or do they interpret that in your 17th year for example, your last visa can only be a 3 year validity, and then gain the extra 12 month extrnsion to make it 21years. its interesting how they interpret, as some members will leave and come back in the programme, or extend some visas past their initial expiration date. with the 23-24 years i am going on a more laxx aproach, but maybe it has the valudity only for a maximum of 20 years. thats something that would be interesting to be confirmed either way

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I think we're saying the same thing (i.e. You can get 21 years out of a 20 year membership) ???? 

    maybe closer to 23 years because your last 5 year visa would be around 17-18 years into the programme, if you extended the first 3,and so they would gove you the final 5 year visa which would take it through the 20 year, so in effect as you are inside the 20 year programme, they would still grant the visa, from my understanding on how it would work from my visa to the present ones, but that is something they can confirm, the only way they could go against is if they reduced the expiry date on the 5 year visa, as maybe they could, but i sm pretty sure you could benefit from for more than 21 years

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I agree with almost everything you said (especially the fact that it's rapidly becoming a better alternative to the "Retirement Visa"), but where we disagree is whether you can get 24 years or 21 years out of it.


    When you get the last (4th) 5 year Visa, that's the end of it Visa Wise (they will still extend your stay & you still get airport benefits during the final 5 years)... To get any more than 5 years out of the final Visa you have to exit/re-enter the country just before it expires & then you'll get another 1 year permission to stay (Which is what you get on every entry/extension on the 5 year visa) hence it's 21 years.


    FWIW I'm following this & all other TE threads closely as I'm seriously considering moving to it when my Non-O is due for extension in July.... 






    yes you can, as for example if my visa stamp is dated 12th april 2020, as the last date of the present 5 year visa, then you can re-enter before this date and receive the 12 months, in my case it was 3 months, and my io had to just make sure with her superior at cw, as she was unsure, but it was an affirmitive yes, because in effect you are still in the programme for 20 years, so it means when you then have to get a new 5 year visa after your last extension date, but if there is a doubt, then coming to the expiry date, i am sure they will organize it at ghe imm desk at the airport for you, as you re-enter thailand, or have a rep go with you to cw to process it for you, as contacting them in advance could solve those doubts. so i can only confirm i got the 3 months more after the date, and the present ones it would 12 months extension, and i havent read any members on here who have been denied that request so far, 

    • Like 1
  6. seems like the first few posters on here, are talking to eachother from the alex jones master of conspiracy theories website, very fishy 


    land clearance from greedy farmers should have be outed as a major cause for these fires for weeks, theres been plenty of evidence of this on facebook etc from forestry officials, but now  its being allowed through by junta media, shameful

  7. today in this naff paper in the letters section someone mentioned 'south china morning post' that had a recent article on over 2 million 'internet opinion analysts' in china, that are paid to sing the governments praises and attack critics, their nick name 'wumao' the 50 cent gang because of their low pay for this work


    its been happening here for more than a decade, in a far smaller way and 99% in thai but we all know that the other 1% is using english boards/forums etc for the same work


    this fake news balony is another way to try and muzzle people while their 'internet warriors' can win the internet message boards game without any opposition

    • Like 2
  8. On 10 เมษายน 2562 at 2:17 PM, Puchaiyank said:

    Honestly, the humane thing to do would indeed put these unpredictable viscous dogs down when their owner passes...


    Yes, I have a heart...too many children have been permanently disfigured or killed by pitbulls...   

    control freaks wanting to exterminate the voiceless


    you only children you see are on the internet mr crocodile tears

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  9. the 107 points is down 17% from a previous confidence survey, 60-80 is really bearish, that was from the other naff paper in their business section yesterday. and thats if we can ever believe the reality of these figures, this gang will lie through their teeth. the last 12 months has seen billions of dollars of investments funds from the capital markets leave this land. i can see them propping up the markets using bot(bank of thailand) money ala china plunge team style, to elude everone, but people are now beconing savvy to all their dinosaur tricks. the last couple of days of ralllys looks really 'suspect' i am sure we see a lot more of that 'suspect' rallys over the next 2 months, it wont take much to move the markets now volumes are down 30% from a year ago.


    ah well back to the bolony articles, everythings hunky dorry, buy buy buy

  10. 16 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    Did you read and comprehend what my comment was directed at ? no you didn't - absolutely nothing to do with Thais relying on foreign money. 

    Suggest reading comprehension lessons might just help you. 

    i am not here to argue, we should respect everyone and their visas, but saying expats is misleading, foreigners being every one here without a thai passport, so many have been impacted by these nationslists, whether directly or through stress of seeing so many restrictive policies, and making us look worse the plague, billions of investment funds have left, i bet boi investments has tanked, the small guy, short term long term are tanking , all while the economy is tanking, not a good recipe. we are part of the economy, whether a few % or many %. you cant just change an economy with decades of impacts by foreigners to be restrictive and nationalist without impacting the whole economy. 

    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    Ok, right now all we have is one Thai article saying he "abused Royal privilege" with no explanation of the "abuse" so, at this point we really don't know anything concrete.  But rest assured, the full story WILL come out, as he is way too high profile to just sweep it under the rug. I'll wait for that before I seriously comment.

    there are the rumours being put out, just like reading hello magazine, but these nationalists takeover was also about greed, billions of reasons to use round p's homeboy to take a hit for impacting short term and long term stays

  12. 19 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    I won't miss him. Whatever the reason might be, his departure is excellent news as far as I'm concerned. He has taken the witch-hunt on foreigners and promoting xenophobia in Thai society to new levels. Going for the low-hanging fruit and turning raids into media spectacles didn't make Thailand any safer.

    yeah, one thing is striking me as a huge reason to quickly weed out the men in green's home boy and crew in charge of immigration, especially after last week in the other naff business paper, the ceo of the mall group(one of the major partners in crime with the overlord cpgroup) complaining that they need more long term stayers not just to concentrate on short termers, as their billion dollar investments were going to take a hit.


    throw in the other chinese business's part of this crime gang takeover of the land, and we can see they are starting to have enough of the chuckle p gang messing with the economy,immigration has been a disaster the last 12 months, less short term, less long term tourists, plus the fact joker home boy tried his propaganda best to turn the foreign community into the disgusting bogeymen to avoid at all costs, good riddance to the homeboy

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Date Masamune said:

    Please provide an example if you know of any law abiding people, even "dark skinned foreigners",  who have been negatively affected by Immigration checks?

    Over stay, working illegally, drive them out. Illegal Hotels/BnB, not reporting Aliens. Fine them heavily.

    There would be no cause for crackdowns if people would just follow the rules.

    a strange post deflecting attention away from the nationalists and trying to blame everyone else, but then again some of us dont have bedroom walls plastered with nazi memorabilia and pictures of the chuckle 'p' brothers

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