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Posts posted by humbug

  1. most bar hoppers never know what diseasese are lurking in their frail bodies, HIV+ is far worse than any animal disease, HIV+ infects 100,000's of people on this land and kills 1,000's of people every year.but for some on here as long as they have some paid friendship they overlook deathly diseases


    and instead come on to the voiceless threads 


    its sad reflection of part of the foreign community and for this Elon Musk has a good point to stereotype some foreigners living here, just look at some of the disgusting posts on this thread for proof of that

    • Like 1
  2. On 9/8/2018 at 2:11 PM, DrAwesomee said:

    Yeah I guess but in the reply I got they said its new regulation and it takes now 2 months for "every" thailand elite applicant to get approval. 

    when i got it more than 2 <removed> coups ago they had a one month wait on international security/police checking before they issued the first visa/membership


    maybe its a nationality thing or maybe they are going back to a similar but longer check for new visa/memberships

  3. 17 hours ago, baansgr said:

    68 rabies deaths this year already.....so now rabies isnt a problem, its part of "thai culture"

    why lie, 16 deaths so far that was this weeks total either way its a somchai passenger van crash


    27000 people a year die on the roads here


    400,000 hiv infected people roaming the thai streets


    have some of you been checked for sexual diseases? Isn't hiv far worse and deadly than rabies? answer of course it is. Rabies is virtually zero compared to hiv contraction.


    or some of you just want to let your frustated lives out on the voiceless theads

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    I wonder which nationality they will come for next, once they're done with the Nigerians ?



    be unhappy in ones life and take it out on dobbing in a foreigner walking into 7-11 by contacting a 24 hr hotline.


    Thats after the police start checking other nations citizens like Nigeria


    but if you are chinese immigrant from the last 100

    years you can own land, citizenship the works

  5. i came in through DM today and they had four seperate immigration arrival sections. One for Chinese, one for thais, one for all other foreigners, one for visa on arrival.


    Foreign section the busiest then the thai section third busiest was the chinese section but the least busiest was visa on arrival.


    the chinese section had 4 lanes, foreign section 8 lanes, thais 4 lanes and visa on arrival 2 lanes



    • Like 1
  6. hey this thread has started to be deflected by a few of the yellow shirt youtube link posters without staying on topic. I wont ignore because its a comedy seeing their posts. But is happening more and more


    in Iran leading up to the 1979 revolution, exiled popular leader, dumbing down of population to brainwash call it guided democracy, huge corruption and entitlement by civil service, huge corrupt contracts with foreign countries ie, mass state surveillance and arresting any dissidents


    Uncanny the similarities


    i dont expect to read anything from the 'other' parties this media is just a press release for the junta

    • Like 2
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  7. more figures today from the junta media


    1.2 trillion in total debts from 450,000 teachers averaging 3 million per teacher


    450 billion outstanding debts to the Government Savings Bank


    the 800 billion in other banks are Co-op funds from the civil service from the Government 


    All teachers could just sign to be a free member of the funeral fund then gain access to the loans


    The Government Savings Bank and the Co-op funds had to then issue loans to any member without 'ANY' credit checks


    This form of 'Bribery' using Tax payers money to keep the different parts of the civil service onside and help protect the 'status quo' is the real reason for this mess


    whats the betting other parts of the 'civil service/yellow shirts' were given 'easy loans' 


    i bet its been going on for decades as the junta have been in power mostly for decades


    Black Swan event for a new crisis?

    • Like 1
  8. well done to the tourist and the thai for having balls to try and help the voiceless


    All animal abusers should have instant 20 year jail and 2 million baht fine as well as being in a locked room with a nice heavy guy and a baseball bat


    i know its for now a dream but it would reduce drastically the Animal abuse


    There can be no fairness anymore in protecting the voiceless

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