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Posts posted by humbug

  1. On 6/12/2021 at 10:47 AM, spidermike007 said:

    This story simply does not pass the smell test. A few things do not add up. First of all, 100,00 baht a month for a room? Yeah, right. Second, no Thai landlord would let a foreigner stay in their place for almost a year, without paying rent. It would never happen. They would have a multitude of remedies available to them.


    So, as is often the case, there is far more going on here, than meets the eye.



    agree, so many of these foreign arrest articles are just exagerrated or lies added to the story, some of it will be true, but the condo owner is just allowed to say whatever he wants, knowing there is no retaliaition, and the overstsay is probably horse manure, or they were in hospital at the time, they can falsely arrest someone for illegal entry, then you have to prove you entered legally with confirmation through the immigration system, so many of these stories are just psyops by isoc

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  2. 18 hours ago, jackdd said:

    A while ago (like 1 or 2 years or so) we had a guy here on Thaivisa with Thailand Elite visa who, if i remember correctly, had Thailand Elite do the 90 day report for him while on overstay, and nobody said anything and the 90 day report got processed. Then on the next 90 day report they noticed it and he was in the same situation as OP now. So it has happened at least twice so far, and probably a few more times because not everybody will open a thread on Thaivisa about it.

    but that story was very likely fake, many a fake story written on visa threads especially elite, i remember that one  well, this is about an overstay 'if' a true posting not about a visa type, and extensions are checked on the computer while you wait for a print out for the 90 day report

  3. most times when people have overstay issues they just go, on this visa overstayed, what are my options, but with elite 'some' people and i include those posting fake stories, especially on elite, just want to blame elite for an overstay, they are not immigration, so how is it elites fault, but nearly always the fault of overstayers on every other visas

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  4. On 5/13/2021 at 12:14 AM, mbenson said:

    There is a similar rumor that Chinese warships will be based at a Thai naval base.

    These  contracts or national strategy  20 year and 25 year agreements 'chinese style' hint hint will put these countries like here, pakistan, laos etc into a far more controlled center than the EU, they will

    slowly allign their laws, immigration, taxes, currency, and defence, which all means Communist China dictating power, givng billions to the top of the country to gain their control, and flood the bottom of the country with even more waves of chinese immigrants, and plenty of defence bases 

  5. On 5/3/2021 at 2:39 PM, moogradod said:

    Of course you make the extension yourself. But this has nothing to do with the letter I mentioned. You are confusing the letter with the concierge service from Thai Elite - like it is suggested to affix a new visa.

    no, i mean I went for an extension 2 months ago, no letter, no assistance, no phone call to request a letter for an appointment for an extension, just went to cw by myself

  6. its never been asked for, a rental contract, but you can also go by yourself instead if making an appointment with the call center, the only time I am asked to make sn appointment is when i need the sevice of fixing a five year stamp to a passport, or last time a new passport, or if i wanted an assistant to meet to do the extension, if you want to do the extension by yourself, you can, that's my experience at CW bangkok

  7. 13 hours ago, James Powell said:

    I guess now you know how it feels in the USA to have a president attacking the "China Virus" leading to a steep increase in crime against Asians.  Just be glad no one is beating you up!  In the farang countries, it really does amount to criminally stupid negligence, whereas, Asian Americans did nothing.  Be happy to be here!

    it did come from China and a lot of the anti-asian sentiment is  jealousy from somr african americans who see asian americans, as more hardworking and successful and let out their anger in a jeolus rage in a multitude of ways, the china/ccp virus is just an excuse for this hatred going back years, every white attack on asians there are 10 times more from african americans, very little to do with an ex president 

  8. 2 hours ago, bunnydrops said:

    Not sure if there is a Thai/Farang price difference, but a Thai friend of mine just had hers done for 3500 at the Bangkok office for 5 day return.

    that's what was offered to the guy i knew who went last week, he went to the second office which is quieter and for overeseas or travelling, he was quoted the cheap normal price and wait a few weeks or the fast track price and wait a few days

  9. 9 hours ago, Jen65 said:

    Police clearance (from a section inside police hospital Bangkok )  requires one to have a letter either from employer , Immigration or other official source , in Thai ,  before they will even consider any request !!!   Normally the place is full of Thai's obtaining clearance for employment with a letter from their employer .  

    there are two places, the one place you are mentioning is for the form to be in thai and you need a letter for work or immigration


    the other place is 20 meters away and the form is in English and is for anything else from travelling overeseas etc, someone in my building went through this last week

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  10. this might not be of interest to some, but this is a blatant propaganda lie to promote  china as the longer connection with this land, which is horse manure, recently they had 800 years of china thai relations exhibition,


    A fact,quite some years ago i went to dusit where they had an thai-iranian exhibition celebrating 900 years of connections, handing our brochures  and books printed by historians from thai and iran commisioned by the r.household and iranian embassy, no need to spell out the r in front of household, we all know, even that is forgetting the older connections of pre-lavo kingdoms of vedic, which is why this land speaks sanskrit, pali and not mandarin, and why budhism and all the major cultural/ceremonies  are vedic, next the fake chinese culture celebrates chinese new year, lets remind them it came to china originally from Egypt via babylon and persia

  11. easy, these property companies should be paying out of their own pockets for the 20 year no thrills elite visa, they do it for the chinese and even have bank loans from china allowed for buying here, anyone paying 3 million upwards, sure they would not be paying the full price from elite but a discount, many condos from 3-5 million sold to the chinese around the area near their embassy are being sold this way with the visa included paid by the property company, these are large stock exchange companies

  12. i don't believe these stories, Mynamar borders Communist China, and for the last 12 months China has tried to shift the blame to many other countries for their economic destructive China virus, this gangster regime in the Chinese pocket, seen an opportunity to repeat misinformation and lies by China, as well as using their bogeyman Mynamar as bait for reasons of extra control 

  13. On 11/19/2020 at 10:38 AM, Pilotman said:

    In my former life, my intentional airline wanted to open a large office in BKK and open a remote facility of our  Florida Training Academy, to train our own crews in Asian specific operations outside the home base and provide international training opportunities in all aspect of aviation, including maintenance, general engineering, flying and ground support.  The obstacles put in place by the Thai government to form what would have been a joint venture with Thai Airways made it impossible and we walked away from it.  I couldn't believe their short sightedness and  lack of vision. The  facility went to the Philippines.  Doing big business here is a nightmare, unless you are Chinese. 

    Thailand's own version of the Chinese led deep swamp, can imagine for decades, all those chinese nationalists behind the scenes in associations, bureaucracy, and big business,(led by CCP), always making sure that non-chinese foreigners can never own land or businesses en masse

  14. 18 hours ago, sandyf said:

    You really should look past the xenophobia.

    In the early 1930's about 12% of the population in Thailand were Chinese nationals.

    you are reading propaganda han chinese history in Thailand, no way its anywhere near 12% then and unless you put in mixed marriages it would be 12% now, its called reality of gangster regimes selling out their countries to the chinese, the chinese started to come on mass in the 1860's through a similar project to the belt and road now, for building infrastructure and being granted citizenship, they use these countries for their population to grow and abuse as, motherland china is over populated and been over populated for centuries, why do you think they invaded east turkistan, tibet, mongolia, all distinct cultures and history from china, by invading these countries they increased chinas land mass by 250%, just have to look at the map of shame, where china classes thailand as greater china, thats 100 years ago, when the chinese population in thailand would be no more than a few per cent. don't be fooled by fake chinese history, fake population numbers to make people believe its their country, or cousins, or its always been this way, its one big lie, and the chinese middle class/upper class in bangkok, will sing the fake tunes all day long

  15. 6 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    When is everyone going to realize ?  You're not wanted,  Mr CP and his mates in the Gov have already decided that Thailand's for the Chinese and those pesky farangs can just move on........ The only way back is for the rest of the world to kick out all the Thais all over the place back to Lie land and let them vent their anger on the Junta at being kicked back into a third world nightmare governed by a bunch of senile old Mr Woos.........  There will be NO change for the good in Thailand until this lot are made to leave...... Simple as that......

    yes and mr CP who is a communist party member of China is flying them in, probably friends of party members and their families all expenses paid holiday, to show china as the new saviours, i am not doubting in any way  buyers from china looking to buy anything they can get cheaply, but this phuket holiday from CP just looks like one big chinese propaganda ride

  16. 15 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    They are all cousins. Let's also not forget the quiet but sinister role Thailand played in the spread by allowing Chinese from Wuhan to transit through Thailand to many other parts of the world even as other countries were banning flights from China. 

    who are cousins? china now has expanded in manchuria, tibet, east turkistan, mongolia, all tbese countries have distinct cultures from han china, china centuries before was tiny, many of the people on these lands have much darker skin, cultures and languages and religion from the vedic cultures, the last 150 years had seen the chinese master race move into power in the top and middle classes, and the darker skin locals are treated like slaves

  17. the pr could be a real proposal or just an extra carrot to woo wishful thinking investors, then pull the rug from under their feet, investors being non-chinese, be also interesting to see how they tie in the eec to this as in every other belt and road they have eec and eez, may be it's the start, grant pr or extra legal status to those investing in eec, to chinese and offer same to other nations but put in more strict hurdles to follow

  18. 7 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    A mixture of face and xenophobia. An effort to pacify the rising  anger in the desperate tourism industry?


    It is a symptom of every military government to seek information , data and try to control....... regardless of whether it is necessary or even useable.



    6 months ago, it was pretty bad the xenophobia amongst the local popation, some racist/brainwashed staff in some stores like 7-11 not wanting to serve, and getting one of the other staff to do it for them, it hasn't been as bad the last few months, but i can imagine with all the media hype around tourists, except the media forced stories on chinese saviours, its going to increase the racist levels locally for all of us

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