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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Morphy Richards? Toasters? Never came across such a brand of cars, nor a car in which you can toast bread. ????
  2. You are right. Unfortunately, man has been pulverising man for centuries. Just think back,,, how lovely this planet would have been to live in. Here we are arguing about two drunks getting assaulted - but how many nations are stocking up arms to destroy 1000' s... maybe millions of lives? ,,,and the collateral damage involved?
  3. Although true as far as the third world mentality What if they carried a gun and fired point blank as the slap was given? Could we call it first world mentality? just asking...
  4. Very correct. On the other hand, the two Brits weren't acting very professionally either. If they were acting as true gentleman, the scoundrels would have kept to themselves - and this thread would not have existed either.
  5. Great analasys! I wish all these theories worked on the streets all over this world - crime rate might reduce more than 50%. (unfortunately, I've noticed the theories differ depending on the theoretician's mindset)
  6. Looking for a new wify together with his son? I guess for a second opinion? Good for him.
  7. No, no.... this is all a mistake. They were on their way to th 7-11 to buy some Aspirin, when these terrible Thai boncers came from behind and attacked them for absolutely no reason...
  8. All this is perfect. But have a look here One against how many? Gang stomping? Yes, NOT ONLY in Thailand.
  9. Many do !!! 555 The car you drive seems to show your status!!!
  10. Very sad to see (presumeably) western educated males thinking along these lines. Arent you feeling sad they behave like this in a '3rd world' country's red light area? Education is one thing, arrogance is another - whereever one comes from the world.
  11. Personally I have no problem with bouncers. Don't annoy them and there are no problems. Very true. In fact, in a drunken bar/club they provide some security to the other customers. Often I've observed totally drunk men, most times with heavily built bodies, making a nuicence of themselves to other customers in their 'he man' actions trying to attract the women around.
  12. Theorotically you are perfect - unfortunately, this world is NOT. Relax, take time, Google and see - this happens not ONLY in Thaiiland - in the 'developed' world too. Those two are lucky, very lucky - they are still alive.
  13. TBH there are 3 sides to a story - 1) His/Her side 2) My side 3) The TRUE side. In which country would bouncer turn the other cheek - even with training, brains & muscles? Visitors to night life areas too should have some grey matter... which is active after alcohol. (Cannot expect too much of brain power from any bouncer IMHO)
  14. After been asked to leave by the bar owner at around 1.35am on August 5 - There would have been a reason for this. Whilst holidaying in a foreign country, getting involved with bouncers in a red light area. Arguing and assaulting bouncers. What sort of treatment would one expect? Where in the world would bouncers mollycoddle and show humanitarian qualities in such a situation - specially after getting slapped?
  15. Of course! If it was right, you'd be bored. Go ahead... tell us more about your disasters - cannot expect any other.
  16. I understand. In another thread someone said a condo in Bangkok is only 4000 baht a month - I am still waiting... Pathetic lifestyles some folks lives...
  17. With ALL this rubbish in Thailand, I am sure you will never ever think of living here for more than a couple of hours? Right?
  18. Why? https://www.verywellhealth.com/leg-length-discrepancy-after-hip-replacement-2549561#:~:text=After hip replacement surgery%2C some,cause pain and muscle fatigue.
  19. Please give us a list of countries where you've had good experiences. With stats of course.
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