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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Mr. Smith comes to his wife, "Honey, could you be sewing on a wee button that's come off of my fly? I cannot button my pants." "Oh Dear ... I've got me hands in the dishpan, go up the stairs and see if Mrs. Jones could be helping you with it." About five minutes later there's a terrible crash, a bang, a bit of yelling and the sound of a body falling down the stairs. Walking back in the door with a blackened eye and a bloody nose comes Mr. Smith. Mrs. Smith looks at him and says, "My god, what happened to you? Did you ask her like I told you?" "Yeah," says Mr. Smith. "I asked her to sew on the wee button and she did. Everything was going fine but when she bent on to bite off the wee thread, Mr. Jones walked in..."
  2. It says Healthy Flon coated on inner pot for non-stick and easy cleaning. What exactly is Flon?
  3. Is this solely your assumption, or the official Thai version? As there are many pseudo experts around, a valid reference is necessary.
  4. WOW! Thank you! You have raised it to the next level! Great work.
  5. Of course, of course. But once this is a habit... YES! I have been next to a sweaty shirtless person on a sky train and my experience was NOT pleasant. By the way, it was not a Thai person either.
  6. quit looking for reasons to be offended. - I agree with you 100%
  7. Imagine on a packed BTS, standing next to a shirtless guy, getting squashed... an enjoyable situation? Maybe for a few who feel sad about my post. Of course, shirtless on the beach, pool etc is fine, but not roaming around the entire city! Handsome or not, is irrelevant IMHO
  8. Shirtless in public places/roads & vehicles, is absolutely disgusting.
  9. Since both use the same mail address? If both PC's use the same email address/account, you should see all your emails on both exactly the same. For whatever reason you want to send an email to yourself, you can do on either PC and you will see it on both. Example: If abc123 (at) email dot com is your email address, if you send an email from that address to the same address, both PC's will show the same. (or, have I misunderstood your question?)
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