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Everything posted by ravip

  1. 'Honor Killing' Yikes, never realized this type of horror existed on this planet today, and that to be done by parents?
  2. Sometimes, I've noticed that images posted disappear and is replaced by the following. Is this due to a mistake of the OP?
  3. Why do so many Thai prostitutes marry their customers? - Men deprived of women and women deprived of wealth.
  4. TBH we all are the same
  5. Absolutely not. It's just that Apple products are over priced and restrict the user into its own eco-system. Its perfect as a show-off item, but is useless in day-to-day use for someone who likes to 'tinker' with tech stuff.
  6. What would I gain with click bait? Thank you for your opinion and don't waste your precious time by trying to argue. Have fun!
  7. No human can match your imagination. Certainly not me. Please you win, I lose. Lets not waste anymore time.
  8. That's the title of the video. REALLY, HONESTLY is it that ominous? A heading that would really scare people? OK. Lets say you are correct. I don't want to waste any time arguing. Thank you.
  9. Some people know every single thing about every subject that exist in this world and beyond. With that vast knowledge in hand, they tend to look down on others and find fault with every thing under the sun. As a simple layman, I learnt something from this, hence I decided to share it. That's it!
  10. Envious? Majority of the Apple users think they are a cut above others, just for the simple reason that the Apple stuff is expensive! I wouldn't touch an Apple with a barge pole even if given free!
  11. Absolutely right. Exactly what one should do in a public forum - not interested, just ignore and carry on.
  12. Please do educate us more regarding this.
  13. For what? Extra dough to dump?
  14. Here are some tips for Windows users who may find them useful.
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