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Everything posted by ravip

  1. An Indian went to a dentist in U S A for tooth extraction and first enquired about cost. Dentist said 1200 $, the Indian thought it was too much. After some thought, he asked about cheaper methods. The dentist said, Yes, it can be done without anesthesia and will cost only 300$,but it would be very very painful. Indian said OK Dr, do it without anesthesia. The dentist removed the tooth without anesthesia and during the entire procedure the Indian sat quietly, even smiling a little. The dentist was not only surprised, but was quite impressed and said I have never seen such a brave patient like you. I don't even want my fees, instead, take this 500$ as a reward, you've taught me such a powerful lesson today about mastering one's pain and feelings !!! In the evening he met his fellow dentists and told everyone about his amazing Indian patient. Out of all doctors, one doctor jumped up and shouted that Indian first came to me, I gave him anesthesia and asked him to wait outside for half an hour ! After half an hour when I called him he had left !
  2. Thank you all for your responses. I picked up a SIM from Vodaphone at their outlet in Melbourne CBD. The connection and connectivity was fine, except in some areas at Clyde North. Just wanted a SIM for one month only, so all is fine. Next time, I would choose Telstra.
  3. What would a "new quality EV" look like according to your opinion?
  4. Reading through... it seems some people are stuck with a negative mental condition. They find it absolutely Impossible to see a good side of a situation. Most of them will not even dream of doing a good deed like this. Sad, but true.
  5. A verbal-fight between husband and wife *WIFE* _I wrote your name on sand,_ _it got washed..._ _I wrote your name in air,_ _it was blown away..._ _Then, I wrote your name in my heart & got a Heart Attack!_ πŸ™„ *HUSBAND* _God saw me hungry,_ _he created pizza._ _He saw me thirsty,_ _he created Pepsi._ _He saw me in the dark,_ _he created light._ _He saw me without problems, he created YOU!_ 😏 *WIFE* _Twinkle twinkle little star._ _You should know what you are._ _And once you know what you are,_ _Mental hospital is not so far!_ 🀨 *HUSBAND* _The rain makes all things beautiful._ _The grass and flowers too._ _If rain makes all things beautiful,_ _Why doesn't it rain on you?_ πŸ™„ *WIFE* _Roses are red; Violets are blue;_ _Monkeys like you should be kept in zoo._ 😠 *Husband* _Don't feel so angry_ _you will find me there too_ _Not in a cage but laughing at you!_ πŸ₯΄
  6. - [🦜 ] I think I am becoming a social vegan….*I am avoiding meets.* - [🦜] I accidentally sprayed my Axe deodorant in my mouth. Now when I talk, I have a weird *axe scent*. - [🦜] I am thinking of having my ashes stored in a glass urn. *Remains to be seen* - [🦜] What do you call a bedpan in Russia? A *Poo-tin* - [🦜] 6:30 is the best time on the clock. *Hands down.* - [🦜] What does a house wear? *Address* - [🦜] My brother has been trying to make my neighbour wear his hearing aid. *He just won’t listen*
  7. Thank you very much. Got one from Vodafone the next day. πŸ™
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