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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Please accept my sincere apologies for causing you and 3 others such deep distress by posting a repeat. Pray, show me the post I repeated, as of now I failed finding it. As for the repeat of my own post (double post), I assure you all it was not done intentionally - sometimes this happens (I think) when the internet speed is slow. If I noticed it at that time, I definitely would have deleted it. Once again, my sincere apologies for causing distress to yours sensitive feelings.
  2. Exploiting the weak minded... not difficult in Thailand and anywhere else on this planet. (I am not sure about the aliens, though)
  3. " 99% of Thai drivers are selfish" How long was the duration of your study? How many millions of Thai drivers did you sample? Please show us the statistics - if not, it's ALL BS as many other accusations.
  4. Are those things in operation anywhere on this planet?
  5. I wish all countries would do this - but I know its only a dream!
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