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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Probably the first man to debate with 2 women and win.
  2. Notifications not working properly - With the new Forum version the problem was solved.
  3. Good to hear it worked for you. Yes I too think we cannot place an exe here. For me it was installed by default. Found it by doing a search on the Task Bar search button. Normally, there should not be an issue getting it from the MS Store - but sometimes Virus scanners, Firewalls, VPN's etc create issues.
  4. Above is the current version. Was your installation successful? Virus scanners also may cause issues.
  5. This link works for me, even without signing in. I clicked the download button and it worked. But, as I already have it, I did not continue. By the way, use the search bar and do a search for PC Manager. It might be already installed by default, as mine was.
  6. Seems you are frequenting the wrong places.
  7. Every woman I've been with, that's quite a few, have treated me with respect, always, as I have done in return. No, I don't like the Master-Slave relationships that some people enjoy. To me, respect is not a thing that has to be shown off in public... it is just a way of life.
  8. This prediction is worth recording. Anyone for it?
  9. TBH Philipinas are wannabe Americans.
  10. I quite agree. Both are very poor countries with ladies who want out of their current predicament. Having said that, in the rich countries the rich ladies when they go, they take your fill in the blank and vanish!
  11. TBH I want my wife to make me feel like I am her husband - not a fancy king
  12. Oooops! Sorry. My bad.
  13. This curse of the noisy neighbor is an extremely sensitive subject. It is almost 100% guaranteed that if someone object, not only things might get worse, but he/she will have a life long enemy! This is the very reason that these morons carry on without a care in the world. Well, the only other thing on could do is to create a louder rumpus than him! - but how many of can resort to that? In the absence of the law, we are helpless IMHO. I am presently experiencing not only loud music, but over grown trees in close proximity to my house. Now I have decided to relocate (just after 2 years)!
  14. A simple example of “The pot calling the kettle black” Have a laugh and relax!
  15. Oh Dear, not been a US citizen I don't understand much of what's going on in US politics. My only wish is, whatever happens that the US will be a strong and good country not only for it's citizens, but for the entire world. I hope it will not destroy itself like some countries in Asia, Africa & the Middle East are presently doing. I was under the impression that corrupt politics were mostly limited to the undeveloped nations.
  16. I hope this will be of some interest to Windows 10 & 11 users. Microsoft just released a new version of PC Manager, the free tuning tool for optimizing Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems that competes with CCleaner. PC Manager 3.14 now allows you to view your internet speed on the desktop directly in the Windows taskbar. This means you can see how fast you’re surfing in real time, as reported by Window Latest, and you’re able to see both downstream and upstream speeds. Full Article
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