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Everything posted by ravip

  1. especially not in this country - who help me. Why on earth did you leave a country full of generous people and come to this country? An accident...???
  2. To be very honest, it is not stupidity. Some people are not familiar with certain things. e.g. computers, mobile phones and the involved data/voice/sms packages etc. After over 3 decades in the IT field and observing 100's of users, I realised this. But those people are experts in their own fields, of which I knew nothing about. So... stupidity is not in the equation.
  3. Sometimes I find it difficult to understand why Trump is ridiculed so much. He has achieved many things, most of us could only dream of. He entered politics - obviously to gain power, to add to his achievements/status. He has his own opinions, to which he is entitled - but, to which some people oppose, which is normal. BUT, why is this endless ridicule? Just would like to know...
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