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Everything posted by ravip

  1. You describe yourself so well... I guess you forgot to add arrogance.
  2. All airlines should employ Pilots from Aseannow. Seems they know best!
  3. Air traffic controllers do not RULE the sky. Pilots rule the sky. I don't think anyone 'rules' the sky, per se. in the airline business. Everyone has his part to do, and just one person slips, the entire aircraft is in danger. The ATC, Pilot, Engineer and even the the guy who pumps the fuel, plays a critical part in the entire airline safety scenario...IMHO
  4. A police officer pulls over a semi truck. He gets the usual license and registration, but hears strange noises coming from the trailer, so he decides to investigate. Inside, he finds 50 penguins. “Sir, why do you have 50 penguins in your truck?” The officer asks the driver “Well, they’re my friends, and we like to go on journeys together in my truck” the man replies “I’m sorry sir, but you can’t just own 50 penguins. I’m afraid you’re going to have to take them to the zoo” The man agrees and drives off. The next day the same cop pulls the truck over again, and once again hears strange noises in the trailer. He goes to check and finds the same 50 penguins. “I thought I told you to take these penguins to the zoo yesterday!” The cop angrily tells the driver “I did take them to the zoo! They loved it! Today we’re going to the beach”
  5. VID-20241028-WA0040.mp4
  6. I just tried my rarely used Yahoo account. Yes, it did send a verification code to my normal email.
  7. This is a graph showing money gone 'belly up'
  8. The worst part of this is the flight. They are aboard every single aircraft that up in the air!
  9. Double counting the corners at the start as each corner contributes to 2 lanes each. At the end there is only 1 nut in the corners so this double contribution ceases.
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