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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Thank you. So your info is authentic. No Thai pilots in the international arena. I believe you. Thank you for the info and please do keep us updated
  2. Are you involved in the international aviation Business? Where did you source your information, please?
  3. Yes, you are very correct.
  4. This is true regarding many nationalities, reading through AN.
  5. Yes. My literacy rate is very much lower than yours. You are brilliant. Relax. Face saved.
  6. Okay you are right. Relax. Face saved.
  7. Just listen for 1 minute from 53:35
  8. Are you comparing driving licences with pilots licences? REALLY?
  9. I did NOT say there are fake pilots in Thailand. But they exist in this world. There are instances where the FAA has mentioned about it . Add Subject was foreign pilots FYI
  10. Sorry, I missed that in the article. Does methamphetamine induce hallucination?
  11. Internet speed is the rate at which data is transferred, while bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can be sent over the internet at any given time: Internet speed The speed at which data is transferred between a user's device and the internet. It's measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). Bandwidth The maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time. It's measured in gigahertz (GHz) or bits per second (Bps). Bandwidth is like the width of a highway, while speed is like the speed limit. The wider the highway, the more traffic it can handle. Similarly, a wider bandwidth means more data can be transmitted at once. Which affect the most please? - Both will effect the speed. Example, for HD video, gaming, etc you will need a higher bandwidth. Other than on a leased line, most internet connections are shared between users. Hence the reduction of speed during peak hours. https://lightyear.ai/blogs/internet-speed-vs-bandwidth
  12. Newbies too need to start somewhere, isn't it? All airlines have a method of integrating newbies into the system. What's dangerous is the genuineness of the Pilots licence. Yes! Apparently there are some 'fake' pilots around!
  13. Yes, we are sold faster and faster speeds, but that does not guarantee we get that max speed always. Here they explain some factors regarding your question. I hope it is of some use.
  14. Yes, of course.
  15. On AN one has to get used for the occasional tripe that comes your way. Slowly but surely, I am getting immune to it. If you notice, some members past-time is to call others names and throwing insults - they even enjoy ganging up to enjoy their past-time!
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