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Everything posted by ravip

  1. There are some guides here. I hope you can find something useful here. Obviously, you will need someone fluent in English/Thai to do this.
  2. Thank you! This is the first time an Apple user responded like this. The basic users feels intimidated when questioned as they don't know how to respond - so their only wayout are insults and the like. In fact, I wanted to buy the iPhone 11, just to try out - but the responses from the users I inquired from, put me off totally!
  3. Okay, let's say it in another way - the Apple eco-system (sounds very hiso ????)
  4. "... didn't want anything to do with a western woman" I think this is where many make the mistake - ALL western women cannot be bad and ALL Thai women cannot be good. When a guy says, I don't want anything to do with XXX women, would he be successful with YYY women? Problem is really NOT on the female side IMHO
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