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Posts posted by nakachalet

  1. just not understand i sore it on the tv. i cannot find anything about it on the internet. not even on channel 7 page. if it ain' out in the next local paper. then u can deleted this post or suspend it. though i wasn't on drugs or drunk when i sore that news thing. have to wait.

    C is for Chang

    not C is for the other thing that people call me when they are angry. normally about 99 % of the time :D

    thought they'd say--KWAI FARANG (farang water-buffalo).... :D

    did not mean it as a thai insult.... to mean someone who is slow in doing something, or someone who is thick upstairs.... ok? :)

  2. ima....

    i am surprised and puzzled....

    what did you do on board to render you so overly exhausted on arrival....? :D

    on the contrary, i always arrived lax, sfo, nyc.... refreshed and ready to go.... :D

    but then perhaps.... you could have been way more 'senior' chronologically than myself.... :)

    and boston is really only a stone throw away.... :D:D

  3. Siang Dee Mahk,

    There is 24 hour coverage of the Red "Rage"..... Go to or google TVU website and download the program to watch it (amongst many other channels).

    The question should be asked of all is WHY there is almost ZERO audio coverage of of the protests on ALL the Thai channels covering the event....

    Is someone afraid the rest of Thailand (not watching or listening to the ACTUAL protests) will have a different opinion of the voices during the protests?

    you are absolutely incorrect

    in believing and stating


    YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BLINDED SIDED.... in not hearing the background noises.... nor seeing the oriental body expressions....

    the noises.... the nonsensical noises.... the blaring noises.... and the incomprehensible noises.... the shouting of dissolving the parliament noises....

    particularly the cheering and jeering noises....

    and especially the sneering noises, the hand gestures of going away and getting out of here.... by the local merchants along the sideroads....

    perhaps, many could not see the aforementioned.... because most farangs are not trained to observe all these expressions and gestures....

    ABOUT 80% of what was said on the stand on p-channel was absolute half-truth from day 1 to day 8.... a very sorry state of redshirt affairs....

    more specifically, the thai word--PRAI has three meanings.... the last of which means traitors....

    which after day 7, the leader behind the scene--tuksin caught on the negative implication and the resultant damages already done to his own nightly videolink and his redshirts' full of holes oratory....

    subsequently, the redshirt leaders, if you noticed, never mentioned that word again on stage today.... or perhaps, it could be that my ears were full of wax....

    for what it is worth.... NopePaDont--tuksin's legal advisor.... stated to the press that he represents tuksin who wants PM apisit to grant an absolute pardon to his boss, as a PRE-condition of negotiation.... just imagine that.... :)

    this can happen only in thailand.... in other pacificrims countries like malaysia, s'pore, taiwan or japan.... the crooked politicians including senators et al.... would all be thrown out of the parliament....

    but we all need to be a little more patient.... holding our breath a little longer.... waiting for thailand to mature a little further along.... and hopefully.... in our life time.... :D


    thx and thx again

    your dialogue and recapitulation helps to remind me of how much good the current thais are enjoying and should be grateful for....

    particularly, the open commercial competition among the less opportuned sectors of thailand.... which before were controlled entirely by tuksin's associates.... before if one wanted to enter into any sort of bidding.... the unwritten rule was agreeing to a 30% commission to be paid to the tuksin's associates.... including to his estranged former wife--kunying port-ja-marn.... it is such a disgrace.... and the chin-na-wat family called it reasonable commission to the organizers.... spit.... spit.... spit.... :)

    The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


    Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

    it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

    languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

    In the best of all possible worlds.

    Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?

    Well for me, I am happy to have a PM that spends time sellign Thailand to the world, and a team getting on with things without the PR.

    crop insurance scheme - the biggest change to rural Thailand in 10 years I think

    stabilised financial markets and staved off recession in Thailand - fact - Thailand's business sector had a great 3rd/4th quarter 2009 - that's the engine for Thailand

    adherring to the will and desire of the constitution to improve rural rights without bending to big business- map da put

    promoting and supporting free media without government interference

    handling political protests in a responsible way and an open door for red shirts to meet, to talk to protest

    improved govt departments management - particularly that infrastructure projects are moving forward including roading, water,

    a healthcare system that now works

    balls to open the Saudi blue diamond affair with an aim to getting 200,000+ Isaan workers access to that market again

    responsible tourism

    creative economy -building economic strength into the economy

    BOI - strong FDI still coming despite the Map Ta Put issue

    cancelling Thai elite scamcard

    no stupid PR trips - reality TV etc

    A successful ASEAN summit eventually

    Good presentation worldwide addressing Thailand's image and selling Thailand

    No stupid reality TV shows, cooking shows, supersticious mumbo jumbo

    What i didn't like were the giveaways - crass and stupid. But they probably injected needed cash into the economy

    I don't think he's done a good job in the south....yet. But the mess inherited from TRT won't be easy to fix

    I don't like that he hasn't pushed to prosecute Jathamas former TAT governor

    OK, let's see your list. What good did PPP do in their 1 year of power prior to this?

    As for support of the red shirts in Bangkok, I think more than anything it's fatigue. Some of us have jobs and work. All these dumb protests (as they are perceived) about pointless junk (as it is perceived) interfere with our earnings.

    Look at the MPs elected in the last election. And the list vote for PPP vs. Dems. I think you'll find red shirt support far lower than that. Having Arisaman and these twits talking about coming with petrol, faeces and plans to block traffic.....there's not a lot of love in BKK for red shirts.

  5. the catholic church is within the campus of DA-ROO-NO-THAI SCHOOL located in town.

    it is about 4 min. ride from rail station.

    father JOHN used to be the head there.

    normal regular hour service.

    or if you have time on sunday, you can visit TRANG CHRISTIAN CHURCH which is also about 4 min from rail station.

    on its campus, there is a historical catholic church next to the main church bldg.

    you can see it on google map.

    if you have time, send me an email. perhaps we can have lunch, if you like.

    best regards

    naka chalet

  6. wife stepped on one also in an upstairs bathroom....

    she was hospitalized and received i.v. for the night....

    if you want to.... spray around the base of the room with ants insecticide to get rid of these TAR-KARP

    or spray directly on them.... to exterminate.... ooooouch

    My experience is that they like to hide under garden pots and sand/dirt bags on the outside.

    I'm in a new house and have not seen any in the house.

    The wife freaks out when she sees on and the only thing that kills them is to run over them with your car.

    She confirms that they can give a very painful sting or bite.

    Spraying them with roach or ant spray just makes them mad and they move fast with all those scorpion like legs.

    Don't wear flip-flops if you are planning to to battle with one. Full body cover is better.

    Tried to use one of those mosquito electric swatters. There was a loud pop but it got away.


    i guarantee that if you spray directly on any of them, which i have had done several times since, the size of 6 to 8 inch long--red, brown or black colored, initially they would try to escape....

    you need to keep on spraying on them, better yet just spray and cover the whole body, :D

    in a minute or two.... they will stop squirming completely and CHAI-YO, CHAI-YO, CHAI-YO....

    your lovely wife will proclaim you the greatest deliverer in her life time.... :)

  7. if any of us who has p-channel....

    you would have heard from (general?) SAE-DANG, the guy that was arrested for hoarding war weapons as his personal possessions....

    he claimed that he spoke in behalf of tuksin....

    he proclaimed that the three current core-redshirts leaders have failed miserably TWICE already within a year....

    the core-leaders have had no vision, they led the redshirts on day by day.... redshirts would continue to fail.... it is better for the redshirts to go home right away for now.... and regroup....

    by may 1, when military processes were being reprocessed.... many soldiers would be away.... that would be the most opportune time.... to attack....

    the time for victory surely is not now....


    he claimed that if he were to lead the redshirts, he needs only three days to revolutionalize the country.... yes, he said--in three days!

    he said that the first day, his followers would seize the parliament....

    the second day.... he would abolish the new constitution and would usher in the old constitution where loopholes are aplenty....

    the third day.... he would invite tuksin back to lead thailand.... and it will be payback big time....


    when he and his close aides were arrested.... his aides were locked up in cells.... but this general dressed in full military uniform.... were isolated on a second floor room with occasional freedom walking downstairs to talk and visit with his aides....

    from what can be gathered.... this figure surely has some peculiar personality that authority in that police station appeared to cut him lots of slack....

    SAE-DAENG is now out on bail.... and is making lots of noises....

    and brothers and sisters.... he said that at the moment....

    he is just waiting for the confirmation from all the core leaders of redshirt around the country.... to sack the no good current core-leaders who fail twice to lead redshirts to victory.... and what would the current core leaders do now that letting blood drip attempt fails to bring down the apisit and the parliament.... would the three core-leaders set themselves on fire.... in another hopeless new attempt to bring down apisit and the um-mart....?

    he said.... he is just waiting for redshirt to regroup.... and appoint him as the new one and only one redshirt leader.... who will revolutionize thailand in three days.... as outlined above to the tele viewers around 4 pm today (tuesday, thailand time)....

    now bro and sis.... that is really truly frightening indeed....

  8. Something that a lot of news sources failed to mention, is that there are a large amount of 'non-red-shirts' on the streets that are cheering on the red shirts:

    (or 'terrorists' as some of you are calling them)


    great pix....


    many might cheer the marchers on and on, by the sidewalk.... but ask any of them to shed a sweat.... that would be another story.... LOL


    last night (tues) around 9 pm, at the p-channel, one of the speakers was shouting--

    there were over a million of us redshirts gathering here.... we could not fail....

    the police force was on our side now.... everyone around the world saw that today.... not even one policeman lifted the finger against us today as we confronted them face to face for many hours....

    the soldiers were on our side now also.... we marched and confronted them all day, everybody around the world saw that too.... and they allowed us, the redshirts, to do anything we wanted.... they even allowed us to pour blood on their buildings and on their walls....

    brothers and sisters.... apisit will have to resign tomorrow.... victory will be ours at last....

    by tomorrow.... parliament will be dissolved for sure....

    our leaders and many brothers and sisters have shed their blood today.... to guarantee our victory tomorrow....

    and i was told, even bigger crowd than this.... is being organized around the country at this very moment....

    they are coming to join us in bangkok to get rid of apisit and the um-mart.... they will arrive tomorrow to help us reclaim our democracy....

    let's stay on.... let's fight on.... for tomorrow the victory will be ours, i guarantee....

  9. Yes, the beginning of discussions between Abhisit and Veera is a good start as well as the Northern visit.

    -It is time to face the real problems particularly the increasing gap between rural and citadin populations due to a fast growing industry

    -It is time to re-think the future of the thai agriculture, its modernisation, the investments which have -also to be done in this sector. How to associate nearly half of the population to progress

    - it is time to revise the Educational system at two speeds: Bangkok and the rest of the Country. Good luck...

    They certainly have to think about the future of Thai agriculture, if the Reds decide to launch an insurgency campaign in Issan and the North and the insurgents in the South decide to deepen their own campaign the investment in Thailand would dry up so fast it would once again become an agrarian economy.

    perhaps, you really need to read up and study up on the distinction between problems facing the thai nation--the northeastern and the south....

    they are truly mutually exclusive.... to quote someone

  10. if any of you have access to a tv.... tues; 16:09 bkk time....

    the redshirts are announcing their plan to march to the parliament....

    claiming.... to pour their blood on the distanced narrow road leading to the parliament....

    it appears at this moment.... there were only some 50 thous redshirt army left standing....

    many others left earlier claiming they were not compensated as promised by the leaders who

    always claimed that the money is coming.... and tht by night fall after the phone-in everyone would be rewarded....

    but that they did not think tuksin would be coming back to help them any time soon....

  11. Not a worry about short numbers, more a sign of relief.

    The Red ReBranding™ has been somewhat effective for outside consumption,

    but like Steve said, until the blood thing. May work somewhat north of Kohn Kaen,

    but for the world press it's just blindingly stupid.

    Ad hominum attacks abound, but don't sink good arguments UG.

    Sorry your dog don't hunt.

    contrary to world opinion....

    the three leaders.... now including the fourth--dr wang or MOR-VANG.... (prisoner tuksin's close family friend and a major supporter) all believed that....

    the idea of letting blood flow.... was their best idea ever....

    to show to the parliament and the world at large that.... they are serious about seizing power and the returning of power to the people....

    AND jatuporn boldly stated today, tuesday, on p-channel.... THAT THE CLOSURE WILL HAPPEN WITHIN SEVEN DAYS.... but he fails to elaborate if he and other leaders intend to close shop in seven days.... :)

  12. "clever slogan and marketing."

    Not one major newspaper that I have seen mentioned anything negative about the number of protesters or anything at all about a million men. Only a few obsessed nut cases on Thai Visa with nothing else to whine about are talking about it. :D

    ulyssess g.,

    i just hate it.... having to disagree with you on the number--1 mil

    on last thursday evening, i was glued to the p-chanel listening in on the j-leader

    he repeated the damning.... which also his self-hanging number, the 1mil, repeatedly....

    he shouted into the mike.... there would be more than 1 mil of redshirts pouring in to join us here in bkk, from all over thailand....

    his two sidekicks, 2 ladies, were supporting him trying to figure out how many vehicles it would take to accommodate the 1mil upcoming marchers....

    three of them agreed on stage that.... it would take around 100,000 pickups....

    so j-leader went on to announce on air that.... there will be over 100,000 pickups coming to join us....

    brothers and sisters.... we will be victorious.... victorious at last.... and we will bring closure on pm apisit by noon tomorrow....

    by then i was threatened by my own family members.... to cease and desist.... or else....

    there were other 16 family members who were waiting in turn to watch their regular soap opera.... and there was only one 12 inch tv in my thatched hut.... furthermore, there were four other neighboring households who were waiting to watch the program also, through the 4 windows of my hut.... :)

  13. all entreprenuers need to remember....

    the best time and the most appropriate time to go for a loan, large or small, is when you really do not need it....

    that is when the financial institutions will most likely grant all your wishes....

    we always structure our loan 3 to 5 yrs down the road.... while our current cash reserve is full of cash and need absolutely no outside financial assistance....

    that is when we approach a few banks for possible consolidation finance....

    our record is 100% success so far.... knock on wood

    in reference to poster.... the most important thing that you fail to tell us on thaivisa is.... ??????

    you mentioned that your company grosses 1 to 2 mil a month which is great for most people....

    but what really is your net net net.... after all expenses....

    AND THAT IS THE QUESTION.... my friend :):D:D

  14. Its scientific name is Bombax ceiba, its Thai name is งิ้ว งิ้วแดง


    Wow! thanks a lot for that. I looked it up on Google and it gave me lots of information about the tree. It supposedly has medicinal purposes and the nectar in the flowers is sweet. Each flower only lasts a day.


    don't u be too happy and excited about this tree....

    most thais as well as chinese.... believe that

    if u r a polygamist or adulterous, which i am confident u all are not the slightest....,

    when u die.... u'll have to climb this tree.... up and down.... up and down.... forever.... :D

    the thais most frequently refer to extramarital affairs in this context as.... K-UEARN (climb) TORN (stem) GNEW (gnew-tree) -ขิ้นต้นงิ้ว

    so y'll had better not be messing around any longer.... alright? :) L O L


    There aren't that number around but several websites have photographs of some monks:


    I did see a series of photos with a bigger group (probably over 100), but cannot find these now. This may involve the group that marched into Bangkok from about 40 kms north.

    obviously, u r posting some historical past events.... the monks and many other appearing in your post surely looked very much like those found among previous redshirts gatherings....

    try not to mislead thaivisa members.... many here are easily misled as is....

    did you or did you not notice that.... THE SAME MONK APPEARED IN 11 DIFFERENT PICTURES.... :D

    i won't argue with you concerning SEEING IS BELIEVING.... :D

    but then what you are seeing.... and what is there to be seen.... is another equally important question....

    furthermore, my heart also goes out to those coming from the northeaster provinces.... believing in attaining democracy.... but do not understand what democracy is....

    most coming to bkk with hope and dream.... that they are helping other brothers and sisters toward a more democratic society where people will be more equalled....




    imho.... most of these northeastern marchers do not really care.... much less understand.... what corruption consequences among their local representatives are chocking off whatever funds coming to their own villages....

    most are very happy to receive 500 baht handout.... when in actually they should be receiving 1,000s instead.... had their own representatives not been lining up their own pockets.... IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY....

    for all practical purposes.... these marchers should be fed, clothed and medicated and sent home HAPPY....

    people in bkk and other more affluent regions are really not heartless.... as their pitifully corrupted leaders make their counterparts appear to be....

    the reeducating process is really not that easy.... but the tasks of turning northeastern provinces into something equally productive agriculturally.... is even more difficult....

    let's not throw stones at them.... but bless them, feed them.... and cheer their efforts trying to liberate thailand from UM-MARD GOVT.... whatever that may mean to them....

    but.... considering the many thaivisa posts from northern and northeastern upcountry.... there are many farangs who are on their own helping to advance and to upgrade the agricultural methodologies and related life styles....

    BRAVO.... to each one of you.... :):D:D

  16. Has Thaksin phoned in yet? Maybe he forget to bring a recharger that works in Montenegro.

    yes, the very old looking and very exhausted old young man phoned in....

    his 6 star hotel room looked very bare....

    the furniture in his room looked very much like the 800 baht a piece stuff....

    the curtain looked like from walmart or big c quality....

    the vase in his room looked very much like something used in 999 hotel....

    he said that he needed to put on a sweater because it was very cold in european country....

    yes, he was timely informed that many redshirts from isaan have already been driving back to isaan....

    but he encouraged every redshirt to stay and fight on....

    he encouraged his former friends and political alliances to switch side now.... before it is too late....

    he encouraged top brass in biz and military to leave their posts to protest against the current govt for its inability to govern....

    he promised that when true democracy being handed back to the people.... the redshirt supporters would not be forgotten.... and that

    they will be in the fore to be rewarded amply, more than they can ever imagine....

    he encouraged the redshirts to stay and fight on until the victory is won.... however long, however difficult and however damning....

    the redshirts must win.... they must win at long last, regardless of circumstances....

    and he promised to be right behind them every step of the way.... to reclaim the former glory for the farmers and the poors....

    he would be awaiting good news from the redshirts.... in europe.... with his family members closed by, all accounted for....

    and he wished the redshirts--victory.... and victory at all cost.... and victory at long last....

    and redshirts must seize victory as soon as possible at whatever cost.... so true democracy may be restored to the people....


    well, i was speechless and benumbed for a long time.... before i could recapitulate the above in bits and pieces....

    believe what you may....

    but the male escaped from thai justice prisoner appears to have aged considerably.... he appeared to look like 65 in his video....

  17. hi suriyaj

    come on now....

    why r u getting so bended out off shape like this.... huh?

    everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion right....? that was what they taught me in philosophy 101....

    many in here have very strong opinion on certain subjects.... because of their personal past experiences.... and we all have to respect that.... but we do not need to subscribe to what is said.... because our own personal life experiences might be even far more different from theirs....

    we all can agree.... to disagree.... right?

    as a matter of principles and principals.... we all is much better off.... having more friends than enemies.... right?

    what i am trying to say is.... pls do not get too serious about what is said on thaivisa here.... alright? this is an open forum.... an equal opportunity to express ideas for all.... like when you are enjoying your 100 usd buffett at caesar place in vegas.... you have the rights to choose what pleases you the most.... see what i mean, friend....

    just hope you would enjoy the abundancy of varieties and choices.... rather than fixate on one discolored bunch of grapes from timbucktoo.... lol


    u seemed to have misread and misinterpreted the intent of the referenced post....

    I was referring to these comments...


    I can see now that making demeaning comments about Thai people is the norm in this forum, doubtless this make the members feel clever. Thanks to anonymity no one has to take responsibility for what they say on the Internet, but I invite you to try discussing this openly with other people in real life. I'd rather discuss politics face-to-face with real people who wish to exchange informed viewpoints. I hope your use of this Internet forum allows you to feel superior.

    Have fun.

  18. I am going to begin cyber-twatting people who contune to use terms like "elitist farang" or "yellow farang"

    I think that the yellows are dicks, I also think that Thaksin is a dick. The two are not mutually exclusive.


    now you have all my first year algebra students totally confused....

    do you really really mean to say that the two are unlike and not the same....

    or are you trying to explain that the two are similar in some ways and dissimilar in others....

    and therefore do you mean that they are mutually exclusive because they similar because they are alike....

    or do you mean to say that they are not mutually exclusive.... because they are dissimilar and that they are not the same.... :):D L O L ha ha ha

    thx moonrakers, sir.... i felt much better now after enduring such a boiling and boring days watching redshirts.... chanting YOOP SA-PAR, YOOP SA-PAR.... but that they do not know nor be able to explain what the SA-PAR is.... at times, i really feel cheated.... on their behalves.... truly.

  19. suriyaJ

    u seemed to have misread and misinterpreted the intent of the referenced post....

    but weather in bkk is rather hot and humid....

    temperature will rise and fall very quickly at the spur of the moment.... so to speak....

    but suriyaj.... did u watch the section of the video that showed how marchers from a certain village in isaan.... were packing PLA-LAR (smelly fish mixed) in small

    plastic bags....? the villagers said.... so they could throw them at the pm when they got to bkk....

    at a time like this.... one should only recall a few decades back in mainland china.... when farmers were re-educated and retrained by the commies to march on the cities and to attempt to annihilate other classes.... should they be blessed or should they be properly redressed....?

    and how about these farmers in thailand....? should they be allowed to do what their no good self-centered leaders told them to do....?

  20. My worry is that they disperse to cause thousands of little conflagrations all across the city.

    Groups of 50-100 causing dozens or hundreds of disturbances, could then bring out local opposition,

    as much as army overload, and like at Dindaeng last year, street confrontations happening all over

    would be anarchy. A prime definition of the word actually.

    Not much of a way to stop it,

    other than the shear numbers of Bangkokians resenting the intrusion to their lives

    and taking matters into their own hands.

    It is an insane tactic and those who put it into motion should not be given quarter by the authorities.

    This is not a way to democracy, but just the INVERSE of Democracy.

    I drove behing a truck full of red shirts this morning in Nontraburi.

    They got many cheers as they drove.

    I have a feeling there is more rooted support than would like to be admitted by some in authority.

    Songkran many Bangkok workers will return to their hometowns.

    For many in Bangkok their roots are in the home town and Bangkok is viewed only as a way to make money and send it home.

    The spin doctors paint a very bad picture of the reds.

    The average Thai in the middle ground will easily change sides depending how this plays out over the next 24 hours.

    These are the key people to all this and both sides know it.

    Just happy no violence and almost a party like feeling.

    if i may wise you up a little, those in the middle ground are mostly educated and better informed sector of society.... to expect this sector to switch to condon and support corruption in higher offices.... and to accept a convict such as tuksin as a leader.... appears to be a pipe dream....

    but at least one out of several student leaders, on his own personal opinion, saying that the students should support the movement.... which immediately was challenged by another female student leader proclaiming that he should state that.... that was his personal opinion and that was not the council's opinion nor the council's decision.... which that student admitted that.... it was only his personal sympathetic view and it was not the students federation of thailand's....

    anyway, you should not assume that most thais in the middle would support the redshirt.... but the facts from younder years appeared that this middle sector most probably would support PRO DEMOCRACY govt.... which is in alignment with love and respect for the throne....

    on the other hand, i would also be slow to condemn many marchers from northern and northeastern provinces.... they do and act the same ways that they do back home.... many did not realize that in a more civilized provinces, such as bangkok and many other provinces.... people are more civil and the way of life in larger cities are much more complicated....

    many as i watched on live tv, did not have a clue as to how to conduct themselves and how to behave in a cosmo city.... it is like inviting them to a sit down dinner.... i'd to laugh out loud.... what a scene that would be.... to convict them when they truly do not have a clue of what they are expected to do.... would not be just and fair and prudent either, don't you agree?

    almost practically every one of those redshirts from isaan.... kept on shouting ' yup sapar' meaning--dissolve parliament.... but when asked by reporters--yup sapar ar-rai? meaning--dissolving what parliament? no one could explain.... what nor where the parliament is....

    would you be able to out of your clear consciencious convict these group of agriculturalists, even though what they did, was clearly a violation of existing laws, rules and regulations....? or should the govt focus more on leveling with those extremely selfish and self centered.... and self-proclaimed leaders of true democracy.... instead....?

    as i stated before numerous times.... if and when a new election is scheduled.... these pathetic isaan population will commit the same mistake over and over again.... because that is all these sectors know.... to go along and vote for those corrupted and convicted local representatives.... but for the more informed sector.... and particularly farangs, corrupted and convicted officials surely would not be albe to represent us....

    as i and other watched the live video, listened in to english and thai commentary.... i truly have great and grave concerns for PM ApeeSit and his govt.... their honored guests are dancing to different tunes and worst of all, they are bringing in their own musical instruments.... to set up a duet competition with bangkok symphony.... :)

  21. Just blame Taksin for this, just like for everything else. What kind of news story is this?? Of course there is going to be individual cases of violence. There was violence during the yellow shirt protests as well, everyone knows this. Why does this website seem to keep generating news write-ups that portray a narrow view of events related to politics in Thailand?


    ahhhh haaaaa....

    u really should thank thaivisa website like this, my friend....

    do u know that without thaivisa website like this.... and the opportunity it provides for each individual almost equal chance to voice his/her opinion regardless of how ridiculous whatever one wishes to express....

    the former soldiers who are having a good time roaming the good old soil of thailand.... probably would go zonkka and get their big heads together and so something according to their whimsicalities....

    i for one, even though some moderators dislike what i challenged them to do or not to do once in a while...., am grateful for the opportunity to also voice my opinion and concerns.... and many times--even to make fun of my country men and women.... and most importantly to make fun of my own self.... LOL

    for your info.... the views expressed in most forum are anything but narrow.... just look at the number of posters who have been banned from posting.... LOL

    as for you, perhaps.... you really should enrich and widen your sight, sound, sense, logic and experiences just a tiny bit.... just so you would be on par with many of us.... LOL who probably were fighting our own imaginary world wars.... even before your wonderful conception.... :) ooopss.... i do meant it to be comical.... not detrimental.... alright? :D

    most importantly, i do respect your post and uphold your individual differences.... and i do wish you would grant other posters similar tolerance.... alright friend? <especially in a difficult time such as what we are going through at the moment.... every farang loves a fair fight but loathes.... if someone starts biting and chewing on his lessor opponant's earlop.... <unless u r a farang of some means.... u probably won't fathom this univerally famous comical reference created by the once upon a time the almighty mike tyson....> LOL :D:D

  22. it has never been like this before....

    that each redshirt leader would try to make oneself more informed and more important than the others....

    each one has his own wishes and agenda to fulfill.... irrespective of the majority followers' wishes and directions....

    if and when their violence becomes unbearable to the general public.... the redshirts would have no choice but to retreat for the final curtain....

    back to where they come from....

    but judging from the past, most of the less informed northeasterners would still vote for the same old, same old bunch of forged tonuge politicians....

    and we will be back to square one again....


    Right now Al Jazeera is running a story......one red shirt leaders said they will stay one day, one week, one month or even one year until they get what they want. I am paraphrasing.

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