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Posts posted by nakachalet

  1. well.... gents....

    there it goes....

    if you, your friends, your sons, your sons' friends.... are looking for lovely thai ladies....

    go to chiengmai.... :)

    lovely and beautiful thai ladies.... they all live up there in chiengmai.... :D

    and they all decked out in red for the occasion.... :D

  2. liar....


    may his sar-rong (thai wraparound clothes worn by males to to cover lower partsof body, and

    worn by females to cover upper and lower parts of body--before, during or after showing....or

    worn to market to show off, some pricey sar-rongs cost a few thousand baht--handmade from java indonesia....)....

    may all his sarongs.... BE ON FIRE forever.... :)

  3. Make him pay the taxes on the gain on the sale of his shares and a 20%? penalty for weaseling out of it. Taking all of the family's wealth earned during the time he was in office without a calculation and connection to specific issues is just too much, smells of dirty politics and doesn't allow for any settlement and healing over the issues.

    It's really unfathomable given the courts multi hour delivery of the verdict, how he walked away with any money at all. They proved damages well in excess of the monies frozen, but then seize only a fraction. It reeks of a "finessed" verdict and of course everyone knows appeasement policies always blow up in your face.

    incidentally, there are numerous other civil as well as criminal suits docketed in numerous court houses awaiting adjudication and disposition against tuksin....

    no that is not the end of his insurmountable legal and persnal trouble as yet.... he stands to lose plenty more in the future.

    unless of course he could come back to power and appoint at gun point certain sympathetic judgetices to sit on the bench....

    that is apparently a very important reason why the dissolution of the parliament must be immediate and total....

  4. when you come to thailand, you won't know what thailand is really like.... unless and until you come to the southern part of thailand....

    in southern parts of thailand, you will see and experience thailand of some 20 years of ago....

    full of hospitality and good food.... uncrowded and inexpensive....

    several of us live around trang for several years now....

    there are beautiful beaches and numerous islands and spots for skin diving and scuba as well....

    the price is around 1/3 of what tourists are paying if they are in phuket, pattaya or samui....

    if you have a couple of days unfilled.... send me an email at nakachalet at gmail dot com, i'll send you some pix so you can decide for yourself....

    as far as safety is concerned.... we have been around here for over a decade now.... and we have substantial investment around here too...so we know it is pretty safe around these provinces.... however, if you go further south to yala, pattani or narrathivart.... where many of our relatives are still there doing brisk businesses.... it is rather risky for tourists to travel to those very southern parts....

    have a wonderful trip to thailand.... and keep all your valuables close to your chest.... ok?

    sorry everyone.... i can not delete errors.... shame on me and thaivisa webmasters..... :D

    I will arrive Bangkok on 3/April.

    Do you think that will be safe to stay 2/3 days in Bangkok?

    I want to walk arround the Grand Palace and surrounding areas!

    Or do you think that i should go to Phuket, Krabi, etc, right after i arrive Bangkok?

    thanks in advance


    from Portugal

    Dan, Bangkok is HUGE 15 million person at least.

    There are so many places for people to go and see things,

    reds can't be in all of them.

    Get into town, chill out a bit, ask a tourist agent what's happening that day,

    they should know, and just do something in another direction.

    A bit of common sense and awareness and you should have no issues.

    My country only have like 10 million!!! :)

    My city only 20.000... :D

    My plans are:

    3/April Grande Palace and temples

    4/April Floating Market and some other places

    5/April Ayutuyha

    6/7 April Sukhothai

    ........ beaches (Phuket, Krabi...)

    and return to Bangkok on 15/April for 2 more days.

    But still missing a week, so until then thing can be better and quietter !!!

    Please please please do not worry a single moment.....just get yourself here,,,be polite,,,say please , say thank you,(when appropriate) dont worry about anyone but you and you having a good time..if you do that with grace and compassion and respect you will never have a worry in the world here.

  5. lannarebirth

    i sought thairath but could not find jatupon's comment....

    could u be more specific.... thx

    Anyone have a translation of the Jakropob Penkair speech reported about in todays Thai Rath? From what I can gather he says Abhisit is legitimate and the Red people suffer from their leaders, of whom he had little good to say.


  6. I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't electe


    have u been in thailand long?

    if pm aphisit is not elected.... why are those senators siding with the reds and former pres who also is currently a convicted but escaped male convict permitting this gentleman educated in england to stand on the leadership podium day after day as the govt leader and as a priminister....?

    just how do u think apisit got to be pm....?

    did u or did u not realize that.... it was in that parliamentary chamber where the majority of the senators voted for him to lead the country?

    and where were those senators come from....?

    you got it.... the senators were duly elected by the people to represent them.....

    these elected senators in turn within the chamber elect apisit....

    only a moronic soul.... would argue that apisit is not duly elected to be the current pm....

    Here's a thread that explains and discusses this issue.


    THX MUCH for your research which chronologically explained the logic for many of us on thaivisa, who still may or may not be in agreement with you or with your post. :D

    but thx much again, anotherpeter.... :)


    during the past six decades, there had not been a supreme court in thailand history which is allowed a free hand and feet.... to decide and judge according to the laws of the land.

    Which laws were ignored in this ruling?

    The court spent hours reading the decision explaining their reasoning and why they made the decision they did. You will note not even Thaksin's family are claiming there has been an error in how the law was interpreted, only that the judges made the wrong decision as to who controlled the fortune.

    I would think if the judges weren't allowed "judge according to the laws of the land" Thanksin would be beating that drum every chance he got, and he hasn't been. His argument has been A) He wasn't in control of the fortune and :D Other people in Thailand are corrupt and they got away with it, its a double standard to hold him accountable to the law.

    PERHAPS you misunderstood what was stated....

    during the reign of gen pra-part jar-ru-sa-tien, gen pow see-yar-non, general sar-rit tha-na-rudd and general tha-nom kit-ti-ka-gorn et al.... the justice systems were very different.... those priministers were the minigods.... injustice permeated to every branch of govt agencies including every branches of judiciary as well....

    the meaning of justice is what the head of the state decided it is.... we knew.... because we were in the middle of it all....

    fortunately, those days were here and gone.... forever....

    then came this jester.... in power for almost 2 terms.... again permeating justice system with personal selfish interest for himself and his cronies....

    many years ago, esaan was poor.... but then it was like frog living in a well.... seeing and thinking that the sky was a circle.... because that was what it could see from the bottom of the well....

    during tuksin's self enrichment years.... how did he eradicate proverty.... or did he....? HE HAS ALMOST 7 YEARS TO SHOW HIS TRUE INTEREST IN RELIEVING ESAAN ....

    NOW TUKSIN AGAIN IS SAYING THRU VIDEOLINK that .... when he returns.... everyone will have fat chicken to eat everyday.... every pocket will be full with cash....

    there will be no more poor farmers in thailand....

    he had done his personal best already 3 times in seeking royal pardon thru three different avenues; thru his lawyers team, thru priminister office and to secretary of the royal palace.... but nobody cares to grant him absolute and total pardon.... so he may return and spend the rest of his life in peace in thailand--his only mother land that he loves and cares....!!!!


    and have no fear.... i'll treat everyone the same.... there is no vengence in my heart.... i only want what is best for thailand....



  8. I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't electe


    have u been in thailand long?

    if pm aphisit is not elected.... why are those senators siding with the reds and former pres who also is currently a convicted but escaped male convict permitting this gentleman educated in england to stand on the leadership podium day after day as the govt leader and as a priminister....?

    just how do u think apisit got to be pm....?

    did u or did u not realize that.... it was in that parliamentary chamber where the majority of the senators voted for him to lead the country?

    and where were those senators come from....?

    you got it.... the senators were duly elected by the people to represent them.....

    these elected senators in turn within the chamber elect apisit....

    only a moronic soul.... would argue that apisit is not duly elected to be the current pm....

  9. during the past six decades, there had not been a supreme court in thailand history which is allowed a free hand and feet.... to decide and judge according to the laws of the land.

    and after having read some of the reasons behind the decision rendered.... tuksin was fortunate to even be allowed to have some of his corrupted fortune returned to him....

    had there not been because of only ONE SYMPATHETIC JUSTICE who dissented.... the male prisoner escapee named tuksin.... would have ended up with zippo, nothing....

    REALISTICALLY, JUST HOW MUCH WOULD A MAN NEED.... to live a life of leisure....?

    many farangs are happy and content like larks living their lives out around pacificrims.... with just 3,000 usd a month in interest received.... without having to ever tough the invested capitals...

    in retrospective, how much do we really need.... to live a decent life....?

  10. I thought the Supreme Court is final rule of law

    I guess this is Thailand nothing is for certain. Following the law, breaking the law, etc etc. everything that is convenient is left open and soon so on

    the supreme ct ruling is final for sure..

    this panel is stuck it won't let me delete....

    tis jokers file to the same court for appeal citing new evidence....

  11. pretty soon people in bkk will rise up on their own.... to protect their rights and properties....

    Or Not. The Silent Majority likes to stay silent/avoid involvment/let someone else to all the work.

    hi pib

    do not wish to contradict your statement which generally is quite correct....

    but.... as of yesterday, thai news sources stated that there were now over 1,200 individual independent community groups who publicly stated in writing.... that they would take to the street to protect their rights, their customers' rights.... if and when redshirts cause disturbances in and around their businesses or community....

    it was sort of a joint UNPRECIDENTED communicate that...

    redshirts' previous harrassment of bystanders and others who do not want to support their tuksin cause.... will not be again tolerated around their communities....

    and as of friday night.... the redshirt 3 core leaders decided against parading around bkk on saturday as originally planed.... for fear of....

    in spite of the fact that redshirted senators were also cursing, proclaiming and touting redshirt followers to stay and continue their equality and democracy fight til the end....

    but alas.... their words and efforts were just that.... powerful words that can not fill their followers' hunger.... malicious words that can not enrich most redshirts lives nor futures....

    the gathering crowd used to number into 80,000 strong.... can now be counted only in less than 1 thousand standing in front of the podium this friday afternoon....

    the redshirts were told, also by doctor weng that.... reinforcement from esaan is coming in ten of thousands.... on saturday.... the reinforcement will supercede and double their previous numbers....

    it is now already saturday 2 am.... we'll see again....

    if the redshirt core leader, jatupon's and dr weng's latest proclaimed deadline..... and tuksin's past ten-day videolink--imploring upon his faithful redshirt followers to just stay on for another ten days....

    then victory will be theirs.... will become a reality this time around... or will it become just another.... dead.... line.... :D

    personally, i feel very sad and feel extremely sympathetic toward the majority of the north and northeastern RURAL redshirts and redshirt democracy seekers.... who have been grossly misled by powerful words and pecuniary gains.... to have left their humble home for equality and democracy struggle.... WITHOUT BEING TOLD THE FACT AND WITHOUT KNOWING THAT

    they have been used as sacrificial pawns.... by different parties to achieve another means to an end.... which has nothing to do with seeking equality nor democracy....

    on the contrary, they are being used in a very poorly planned scheme to bring back into power, an escapee convict and shameless traitor, a male prisoner--tuksin

    but altimately.... as if that is not quite enough.... considering tuksin's expressive videolinks.... treason and abolishing current heierchy.... appears to be his final goal.... :)


  12. A few years ago, I was able to go to the embassy and actually was able to talk to and get information from competent embassy employees. The last time I went, I was NOT able to talk to anyone. I was told that I would have to buy a PIN online to be able to talk to someone who could help me. I live more than 600 kilometers from Bangkok so it's not like walking across the street.

    I went back home and paid $20 online for a PIN. I made my call and the guy I talked to didn't know his ass from his elbow. I was informed that since I had paid for a PIN I could make an appointment. Trying to explain that I needed information before making an appointment was like talking to a rock.

    I have been criticized for posting about the deficiencies that exist at the US Embassy but since the service does stink, it is the truth. My last two emails to them were NOT answered, not even the computer generated canned answers that I used to get.

    i do not work for the embassy.... but during last few months, there were or there were not serveal complaints on u.s. govt charging her citizen right and left and all over....?

    after having read her website.... i somehow concluded that the only way to get some important written doc is thru making appointment thru her online service, with the exception of emergency then one is directed to call citizen services or something like that....

    i have been in and out of wireless road more than 15 times during the last 12 months or so.... always making appt thru online service.... and was never encountering any difficulty....

    suddenly there were several individuals complaining....

    well, i'll be visiting wireless road office again in a few short weeks.... and i shall have first hand experience to post then.... :)

  13. 'buying a pin number".... what is that about?

    do we need to BUY a number to access our embassy in bkk....?

    went there numerous times.... mostly monthly....

    making appt on line always....

    but never seeing any mssg about buying a pin number....!

    W O W ....

    A bit off topic, but the PIN # is for VISAs, NOT for the ACS, American Ciitizen Services section. An appointment may be helpful if there's a hoard of walk-in when you happen to go, folks with appointments don't have to Q up.




    In order to serve you better, the American Citizen Services section uses an appointment system for all non-emergency services to include notarials, passport services, and registering a child as an American citizen (Consular Report of Birth Abroad.) We will continue to provide emergency services on an as needed basis. Please note: We do not allow walk-in customers to register a child as an American citizen. You must have an appointment for this service.

    Appointments can be made online by clicking here. PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to book appointments over the phone. You must use the online system to schedule an appointment with American Citizen Services.

    If you have an appointment, when you arrive at our waiting room, there is no need to take a number, just check-in at Window A and give our staff a copy of your appointment confirmation printout. We continue to accept walk-ins for all services except registering a child as an American citizen, but give priority to those who made appointments online.

    The purpose of the appointment system is to cut wait times for services and allow us to provide you with better service as demand for our services continues to grow.

    thx much for verifying.... am beginning to develop cold sweat.... reading about pin in conjunction with our embassy services....

    that kind of things happens in some locations involving chinese embassy.... :)

    W H E W....

  14. I sure hope it doesn't get there. I've been kinda targeting 25 as a worse case budget

    around 1960 the exchange rate was around 22 baht to 1.00 usd....

    and the thai leaders were boasting that they would strengthen the baht to be on par with the usd, dollar for dollar and dollar for baht on equal value term....

    at the time philippine peso was also on par with the usd, which was one peso to one usd....

    with hind sight.... it was fortunate that those revolutionaries and priministers: PHOW, PRA-PART, THA-NORM and SE-RE.... were not successful in their manipulation....

    would the baht sink to 22 again....?

    personally, i do not think so.... there are just too many very smart thai-chinese business groups nowadays which would rather have weak bath than strong thai currency to showcase thailand....

    around 30 baht to 1 usd is about most thai export company powerhouses would tolerate because of regional competitiveness....

    but then again.... who am i to venture to say so.... an old irrational fool at best.... :)

  15. My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

    She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

    For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

    Then, she would seem (considering the videos showing the 2000 baht payments to all the numerous protesters) to be VERY unique!

    The official media take everything out of context.

    Those payments were for fuel expenses per group.

    Most money comes from the numerous donations of people who cannot go themselves and from the sale of shirts and other objects.

    Once again, look at People's Television and hear how many ordinary people donate small amounts, most often roi baht (THB 100).

    excuse me agin friend....

    the people-channel three evenings ago just claimed that....

    a koon-jing (a hiso status lady) just donated some 12 mil and that was the source of money that some redshirts were dispensing....

    TO COMPENSATE AND REFUND for various drivers and pickup trucks owners seeking democracy.... but who otherwise would not have sufficient funds to come to the rally....

    and now you are saying that those redshirted core leaders on the podium were lying to the redshirt attending the rally along the heavenly bridge....about that souce of funds?

    that koon-jing would be very mad, if she learns that some redshirts misappropriated her entrusted funds for other personal reasons....

    who can we believe now....?

  16. Hi (again) Heng,

    I think you have family members in the gold industry in Thailand. Is any of the gold they sell in those shops 99.99%?

    On this website I see http://www.thaigold.info/th/

    99.99% 17,400 Baht

    But I am not interested in purchasing gold on paper, only in the physical form. Do you know anywhere to buy bars?

    am not remotely related to heng.... LOL

    but YES, many gold shops along jaow-wa-rard district do sell physical gold at 99.99% purity.... which differs from thai pure gold at 92% purity....

    but you do have to ask the managers for that 99.99% purity gold available in different weights and forms....

    also do remember the asking price is a little above normal posted gold price....

    and buy only from recognized and established gold shops.... otherwise, you might get 999.99 purity only on the top layer...

    but why not wait a little longer.... it might be a little cheaper too.... <my estimation is purely personal and is not intended to encourage or discourage anyone to risk their savings buying or selling gold or any other commodity.... if you wish to trade gold.... better consult several licensed brokers.... at your own risks.... yes, this is an absolute and total disclaimer of any personal responsibility and liability....> ahh sooo :)

  17. I ask my physiotherapist what he made about 3 years ago. He was a recent graduate first year working and his salary was 500,000 a year.

    That's pretty shocking to me. I know that doctor's salaries are more reasonable here, but I still didn't think it would be that low. Here's my question...if even the doctors don't make an outrageous amount of money, what do all the filthy rich Thais do for work? :D

    your question appears to be a direct contradiction....

    why do bloody rich people have to work....?

    my mom in law plays majong all day and on some weekends plays all night....

    when her friends and/or relatives come to visit from overseas or china....

    they paly TUNG-SIEVW.... meaning play around the clock....

    now that is life.... according to her.... :D

    and would you like to know what is on the table each game which takes about 45 min or an hour to finish....?

    the ante could be as high as 5,000 usd.... each round.... depending on if it is.... gee-more.... meaning drawing the last corresponding tile from the central pile yourself.... which you would collect double your money from other players.... darn.... :D

    and according to her.... that is hard work, son.... :)

    and.... here is my platinum amex .... take my twin grand children to disney.... :D

  18. I am now retired, but when I worked as a "locum" anaesthetist at Bumrungrad and others (private) I was on just over 10,000 baht per DAY. But I had to pay all my flight expenses and my agency cut and my hotel etc. It was not as profitable as it sounds but it was extremely agreeable work and, of course, instigated my addiction to Thailand. I will never regret this.

    May be that is why the doctors sometimes so unnecessary work, or rush you do things even if they are unethical in west to make extra money

    WHAT IS your real name buddie....? :D

    and what is your soc sec no.....? :D

    and where do u live in thailand...? :D

    just so when u r admitted to one of our satellite hospitals.... we shall give u special farang treatment.... :)

    come on.... thai doctors study and work really hard.... my mom only made about 900thous.... in spite of the fact that she could easily make 10 times as much in cook county hospital or john hopkins or ucla....

    but then you would not get as much at loma linda university hospital.... but there.... is an exceptional hospital with exceptionally dedicated and devoted physicians et al....

    if you are ever really, really, really sick.... God forbid.... give loma linda a chance....

  19. I reckon that if I was a Muslim Extremist in southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula and my goal was secession from Thailand and the Islamification if SE Asia I would have been stashing explosives around Bangkok for the last 6 months just waiting for a moment like this. To incite civil war amongst the Buddhist ruling elite and country folk would be an ideal way to push their agenda for separation and to bring the southern population over to their way of thinking. I'm not saying this is the case but it seems that a lot of munitions and arms have gone "missing" from southern barracks over the last few years and not a lot of people are really talking about the possibility of a "third force"....

    Excellent point and one missed by many contributors to this forum.

    The political battle engulfing Thailand is not just a battle between red and yellow. Its between red, yellow and camouflaged - the colours of the Islamic extremists.

    Everyone leaps to the same conclusion if there's a bomb scare or outrage somewhere in the capital and assume its down to the red shirts. The Islamists have had their own agenda for decades and its very much in their interests to keep the political temperature at boiling point.

    Its not as if they have no previous in the use of explosives.


    the politics in the capital city is hot and sizzling enough....

    let's keep the other religious group out of this please, i beg you all....

    the ratio of redshirts as was posted elsewhere.... is only 1 to 600 or so.... meaning.... there is only one red shirt to some 600 plus others who are not redshirts....

    in reference to the south.... there are many many peaceful islamic populations who are loyal to thailand.... and i salute them.... but as we all know....

    it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole basket....

    please be considerate.... thank you y'all.... :)

  20. My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

    She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

    For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

    dick farang

    so what are you saying about your thai wife....?

    she is going to bkk rally next wkend.... ?

    did you see the real red shirt and red heart ladies.... having their heads shaved-balled to the skull....?

    DID YOU SEE THE NEWS TODAY AT 4:00 PM BKK TIME.... thousands of redshirts piling on pickups heading north....

    they said they are going home to see their families and members.... there at least they can eat regularly....

    AND redshirts coming from the north to replace the redshirt deserters.... according to roadside observers.... are only numbered in several hundreds at best....

    IF YOUR WIFE IS NOT RECEIVING ANY RENUMERATION one way or the other.... i'd say.... you and your wife are very much short changed.... :)

    if i were you.... i won't be too proud to boast about her devotion to a collective bodies of some 100,000 boasting to represent the 60,000,000 thai people....

    perhaps, you already firgured it out that the ratio of redshirt and its supporters is.... dramatically disporportionate.... 1 to 600 meaning....

    where there is 1 redshirt.... there... there are 600 non-red....

    perhaps you can ask your lovely thai wife to also wear a yellow ribbon around her hair.... i for one would love to spot her in the front row.... to cheer her on....

    well, come to think of it.... if she really wants to show her loyalty to the redshirts who champion for tuksin.... and have her head shaved....

    then she won't be able to wear a yellow ribbon on her head....

    at any rate.... if it is you and yours desire to represent a convicted male escapee named tuksin....

    you folks surely have the same democratic rights to do whatever you please....

    just make sure that whatever your wife does would not infringe upon your neighbors' democratic rights either.... K?

    the 4:30 news stated that there are now about 190 groups of private citizen expressed themselves in written declaration that....

    if the redshirts continue to disrupt their business places.... disrupting their customers' conveniences.... disrupting their children's schools and education....

    they will.... get this.... they will take to the street to stop redshirts' aggression on their own, even without govt, police nor military assistance....

    it seems like.... the very silent and patient larger part of citizentry in bangkok has finally spoken out loud.... not for the redshirts as most core leaders would hope to hear....

    we hope there is still time for all concerned parties to negotiate for a graceful face-saving retreat.... but thai politics will never be the same from now onwards....

    dick, you really should ask your wife to wait a week or two.... or to wait til after saturday, the 27.... to travel to bkk to join the redshirts' victory march.... if any....?

    i'll also be in bkk.... on the sunday, the 28.... to observe the obvious....

  21. No, BigC isn't mad, he's "menthol" :D

    i thought the poster is rather honest, sweet, down to earth....

    he is very likeable, though he writes as he sees fit....

    which constitutes about 15% of students in the u.s., who are often referred to by their teachers as L.D. which i definitely have many similar characteristics...., and which definitively does not also mean Libido Dysfunction.... :)

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