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Posts posted by nakachalet

  1. ///

    Here is another place where you can post some accurate VDO as well:

    Watch Red Shirts

    Please Mods, fell free to delete this post if you think that is not following ThaiVisa rules.

    good reference an excellent source of current affairs of the reds showing their true nature and intention of their demonstration which their leaders claimed to be totally nonviolent....

    and if there is any violence, it would be those unknown third party who caused the problem....

    jatuporn himself proclaimed that on the interview podium televised by the red station called people station....

    everyone should tape into that source to see for themselves .....

    I agree about it being a very good reference on that link. Thanks for posting that, lazygourmet

    It has this classic reference that is just as pertinent and accurate today as when it was posted the last time this same sort of "thing" happened.

    The particular bit at 2:15 always makes me laugh with his vocal inflections although his bumbling and stumbling about throughout it are astounding

    thx a mil for your ref post.... while tuksin was in power, i was in and out of thailand and was not fully appraised of details during that particular period....

    now after having the opportunity to watch and listen to several opinion from experts.... the gaps have now been filled enabling me to understand why tuksin has been reacting and behaving like the way he most recently did....

    it wises me up quite a bit.... helping me to realize even more that absolute power corrupts.... most if not all.... and

    that interests of the nation should supercede personal favouritism.... thx again for your post, you'al

  2. If we're going to be fair and balanced about the red shirts violence here's the Thai security forces showing their " crowd control " techniques.

    i am quite surprised, MCA, that you missed the beginning of the clip....

    which showed the crowd were throwing objects into group of officers.... and more....

    would you expect the officers protecting the premise to just take it on their chins....?

    the arrested individuals were ordered in thai to lay down.... several times.... norn-roung.... but apparently did not follow orders....

    however, kicking a person several times should really not be condoned either.... yellow red or black....

  3. Here is another place where you can post some accurate VDO as well:

    Watch Red Shirts

    Please Mods, fell free to delete this post if you think that is not following ThaiVisa rules.

    good reference an excellent source of current affairs of the reds showing their true nature and intention of their demonstration which their leaders claimed to be totally nonviolent....

    and if there is any violence, it would be those unknown third party who caused the problem....

    jatuporn himself proclaimed that on the interview podium televised by the red station called people station....

    everyone should tape into that source to see for themselves .....

    and then decide for themselves.... whether redshirts should receive our support or not.... or even our sympathy....

  4. Boats mobilised to transport red shirts from Ayutthaya

    The red shirts from Ayutthaya will travel by more than 100 boats prying the Chao Phya to join the mass rally on Sunday, Pheu Thai MP Surachet Chaikosol said on Thursday.

    An advance team will start arriving in Bangkok on Saturday but the main procession of long-tail boats and barges will begin the following day, he said.

    The red shirts plan to their landing at Ta Phra Chan pier, he said. The pier is located next to Siriraj Hospital where His Majesty the King is staying.


    -- The Nation 2010-03-11


    there are plenty of dreamers even in crises....

    many choose to believe that they can repeat what they did during the last violent prone outing....

    let the dreamers keep on dreaming of their indestructable and invincible attitudes and arrogrance....

    as farangs, we'll just wait on the sideline....

    and see.... if their leaders including tuksin are as smart as their followers believe them to be....

    the las vegas wager is giving 30/70.... which in thai--it could be interpreted as....

    หมาเห่า ใบตองแห้ง meaning dogs are barking at swirling dry leaves....

    what does that really mean now.... anyone....?

    is there any taker in thailand....? :)

  5. vespaseeker

    while you are waiting for your phone to ring....

    why not pm me or send me an email....

    and you can help me upgrade my 20 rooms sort of residence....

    in exchange for absolutely excellent original thai food and free lodging....

    plus some thai baht for spending money....


  6. and who indeed is going to stop the mass of 99.99% thai populace from doing what they like and love.... which is....

    to love their king and queesn more than their own selves.... LOL

    to attempt to stop.... would be treason at the very least....

    which is your thai news source, by the way....pls?

    Anyone notice 7 and 8? Either the reds have lost it totally or the list is a damning bit of anti-red PR produced by one of their enemies. You pays yer money and takes yer choice. Wonder how widely circulated this is.

    Indeed that would lead to total mayhem.

    I doubt it is going to happen, such threats posted on Thai forums in recent weeks, there is a credible threat that the authorities can't afford to ignore. Thai news reported that no signings of best wishes for HRM would be allowed at the hospital during the period of the ISA.

  7. i would think the central bank made a wise decision in the face of uncertainty....

    to raise the interest rate at an uncertain time would be like killing the golden goose.....

    whereas to lower interest rate in trouble time like nowadays.... is likewise suicidal, to say the least....

    it appears since the lady who tried to impose 30% withholding on farangs' investment some time ago.... retired from her chair....

    most farangs would view thai economy as positively progressive.... and may she (thailand) continues and stays the course....

  8. why do non thai posters seem to be negative about the supporters of thaksin, like him or not these are ordinary people for whom the previous regime was of benefit so they like and support him and his policy.

    i really dont know if he was good or bad when compared to others but i do know that those wearing yellow shirts are anti democracy as they have stated so the question is, if the choice is to have a vote or not to have a vote, who would you vote for?


    if u really do not know which color stands for what....

    perhaps, u could stay tuned to the broadcast during the next few days.... and find out....

    then u could decide for yourself.... which group stands for peace and democracy.... and

    which group tries to stir up trouble and confusion and

    more importantly.... to create violence in the name of peace and democracy....

    pls come back and let's know what some of your reactions are.... ok?

  9. The increase, along with a new fee of $82 to add visa pages to passport books, could take effect within weeks after the required public-comment period on the proposal ends March 11.


    Nakachalet: You have posted "AT NO COST". Suggest you read again.


    that is exactly what it stated on page 3.... at no cost....

    but that was the response to the post that said.... the poster has several blank pages left (6?) and that, irrespectively, the staff at the visa section attached new pages to the passport free of charge.... which seemed altogether dubious and contrary to the established existing departmental policy.

    actually, it was quite alright if someone could get the service for free....

    but then i just wish to point out what was posted on the board in front of window 2 inside the embassy.... and

    what the printed policy stated.... i really do not wish to nor want to.... win a point or win an argument--am too old and senile already.... lol

    it is quite alright with me really.... whatever one wants to believe....

  10. did your own staff not explain further that....

    the loan is interest free.... and....

    the repayment is.... a life time loan,

    furthermore, everyone in the family is entitled....

    it is truly a super deal for all the northeast and northeasterners....

    farangs and bangkokians.... need not apply.... the boss said so.... :)

    and according to thai news channel this early morning around 5 am....

    many village heads were told to try to bring as many of their villagers to bkk....

    and if the funds is not there yet, they should pay their own way and keep all the receipts....

    and just as soon as the govt is removed and replaced, each villager would be repaid in full plus incentives....

    many poor villagers would believe with all their hearts and their souls.... just because.... poo-yai-baarn promised them that....

  11. .

    "prove it.... that you can get additional pages.... for free of charge"

    According to an Embassy official, he's correct - currently additional pages are free -- here are three examples of proposed increases:

    Extra pages added to your passport will go from zero now to $82.

    A Notary stamp will increase from $30 to $50

    New Passports will cost $135, and children $105.

    Any U.S. Citizen can express their opinions via eMail to the Government, until March 11

    Put RIN (1400-AC58) in the Subject line and address it to fees @ state.gov

    SurfRider and Mac

    may i ask.... which embassy official and at which location.... who gave you the official word that--currently additional pages are freee....

    he is definitely and absolulte quite incorrect....

    you all had better read for yourself what the official doc stated on page 3 of 6.... under EXTRA VISA PAGES....

    unless and until the following condition is fulfilled.... the additional pages are NOT FREE OF CHARGE.... and i quote--


    unless perhaps, you know someone in there who could provide you a free service.... that is great.... and i surely have no complaint.... but instead i am very happy that someone is able to receive free services from our consulate.... cheers

    (the above pages were download from the official site of the embassy.... in thailand)

  12. I have about 14 empty pages now. Is there a requirement to have a certain low number to get pages added? maybe I should get some now before the price change.

    Go ahead and give it a shot. I just got back from Wireless Road with my new pages inserted for FREE, had nine pages remaining but that wasn't even questioned.



    i call you a bluff....

    prove it.... that you can get additional pages.... for free of charge.....

    we are all ears.... not that we are envious or anything like that.... but that we all mighty curious just WHO attached those additional pages to your personal passport for free....

    thx in advance mac

  13. you would have no need to be concerned about farangs overcrowding these resort areas....

    these extremely pleasureable and relaxing areas are like pattaya or phuket of 30 years ago into the history....

    in trang itself, every evening you could feed yourself from literally hundred of food stalls in Central Point, right by the old police station and court house....

    the price is around 15 baht per selection....

    there is also a very popular pub called sha-ngaw ชะเงา which features live band for lunch and dinner.... and is usually pretty full with locals and price is very reasonable with NO cover charge.... the owners are sisters called pa-timm and pa-toi

    and as far as places to stay for the night, there are ranges from 250 baht to 500 baht range.... then the 1,200 baht at the highrise....


  14. Nakachalet---

    I don't see it the same way at all. I read through the precepts again tonight and can't find ANY that merely showing up in support of what a monk might reasonably consider "right" appears to violate.

    (I am not talking about the specifics of THIS situation but of standing up for human rights, compassion, etc!) They must be mindful of the actions and words etc but showing up seems not to be proscribed at all.


    since you've read certain buddha's precepts already....

    yome should have a very good understanding of the main teaching....

    which promotes peaceful coexisting between humans AS WELL AS between and among humans and animals....

    to act individually or collectively with the intention to malice and/or provoke anger, discontent or even disharmony between or among monks, nuns or among yomes themselves.... is strickly yomes' ways (not monk's or nun's way).... and definitely not originally included in buddha's teaching....

  15. JdInAsia, XangSumHua et al --

    the thai monks' duties, in general, include praying and instructing followers of the main teaching of buddha which inludes peace and mercy for all,

    including animals, even mosquitos which should not be swatted nor killed nor exterminated in any shape or form.... be it chemical or other means....

    for any monk or num to work himself/herself up to get involved in politics is already a violation of the principle of monkhood/nunhood....

    if and when any monk or nun feels any social injustice.... these robbed individuals could express their discontent verbally or in a written form without much emotion....

    to show disruptive emotion and provocative mood in public is not becoming of monkhood nor nunhood....

    if any monk or nun feels the personal need to express personal favor or personal involvement in political....

    there will be no one to deter or dissuade this invididual.... but then.... the yellow rob should be shed first, so as not to embarrass and disgrace the peaceful religion....

    even setting oneself ablazed.... is that individual's personal choice....

    but let it not be mistaken.... that is not within the sphere of budhda's teaching at all....

  16. it's a significant development, if the monks do join in the rally. They migh tip off the change not by numbers, but by giving a moral support to the cause.

    If the deputy PM is warning monks against participation, means that temples are really planning to be in Bangkok and warnings, like those, will make them even more determined to show their will.

    in reference to some minority monks joining the redshirt.... is really nothing to be alarmed by....

    two days ago, a middle aged monk was sacked from the temple for having sexual intercourse with teenage girls on premise....

    the majority of monks from what i knew were really not in favour of anything that includes public incitement....

    if the redshirt really has a viable social justifiable cause to change the couse of thailand future for the betterment of all concerned .... let them present their case and cause to the national university student body....

    if and when the student body decides to move one way or another.... that is the time to be concerned that.... changes are imminent....

    as for now.... from what i gathered.... more and more everyday citizens are learning more and more in depth and at length....

    that the sole purpose and intention of the redshirt movement.... is the restoration of tuksin.... it has nothing to do with the affairs of thailand at large....

    just about 2 hours ago, if you can read thai.... you can see numerous big signs carried by redshirt proclaiming....

    เรา รัก ทักษิณ -- we love tuxin....

    in my estimation.... as much as i love democracy.... i feel very sorry for the poor esan marchers.... who invested so much of their own life to follow leaders who are mostly arrogrant, self-fish, self-centered and self-interested....

    i just hope and pray like so many.... that the british education and influence on the PM.... and his current govt.... would stay on the side of mercy and tolerant.... even though shits might hit the fan.... is my humble prayer.

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