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Posts posted by nakachalet


    may i ask--just what is it that you agree with the redshirt demonstration....?

    you agree with what the core-leaders proclaimed on their podium....?

    you agree with their belief....?

    you agree with their cause....?

    you agree with their ability to move wherever they want to demonstrate....?

    you agree with their stand that other 'color-shirts' do not have their rights to disagree with redshirts....?


    and if you are from the u.s., you ought to know better what we often remind others that....


    encroching on others' constitutional rights.... is not a part of democracy.... this i believe is not taught enough in thai classrooms nor in public places.... freedomdude, you surely do remember some of these same and equal rights for everyone under democracy, don't you?

    I've been attending the Red Shirt rallys at Rajaprasong with my Thai wife and a couple of times with my daughter. I'm not wearing Red or cheering/clapping, but I'm adding another body to the crowd. I do support their cause. I may not be a Thai citizen, but I have an obvious interest in the future of this country since other factors have led to the necessity of my family living here. I'm not an idiot, I've stayed as well informed as possible over the past 4 years I've been here. Read the Bangkok Post, Herald Tribune, Economist, Thai journalist blogs.

    Anyone think I shouldn't be participating? I wholeheartedly disagree.

    if you have read about all things related to this saga you would realize that things can and often do turn ugly and many people have died before.

    if you value your life and your families life then take that into consideration next time you join the democracy crusade

    other wise you just might end up being another body on the slab


    make that 21 on the slab

  2. eagleflyinghigh and geovalin.... and

    friends and commoners.... alike and likewise.... :D

    who shall we bet on.... ? :D

    the redshirts champion of mixing 20% truth with 80% lies.... or

    the yellowshirts resurfacing to fight til the last man/woman.... for thailand and the chark-gri royal family.... or

    the gentleman apisit's ability to ride out the storm.... :):D


    in all seriousness.... eagle and geo.... you misinterpreted the situation completely.... the truth appears to be that ....

    the thai and chinese intellectuals will cite and side with the yellowshirts, but not with the redshirts who speak with forged tongue like the ancient whilte men.... LOL :D

    and they will give their life to protect every inch of thailand and uphold the royal family;

    but.... as for many local elected thai officials.... they are very much like willows.... blowing in the financial winds.... :D:D

    as a matter of fact, i just talked in person with former p.m. chuan this morning.... he appeared very confident that after the dust settled.... the court will find the CURRENT DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not guilty.... :D

    Far more impressive, noble and respectable than the yellow shirts who are rich and from next door.

    Anyway, more and more Bangkokians become Reds in the sois (at least in my Chatuchak area).


    Time for revolution is more than ripe. If it could be peaceful like a slow but massive landslide it would be perfect.

    One thing is clear: The rotten establishment must and will go. The simple Thais became more educated and are not willing anymore to be the slaves of a bunch of 100 000 people or so of the elite.

    More intellectuals and even government officials will change side. //deleted//

  3. for those who are saying or believing that the redshirts are only seeking democracy and they have nothing to do with the escaped prisoner tuksin....

    during the last video link, the escaped prisoner tuksin is promising every death redshirt a 100,000 bath donation to the family....

    and thru another thai financial newscast.... since the withdrawal of some 2 bil baht by tuksin's family....

    last week, a few days before last saturday mayhem.... some 200 mil has been dispatched to several isaan politicians....

    are the redshirts really fighting just for democracy and equality in class....?

    you be the judge....

  4. hi abrak

    have you actually and personally read an original THAI source that stated that the demo is destined to be dissolved....

    or have you personally heard from a primary thai news source having stated to that effect....

    i also have asked webfact, the originator of this news worthy column, to as soon as possible provide a primary thai news source....

    i could have missed the original thai news source during the last few politically convulsing days in thailand.... :D

    for what it is worth.... in thai news media.... it was reported that many politically active groups.... are already calling for the govt to replace general AnuPong PowChinDar--after he made the statement that....

    the current political turmoil and the video tape evidence showing several person dressed in black with red handkerchiefs protrudingand--carrying machine guns and m16...

    and shooting at both the soldiers under AnuPong and the redshirts--does not concern him nor his army....

    the video tape evidences were submitted by foreign correspondents incidentally.... :D:)

    one significant still photograph was captured by the now dead japanese journalist.... showing at least one person standing among redshirts and in front of him.... carrying an automatic rifle.... personally, it is remotely possible that because he witnessed and captured something which he should not.... could possibly led to his very untimely dead....

    with all due respect.... and my deepest condolence to his family members.... many investigative units would surely appreciate the crucial evidence that he captured....

    All seems like some remarkable coincidence to me.

    one thing, as I see it, was that the Democrats didn't want to hold and election until the constitution was changed. The current constitution was created by the military after the last coup and essentially undermines the democratic process through placing power with the judiciary and protecting the military. I don't believe any political party actually preferred it to the 1997 constitution and say the democrats only urged people to vote for it in order to get an election held.

    And with it Samak is banned for having a cooking program. TRT are dissolved, 125 MPs banned for 5 years but probably the most corrupt, Newin, seems to come back to become the key power player. Now Thailand's oldest, most respectable political party is to be dissolved for some donation made 5 years ago. Democracy is not being built it is being undermined.

    To me it is perfectly conceivable that the military and judiciary like the constitution just how it is. The army I am sure is not the least bit concerned about the reshuffle as they know whoever is in charge, and it may well be them, they will definitely be calling the shots.


    do you have a thai ORIGINAL source that stated that the democratic party has been destined to be dissolved....

    i never saw that in any thai media, neither did i hear any thai news source stated that the demo has been determined to have acted illegally....

    as of today which is thailand time Tuesday, 12:19 a.m.


    thx much, webfact

  6. just a couple of days ago, there were several suggestions in reference to relocating to the southern parts of thailand, such as....

    as far south as songkhla or trung

    with 20,000 baht a month, you and your dog would probably survive quite adequately....

    it is definitely not dangerous in trung nor in songkhla....


  7. narrathiward together with other most southernly provinces are surely not for most 95% of farangs....

    other than songkhla and hatyai, if you like neither....

    you could scout around another ancient town in thailand.... which is correctly pronouned as TRUNG, rather than trang which the early dutch tried to listen as closely as they could to the southern thai pronunciation of ตรัง (TRUNG, not trang as erroneously perceived and used til present time, sadly) ....

    anyway, trung is very friendly and is about 20 years behind bkk.... it is an ancient city of some 20 years ago....

    you can access andaman seashroes within about 30 min driving time....

    from there you have access to various diving and scuba activities, and various islands.... they are comparatively very inexpensive....

    there are plenty of fresh fruits around.... the local food is excellent and some are even exquisit....

    the governor's name is.... GOVERNOR MIGHTY.... he is very personable.... you can walk in and have a chat with him, really....

    the local people are very friendly and helpful.... the majority of people are proprietors of rubber plantations and palms farms....

    you will be very happy in trung, if you are not the party type.... there are a handful of farangs, with and without families, who have been living in trung for several years....

    when you come to visit, send me an email and i'll try to roundup a sort of welcoming gathering for you.... LOL :)

    and it is rather inexpensive to find lodging.... my email is nakachalet at gmail dot com

    CM is, at best, a dusty, polluted, congested and expensive city. Way too hot in the summer, and let's not even begin to talk about that smoke! That said, the people are friendly and there are many pleasant expats, and the surrounding countryside is beautiful. But, to consider moving to the Deep South and the Three Provinces means you must not only be tired of CM, but tired of living!!

    It is a very volatile region and best to keep away. Bombs are the least of the problems. The Separatists kill randomly with beheadings, machete attacks etc. almost daily. Most Muslims are NOT involved in the violence, but that would be of little comfort if you want to live without worry. There are, however, some areas in the south outside the Three Provinces (Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat) worth considering, but the furthest south to look is perhaps Songkhla Province, (where I live in a village).

    Hat Yai is the main city with many supermarkets, department stores etc, and that would be a good place to base yourself if you want to have a look around the area. The beach at Songkhla Town is pleasant enough, but nothing like the more usual Farang resorts as it caters to Thais. Prices are lower than CM. A house in my village was just rented for 1,200Baht/month, although you can expect to pay 20,000+ for a modern rental in a gated community.

    I think that throughout Thailand you will find the Thais are even more friendly, have even better manners, and are more hospitable where they have less exposure to Farang. – What's that saying?….Familiarity breeds contempt.

    I went cycling this evening and lost count of the number of people smiling, saying "sawatdee crap", "pai nai?" and even "Hello" and "where you live?" - but that's village life the world over I guess.

    Hope that helps a bit.


  8. moderators:

    is it possible to delete completely and totally from database....

    names and identities of all those entities claimed to have appeared on redshirts' stage and made comments....

    the thai declaration of the state of emergency does specifically state that foreigners appearing or supporting the unlawful gathering....

    will be deported....

    in spite of these entities' apparent stupidity.... we surely do hope that they do not participate in any gathering that the govt deems unlawful or illegal....

    friends.... use your big head.... please

  9. for a thai female travelling alone and if she is single and young might encounter some problem at the port of entry in hkg....

    many people there are quite myopic, many times they tend to assume the worst....

    likewise, many a time, they deserve a slap on their faces.... for being a doubting thomas....

    when asked by the immigration--WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR VISIT....?

    my young friends just loved to put them at their place.... by quietly showing them a neatly bundled brand new personal endorsement from president franklin.... :)

  10. i would never be able to imagine on my own....

    just for 10 baht.... a well heeled farang in thailand would do anything

    including crossing the street twice.... to recover the rolling coin and to crossover to report to the police....

    what a lucky guy.... LOL

  11. i would never be able to imagine on my own....

    just for 10 baht.... a well heeled farang in thailand would do anything

    including crossing the street twice.... to recover the rolling coin and to crossover to report to the police....

    what a lucky guy.... LOL

  12. 3,000 baht a month for rearing a child....?

    are you guys serious....?

    confound it... กดเ้่าสว เ้่าส

    that is not even enough to buy quality milk powder for a month....

    it is so very sad that you would treat your own child, boy or girl, in such a heartless way....

    baby formula is more expensive ounze by ounze when compared with adult meal....

    come on.... you surely can do better than that for a faultless new born....

    but if 70 euro or 100 usd a month.... is the best that you can spare.... the child and the caring family is accordingly blessed....

  13. 3,000 baht a month for rearing a child....?

    are you guys serious....?

    confound it... กดเ้่าสว เ้่าส

    that is not even enough to buy quality milk powder for a month....

    it is so very sad that you would treat your own child, boy or girl, in such a heartless way....

    baby formula is more expensive ounze by ounze when compared with adult meal....

    come on.... you surely can do better than that for a faultless new born....

    but if 70 euro or 100 usd a month.... is the best that you can spare.... the child and the caring family is accordingly blessed....

  14. hep b or c is very costly....

    a family member thru some inconsequential accident found out by surpirse that she has had hep c for over 14 yrs....

    the only possible explanation thru her medical record is.... thru blood transfusion during c section....

    it costs over 80,000 baht during the initial discovery phase....

    subsequently about 22,000 bath for each additional injection....

    the estimated cost for first initial 6 mos is around 800,000 baht....

    another medical related thing to ponder....

    it appears that ob/gyn in thailand prefers c section....



    but ultimately, you and yours are in the control seat.... most thai ladies do not know this.... they always follow what the doctors say.... which in this case, might not be the best alternative....

  15. it all depends on

    how large and huge

    and how infamous you aspire to become....

    espcially if you are a farang attempting to business fortune telling....

    if you are really serious.... you need to get in touch with the core leader of the redshirts named ja-tu-porn....

    i heard he is looking for a someone who is really good at foretelling redshirts future....

    especially as to when.... he is going to be entitled with mr. pm ja-tu-porn....

    sorry i can not give you his personal phone number.... it is against thaivisa rule.... but you can ask around the podium....

    rumour has it that he is willing to pay up to 100k for a soothing prediction that he can use on the podium to encourage his redshirts....

    and his boss will add on another 100k if you would go on stage and tell the gathering crowd which day or days during the songkran festival, would his boss be allowed to return and join his faithful supporters....

    give it a try.... and let's know how it goes.... ok? :):D

  16. a1falang

    there are many able translators who could efficiently translate eng to thai and vice versa.

    however to efficiently and effectively translate 'cultural aspect and implication', that particular translator needs to live and emerge oneself in the culture for a period of time to assimilate that particular culture sufficiently.... this particular type of translator is truly not easy to come by and is normally priced beyong academic qualification and certification....

    specifically, what kind of transaltion work do you need to be done, pls?


    dr naka

  17. totsagan

    you would advise your wife to use her u.s. passport, at u.s. immigrantion, upon re-entry to u.s. soil, won't you?

    from several previous posts, many thai nationals with duel citizenship, depart thailand with thai passport.... and

    use the other passport for re-entry into u.s..... without any reported problem....

    but then.... who knows.... if and when per chance your wife's name and/or her beauty happens to fit into immigrantion certain profile of the day....

    normal procedure and process could be suspended.... secondary examination might take place....

    that would be time consuming.... and your wife would miss her scheduled connecting flight for sure....

    we all have many rights in a civilized world.... but when we are airborned.... we try not to demand our rights too loudly to attract any undue attention.... either.... OK?

    most flight attendants are usually exhausted and quite easily frightened and scarred.... it is much better not to frighten them to render ourselves reportable.... even if when they refuse to bring us our fifth cup of icecream request.... :D:D

    well, many of us won't need to worry about all these.... since they would be flying in first.... where they'll be very well fed from the time they first settle in.... :):D

  18. This is a very difficult subject, and the Thai law doesn't seem to be clear on this point and that might be deliberate. Some will say you will lose your nationality, see the government on Thaksin for example, others will say it is allowed. One of our best informed members regarding Thai nationailty is Samran.


    and may i boldly ask....


    is samran, with all due respect, an immigration atty?.... an u.s. embassy staff?.... a personal friend....? .... a dual citizenship person?.... or is he all of the aforementioned....? :)

  19. we would have to change our thinking and reasoning a tiny bit.... :D

    think of it as the YUAN train....

    bringing everything imaginable to each and every country along its route..... :D

    YUAN for the middle east as well as far east and europe.... :D

    why would any politically incorrect or politically incorrect wanna be.... refuses or destroys freebies coming in various shapes and forms and colors.... :)

    well.... being blessed with freebies.... may i caution you.... is extremely habit forming to the nth degree.... :D

    and ultimately.... someone will have to pay for the freebies with all sorts of different thing.... including individual freedom and such.... :D

  20. fikway....

    that was it....!?

    that was the end of your story...?

    that was all you gonna do....?

    there was no police report....? NO, getting in touch with the admin....?

    NO NOTHING....?

    GEE....WEZZZ... sure like to have you as one of my regular customers.... :)

    why are you not pursuing and trying to recover....?

    come on.... you still have time.... the videotape is supposedly kept for 30 days....

    i have no reason to doubt the authenticity of your story.... only feel perplexed that you are not pursueing your 20k chumpchange.... :D

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