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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. An interesting 7-minute analysis by Greg Reese: DIANA, RITUAL SACRIFICE OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER https://www.brighteon.com/f35179de-13f8-4491-88de-058ce3e49da9
  2. The herbal ones don't contain any, and you can also get some on Lazada which are specifically labelled "fluoride-free".
  3. Here are more details on Sanger's take: Wikipedia co-founder claims site is influenced by FBI and CIA, ‘obviously biased’ toward the left Larry Sanger told Glenn Greenwald that it was discovered in 2008 that 'the CIA and FBI computers were used to edit Wikipedia.' https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/wikipedia-co-founder-claims-site-is-influenced-by-fbi-and-cia-obviously-biased-toward-the-left/
  4. It's actually not that many people. The vast majority of NASA employees have very compartmentalised tasks and don't actually go into space.
  5. I hope RFK is going to address this as he said he would.
  6. Massive plummeting of birth rates in every country in the world since 2022, what else is there to say?
  7. And Alex Jones wrecked it all by saying stupid things which tainted any valid questioning of the official story. He also did it with Pizzagate. Good thing I'm not a conspiracy theorist or I would think he is working for the enemy.
  8. Looks good. May I ask what you eat in a typical day? I asked a guy on another forum that question (he's been on a carnivore diet for 16 months) and this is what he said: 2 eggs, 2 big sausages/bacon for breakfast, steak for dinner. Chicken, omelette for snacks. Never hungry but so bored with this food. Removing the carbs removed the bulging belly. Removing the sugar flattened the fluctuating energy levels and now fall asleep in a few minutes, waking well rested because not amped up from excess sugar all day. Cravings are a thing. Food comas on cheat days are a thing. Energy levels are consistently good all day.
  9. And this is what Wikipedia's co-founder has to say about it: 'Nobody should trust Wikipedia,' its co-founder warns: Larry Sanger says site has been taken over by left-wing 'volunteers' who write off sources that don't fit their agenda as fake news https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9793263/Nobody-trust-Wikipedia-founder-Larry-Sanger-warns.html
  10. This contradicts your initial statement. Moving at the speed of science again, are we?
  11. Same here, but I know (or know of) a lot more than two.
  12. How is not getting vaccinated an act of selfishness if the consequences are only for oneself?
  13. The fact that the question is even asked says it all. Overton window shifting fast.
  14. If you're not willing/able to navigate the cultural differences, then yes, probably the best option.
  15. Yep, it's the first thing that came to my mind: something bothered her during the process and she doesn't want the job anymore. OP, this is normal Thai behaviour, it's more about massive culture differences than IQ.
  16. Could be any, that's the beauty of globalism.
  17. I did this and in Thailand, in my experience, the answer is yes. In France, however, it wasn't the case and my wife and I had to submit a joint declaration to the family court in order for me to be given parental rights. We never even knew this for years, until I went to renew my son's passport in France and they told me I had no rights, much to my astonishment. So your friend may want to check out the requirements in his own country in this respect, just out of anticipation for the future.
  18. Okay, so this means that some options are available for some sellers and not others, for reasons they don't control. I distinctly recall being able to pay with Kasikorn mobile banking for some items, and the option being unavailable for others (but other banks being available).
  19. It depends on the seller, some allow only certain banks for the mobile banking option, others none at all. As has been said above, the best is to just scan the QR Code.
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